批量更改SQL Server数据库中特定列的所有条目

时间:2021-05-20 07:55:23

Problem: I am trying to insert a .csv file with thousands/millions of rows into a SQL Server table with a bulk insert query. Now I want to update the table with bulk update where specific column is change e.g where price is changed. How can I do this? And also: I want to ignore constraint when inserting into the table

问题:我试图将带有数千/数百万行的.csv文件插入带有批量插入查询的SQL Server表中。现在我想用批量更新来更新表,其中特定列是更改的,例如价格在哪里更改。我怎样才能做到这一点?而且:我想在插入表格时忽略约束

FROM 'D:\test.csv'
     ROWTERMINATOR = '\n')

Now e.g table contains price column when second time I update the file only that row update which has different price before


2 个解决方案



Do it in two (or more) steps.


Insert the raw data (flaws and all), and then run a separate update statement to make it look how you want.


For a large or busy table, or in order to keep the new data separate until it's ready, you may also want to first bulk insert into a separate holding table, massage and clean the data there, and then migrate from the holding table to the final table.


Alternatively you can write a client program to pre-clean the data before the bulk insert, or you can use a tool like Sql Server Integration Services (SSIS) to handle the import. SSIS has a lot of nice features for handling this kind of thing.

或者,您可以编写客户端程序以在批量插入之前预清理数据,或者您可以使用Sql Server Integration Services(SSIS)之类的工具来处理导入。 SSIS有很多很好的功能来处理这种事情。

What you won't be able to do is make a simple or quick adjustment to the bulk insert code. It does what it does, and nothing more.




You cannot just bulk upload one file on top of a previous upload and only record the differences. You either completely refresh the data (ie: a full load that overwrites), upload the full CSV into a staging table and compare the two tables using SQL code or you can use a tool such as SSIS to connect to the CSV file, check it against the vales in your table and trigger the updates from there.




Do it in two (or more) steps.


Insert the raw data (flaws and all), and then run a separate update statement to make it look how you want.


For a large or busy table, or in order to keep the new data separate until it's ready, you may also want to first bulk insert into a separate holding table, massage and clean the data there, and then migrate from the holding table to the final table.


Alternatively you can write a client program to pre-clean the data before the bulk insert, or you can use a tool like Sql Server Integration Services (SSIS) to handle the import. SSIS has a lot of nice features for handling this kind of thing.

或者,您可以编写客户端程序以在批量插入之前预清理数据,或者您可以使用Sql Server Integration Services(SSIS)之类的工具来处理导入。 SSIS有很多很好的功能来处理这种事情。

What you won't be able to do is make a simple or quick adjustment to the bulk insert code. It does what it does, and nothing more.




You cannot just bulk upload one file on top of a previous upload and only record the differences. You either completely refresh the data (ie: a full load that overwrites), upload the full CSV into a staging table and compare the two tables using SQL code or you can use a tool such as SSIS to connect to the CSV file, check it against the vales in your table and trigger the updates from there.
