
时间:2022-02-14 07:59:17

I know this question's been looked at a lot, but the solutions here aren't solving them.


Let's start with a bit of background info:


OS X 10.8.4 Apache 2.2.22

OS X 10.8.4 Apache 2.2.22

The problem: I get this error in the console and Apache can't find my localhost, but does start ok. Weird.


[Sat Aug 17 13:40:06 2013] [info] mod_ssl/2.2.22 compiled against Server: Apache/2.2.22, Library: OpenSSL/0.9.8r
httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Specter.local for ServerName

So normally this would point to my ServerName not being set right. Well it is :/ and I've tried with different variants like Specter.local, localhost, etc


Here's a copy of my /private/etc/httpd.conf & this is the same for /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf

这是我的/private/etc/httpd的副本。conf &这与/private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf相同

# ServerName gives the name and port that the server uses to identify itself.
# This can often be determined automatically, but we recommend you specify
# it explicitly to prevent problems during startup.
# If your host doesn't have a registered DNS name, enter its IP address here.
ServerName localhost

My host file is setup as follows:

我的主机文件设置如下:   localhost localhost.local broadcasthost       themill.dev       phpmyadmin.dev       Specter.local

In my /private/etc/apache2/users/ta.conf is the following

在我的私人/ etc /输入/用户/助教。配置如下

# Use name-based virtual hosting.
NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerAdmin test@dummy.com
  DocumentRoot "/Users/ta/Sites/themill/htdocs"
  ServerName themill.dev
  ServerAlias *.themill.dev
  ErrorLog "/Users/ta/Sites/themill/log/error_log"
  CustomLog "/Users/ta/Sites/themill/log/access_log" common

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerAdmin test@dummy.com
  DocumentRoot "/Users/ta/Sites/phpmyadmin"
  ServerName phpmyadmin.dev
  ServerAlias *.phpmyadmin.dev 
  ErrorLog "/Users/ta/Sites/phpmyadmin/log/error_log"
  CustomLog "/Users/ta/Sites/phpmyadmin/log/access_log" common

Not sure what else should be configured really. It used to work but post the 10.7 upgrade, it's never worked and now that I'm trying to solve it it's doing my head in.


Let me know if you need more info.


3 个解决方案



Ignore ALL of the advice about setting ServerNames. IMHO this is a red herring. Apache is trying to use standard system components to determine a FQDN and not finding anything suitable. Sure, you could subvert this process by adding a directive globally to Apache, but methinks this is treating the symptom. You should have ServerName directives in your virtualhost blocks, of course.


Instead, edit your hosts file and be sure that you have a FQDN listed there. I have seen various suggestions on the syntax for the particular 127* line, but I think that it doesn't matter what order things are in, so long as there is a FQDN listed:

相反,编辑您的主机文件,并确保其中列出了一个FQDN。我看到了关于特定127* line的语法的各种建议,但我认为,只要列出FQDN,什么顺序都没有关系:       localhost.localdomain   localhost       foo.example.com

This worked for me and seemed much more to the point than all of the other "worked for me!" upvotes on posts recommending you edit httpd.conf and such. I hope this helps and that I don't get downvoted. If you disagree, please state why with examples. Thanks.




Once Apache can determine the system's FQDN, it will then read your specific ServerName directives for your NameBasedHosts.




The following line in your httpd.conf file is correct:


ServerName localhost

The problem is that on macOS it is the wrong file (not /private/etc/httpd.conf).


To find the right location of your httpd.conf Apache configuration file, run:

查找您的httpd的正确位置。conf Apache配置文件,运行:

apachectl -t -D DUMP_INCLUDES

then double check whether ServerName is uncommented and set to localhost.




I recently had the same problem on a mac and though I did edit my host file as Spanky suggests (and I think this is also necessary), I also needed to edit my httpd.conf.


in case anyone has this in the future the following may work


in your /etc/apache2/httpd.conf add this line after the ServerAdmin your@email.com line

在你/etc/apache2/httpd.conf在ServerAdmin your@email.com行之后添加这一行

ServerName your-favorite-server-name

source: https://blog.cloudtroopers.com/upgrade-osx-1010-yosemite-and-keep-apache-functional

来源:https://blog.cloudtroopers.com/upgrade osx - 1010 -优胜美地-和-让- apache -功能



Ignore ALL of the advice about setting ServerNames. IMHO this is a red herring. Apache is trying to use standard system components to determine a FQDN and not finding anything suitable. Sure, you could subvert this process by adding a directive globally to Apache, but methinks this is treating the symptom. You should have ServerName directives in your virtualhost blocks, of course.


Instead, edit your hosts file and be sure that you have a FQDN listed there. I have seen various suggestions on the syntax for the particular 127* line, but I think that it doesn't matter what order things are in, so long as there is a FQDN listed:

相反,编辑您的主机文件,并确保其中列出了一个FQDN。我看到了关于特定127* line的语法的各种建议,但我认为,只要列出FQDN,什么顺序都没有关系:       localhost.localdomain   localhost       foo.example.com

This worked for me and seemed much more to the point than all of the other "worked for me!" upvotes on posts recommending you edit httpd.conf and such. I hope this helps and that I don't get downvoted. If you disagree, please state why with examples. Thanks.




Once Apache can determine the system's FQDN, it will then read your specific ServerName directives for your NameBasedHosts.




The following line in your httpd.conf file is correct:


ServerName localhost

The problem is that on macOS it is the wrong file (not /private/etc/httpd.conf).


To find the right location of your httpd.conf Apache configuration file, run:

查找您的httpd的正确位置。conf Apache配置文件,运行:

apachectl -t -D DUMP_INCLUDES

then double check whether ServerName is uncommented and set to localhost.




I recently had the same problem on a mac and though I did edit my host file as Spanky suggests (and I think this is also necessary), I also needed to edit my httpd.conf.


in case anyone has this in the future the following may work


in your /etc/apache2/httpd.conf add this line after the ServerAdmin your@email.com line

在你/etc/apache2/httpd.conf在ServerAdmin your@email.com行之后添加这一行

ServerName your-favorite-server-name

source: https://blog.cloudtroopers.com/upgrade-osx-1010-yosemite-and-keep-apache-functional

来源:https://blog.cloudtroopers.com/upgrade osx - 1010 -优胜美地-和-让- apache -功能