
时间:2022-01-15 10:03:04

I'm in need of some expert JavaScript advice. I'm coding using Electron.


The issue: I'm trying to capture the value selected from the second of two dropdown lists and pass it back into a JavaScript file. The code below is ordered as it would run. The dropdown code is not shown as it is simply populated by the viewProvinces function below. The first dropdown's id is "country-select" while the second is "province-select".


In this case, a link is clicked in Index.html which calls the anonymous function in Data.js. The anonymous function calls viewProvinces that populates the parray/data variables from the anonymous function which produces the alert showing the value returned.

在这种情况下,在Index.html中单击一个链接,该链接调用Data.js中的匿名函数。匿名函数调用viewProvinces,它填充匿名函数的parray / data变量,该函数生成显示返回值的警报。

(FYI) viewProvinces also populates the second dropdown (id province-select) by filtering based on the values produced in the first dropdown (id country-select). For example, if Afghanistan is selected as a country in the first, then only provinces from Afghanistan are shown in the second.

(仅供参考)viewProvinces还通过基于第一个下拉列表中生成的值(id country-select)进行过滤来填充第二个下拉列表(id省选择)。例如,如果首先选择阿富汗作为国家,那么第二个国家只会显示阿富汗的省份。

Moving on, viewProvinces calls Provinces which is an array populated when it calls getProvinces after querying a SQLite database for the source data.


ViewProvinces, Provinces, and getProvinces all work correctly. The link and the anonymous function are the issue and technically work in that they produce a result, but not the correct result. When the link is clicked it produces "object Object". I believe I understand why it is doing this, though I am not skilled enough (yet) to know how to fix it. I do not know how to adjust the code so that it returns the actual value(s) selected from the second (provinces) dropdown.


Put simply, the data is gathered from a SQL query that populates a series of arrays that further populates the dropdown list. The value of this list, once selected, should be returned back to the source JavaScript file into a variable (it fails here).


Apologies if this sounds convoluted, but I'm trying to be thorough. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!!



<a id="test-select" href="#">test</a>


$( "#test-select" ).click(function(e) {
var parray = viewProvinces($("#country-select").val());
var data = $('#test-select').data(parray);


function viewProvinces(ccode) {
var viewPro = Provinces(function(results) {
    // Code only gets triggered when Provinces() calls return done(...); 
    var container = document.getElementById('province-select');
    var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
    results.filter(function(el) {
        return el.ccode === ccode;
    }).forEach(function(loc, index) {
        var opt = document.createElement('option');
        opt.textContent = loc.pname;
        opt.value = loc.pcode;


function Provinces(done) {
//Pull location values from data
return getProvinces(done);


function getProvinces(done) {
var sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose();
var file = 'db/locations.sqlite3';
var db = new sqlite3.Database(file);
var stmt = 'SELECT Country.CountryId, Country.CountryCode, Country.CountryName, Province.ProvinceName, Province.ProvinceCode FROM Province INNER JOIN Country ON Province.CountryId = Country.CountryId'
var larray = [];

db.all(stmt, function(err, rows) {
    //  This code only gets called when the database returns with a response.
    rows.forEach(function(row) {
            ccode: row.CountryCode,
            cname: row.CountryName,
            pname: row.ProvinceName,
            pcode: row.ProvinceCode
return done(larray);

1 个解决方案



I have tried to answer your question via a fiddle based on your code created here but I had some trouble understanding a couple of things in your code, so I might have missed something. The main change I made was to make the Provinces(function(results) {.. function return the array of filtered provinces:


function viewProvinces(ccode) {

    return Provinces(function(results) {
        var provinces = [];
        // Code only gets triggered when Provinces() calls return done(...); 
        var container = document.getElementById('province-select');
        var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
        results.filter(function(el) {
            return el.ccode === ccode;
        }).forEach(function(loc, index) {
            var opt = document.createElement('option');
            opt.textContent = loc.pname;
            opt.value = loc.pcode;
        return provinces;

Once this is done, the parray is correctly setup:


var parray = viewProvinces($("#country-select").val());

var parray = viewProvinces($(“#country-select”)。val());

However, I was confused when I read this code:


var data = $('#test-select').data(parray); alert(data);

var data = $('#test-select')。data(parray);警报(数据);

I assumed you were trying to save the provinces data in the link's store, so modified the code as follows to demo that it works:


        provinces: parray
    }); // Save the provinces array

    var data = $('#test-select').data(); // Retrieve the provinces array

    //Dump it on the console
    $.each(data.provinces, function(index, province) {
        console.log("Province[" + index + "].name: " + province.cname);



I have tried to answer your question via a fiddle based on your code created here but I had some trouble understanding a couple of things in your code, so I might have missed something. The main change I made was to make the Provinces(function(results) {.. function return the array of filtered provinces:


function viewProvinces(ccode) {

    return Provinces(function(results) {
        var provinces = [];
        // Code only gets triggered when Provinces() calls return done(...); 
        var container = document.getElementById('province-select');
        var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
        results.filter(function(el) {
            return el.ccode === ccode;
        }).forEach(function(loc, index) {
            var opt = document.createElement('option');
            opt.textContent = loc.pname;
            opt.value = loc.pcode;
        return provinces;

Once this is done, the parray is correctly setup:


var parray = viewProvinces($("#country-select").val());

var parray = viewProvinces($(“#country-select”)。val());

However, I was confused when I read this code:


var data = $('#test-select').data(parray); alert(data);

var data = $('#test-select')。data(parray);警报(数据);

I assumed you were trying to save the provinces data in the link's store, so modified the code as follows to demo that it works:


        provinces: parray
    }); // Save the provinces array

    var data = $('#test-select').data(); // Retrieve the provinces array

    //Dump it on the console
    $.each(data.provinces, function(index, province) {
        console.log("Province[" + index + "].name: " + province.cname);