去年学着用SDL的例子编译了一个名为SimpleText的插件,每次打开TRADOS 2014时都要提示三次加载插件,很是烦人。但我想卸掉时,却无从下手,不知道怎么办。这个问题纠缠了我很久,今晨心性比较好,打开Visual Studio中的这个项目,进行Build以后,发现Output在C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\11\Plugins...中。观查一下Plugins目录,发现只有该例子的文件,于是将此目录清空,即删除其中的所有文件。再打开Trados 2014,问题奇迹般的解决了!!!去除了一个烦人的心病。
Plug-in package installation is really easy. Just copy the plug-in package into C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\11\Plugins\Packages. Now start SDL Trados Studio. The application will automatically detect the presence of the new plug-in package, verify it, extract its contents into C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\11\Plugins\Unpackaged and load it.
The following warning message will be shown while SDL Trados Studio starts:
To avoid this message from appearing, you need to submit your plug-in package to SDL for verification. Once verified, your plug-in package will be signed by SDL and no warning message will appear anymore.
Once deployed, you can update your plug-in package by increasing the version in the plug-in package manifest (see Building a Plug-in). Now simply copy the updated plug-in package to C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\11\Plugins\Packages, overwriting the the plug-in package that was there already. Now start SDL Trados Studio. The application will automatically detect the presence of the updated plug-in package, verify it, extract its contents into C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\11\Plugins\Unpackaged and load it.
Note that it is essential that you increase the verion of the plug-in package as listed in the plug-in manifest, or the update will not be applied.
To uninstall a plug-in, simply delete the plug-in package from the plug-in packages folder (C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\11\Plugins\Packages). The next time SDL Trados Studio starts, it will detect this deletion and remove the corresponding extracted content.