What is the best way to generate random numbers using Objective-C on iOS?
If I use (int)((double) rand() / ((double)(RAND_MAX) + (double) 1) * 5.0)
to generate a number from 0 to 4, every time I start the program on the iPhone it generates the same numbers to start off with.
在iOS上使用Objective-C生成随机数的最佳方法是什么?如果我使用(int)((double)rand()/((double)(RAND_MAX)+(double)1)* 5.0)生成一个从0到4的数字,每次我在iPhone上启动程序时它会生成相同的数字开始。
6 个解决方案
There is a very similar question here on *. Here is one of the better solutions (no need for seeding):
int r = arc4random() % 5;
i use
#define RANDOM_SEED() srandom(time(NULL))
#define RANDOM_INT(__MIN__, __MAX__) ((__MIN__) + random() % ((__MAX__+1) - (__MIN__)))
so you can give a min and max
You should seed the random number generator with the current time.
How random do you need? If you want random enough for crypto, then use SecRandomCopyBytes().
Call srand()
at the start of your program, it'll reseed random number generator
Simple function for random number generation:
int r = arc4random() % 42; // generate number up to 42 (limit)
There is a very similar question here on *. Here is one of the better solutions (no need for seeding):
int r = arc4random() % 5;
i use
#define RANDOM_SEED() srandom(time(NULL))
#define RANDOM_INT(__MIN__, __MAX__) ((__MIN__) + random() % ((__MAX__+1) - (__MIN__)))
so you can give a min and max
You should seed the random number generator with the current time.
How random do you need? If you want random enough for crypto, then use SecRandomCopyBytes().
Call srand()
at the start of your program, it'll reseed random number generator
Simple function for random number generation:
int r = arc4random() % 42; // generate number up to 42 (limit)