在表单之间传递数据 - Ajax比较

时间:2021-11-01 10:03:37

I made a question that looked like this before and people didn't understand. I'll try to be more concise and will use a comparison with Ajax used in web applications.


I have the main form. There I have one button that will extract data from a field and send to a second form, a window that will pop up and display the data in a more organized way (A TListBox).

我有主要形式。在那里,我有一个按钮,它将从一个字段中提取数据并发送到第二个窗体,一个窗口将弹出并以更有条理的方式显示数据(A TListBox)。

I would like to know if there is a way to on SecondForm.Show to send this data as parameters, like SecondForm.Show(data).


The comparison to Ajax is that when you make an Ajax Call from a html page to the server, you send encapsulated data, the server receives it and works with it.


I want my main form to send the data, the second form to receive the data and use it.


Is it possible? How?


3 个解决方案



Decide in what form to send the data from Main to SecondFrom. For instance in a TStringList. Fill the striglist on the mainform, use it as parameter in SecondForm.Show.




If I were you, I'd add parameters to the form's constructor so that it has all the information it needs from the moment it exists.


constructor TSecondFrom.Create(AOwner: TComponent; AParam1: Integer; const AParam2: string);
  inherited Create(AOwner);
  // Use or store parameters here

You're welcome to write some other method instead, though, and you can call it Show, if you want. Define it to accept whatever parameters you need, and when you're ready, you can call the inherited zero-argument Show method to make the form appear.


procedure TSecondForm.Show(AParam1: Integer; const AParam2: string);
  // Use parameters here.
  inherited Show;



This is the answer from your other question that you deleted. It still applies I believe.


Always prefer passing state in the constructor if that is viable.


Problems with state occur when it changes. Multi-threading is confounded by mutating state. Code that makes copies of state become out of sync if the state changes later.


Objects cannot be used while the constructor is executing. That's the time to mutate state since no other party can see the effects of that mutation. Once the constructor returns the newly minted object to its new owner, it is fully initialized.


It's hard with an OOP style to limit all mutation to constructors. Few, if any, libraries admit that style of coding. However, the more mutation you push into the constructor, the lower the risk of being caught out later.


In reality, for your scenario, I suspect that these risks are minimal. However, as a general principle, initialization during construction is sound and it makes sense to adhere to the principle uniformly.




Decide in what form to send the data from Main to SecondFrom. For instance in a TStringList. Fill the striglist on the mainform, use it as parameter in SecondForm.Show.




If I were you, I'd add parameters to the form's constructor so that it has all the information it needs from the moment it exists.


constructor TSecondFrom.Create(AOwner: TComponent; AParam1: Integer; const AParam2: string);
  inherited Create(AOwner);
  // Use or store parameters here

You're welcome to write some other method instead, though, and you can call it Show, if you want. Define it to accept whatever parameters you need, and when you're ready, you can call the inherited zero-argument Show method to make the form appear.


procedure TSecondForm.Show(AParam1: Integer; const AParam2: string);
  // Use parameters here.
  inherited Show;



This is the answer from your other question that you deleted. It still applies I believe.


Always prefer passing state in the constructor if that is viable.


Problems with state occur when it changes. Multi-threading is confounded by mutating state. Code that makes copies of state become out of sync if the state changes later.


Objects cannot be used while the constructor is executing. That's the time to mutate state since no other party can see the effects of that mutation. Once the constructor returns the newly minted object to its new owner, it is fully initialized.


It's hard with an OOP style to limit all mutation to constructors. Few, if any, libraries admit that style of coding. However, the more mutation you push into the constructor, the lower the risk of being caught out later.


In reality, for your scenario, I suspect that these risks are minimal. However, as a general principle, initialization during construction is sound and it makes sense to adhere to the principle uniformly.
