
时间:2022-04-01 07:55:29

On Transact-SQL: Would like to create a statement that adds a column to my current active table, the newly added column would take data from another column of the same table. It will add the data on each row and sum it up on the new column.


To be more specific,


I work for a company that produces Sweet Potato fries, we use labels to describe the content of each box.


I have a table that gets updated and populated when a label gets printed, the label goes on each box; So number of labels == number of boxes we produce. The table has a column that describes the weight of each box; the column being named [CaseWeight].


I want to take this CaseWeight column do a Sum([CaseWeight]) on a new column and call it total pounds. While still been able to see the rest of the columns in the table.


2 个解决方案



You can use a view with a window function:


create view v_t as
    select t.*, sum(weight) over () as total_pounds
    from t;

You cannot put a window function in as a generated column, so this is probably the best approach.




To add a column to a table, you may need to drop the table, depending on the server settings. What I do in that case is back the data of the table up into another table (SELECT * INTO MyTableBackup FROM MyTable). Then I drop the table and recreate it with the new column (NOTE: When dropping and recreating the tables, don't forget to recreate the indexes and keys as well!). Then I do an insert from the backup table to the new one. You would do the Group By on the insert when summing. So if you wanted the sum of the weight of each package in the order, you would do:

要向表中添加列,可能需要删除表,具体取决于服务器设置。在这种情况下我做的是将表的数据备份到另一个表(SELECT * INTO MyTableBackup FROM MyTable)。然后我删除表并使用新列重新创建它(注意:删除并重新创建表时,不要忘记重新创建索引和键!)。然后我从备份表插入到新表。在求和时,您可以在插入上执行Group By。因此,如果您想要订单中每个包裹的重量总和,您可以:

    SELECT SUM(CaseWeight) AS TotalPounds FROM MyTableBackup GROUP BY OrderNumber

You can put that in the middle of the select like this:


        ,(SELECT SUM(CaseWeight) FROM MyTableBackup b WHERE b.OrderNumber = bak.OrderNumber GROUP BY OrderNumber) AS TotalPounds
    FROM MyTableBackup bak

Just make sure you test the select part of your query before doing the DROP and INSERT.




You can use a view with a window function:


create view v_t as
    select t.*, sum(weight) over () as total_pounds
    from t;

You cannot put a window function in as a generated column, so this is probably the best approach.




To add a column to a table, you may need to drop the table, depending on the server settings. What I do in that case is back the data of the table up into another table (SELECT * INTO MyTableBackup FROM MyTable). Then I drop the table and recreate it with the new column (NOTE: When dropping and recreating the tables, don't forget to recreate the indexes and keys as well!). Then I do an insert from the backup table to the new one. You would do the Group By on the insert when summing. So if you wanted the sum of the weight of each package in the order, you would do:

要向表中添加列,可能需要删除表,具体取决于服务器设置。在这种情况下我做的是将表的数据备份到另一个表(SELECT * INTO MyTableBackup FROM MyTable)。然后我删除表并使用新列重新创建它(注意:删除并重新创建表时,不要忘记重新创建索引和键!)。然后我从备份表插入到新表。在求和时,您可以在插入上执行Group By。因此,如果您想要订单中每个包裹的重量总和,您可以:

    SELECT SUM(CaseWeight) AS TotalPounds FROM MyTableBackup GROUP BY OrderNumber

You can put that in the middle of the select like this:


        ,(SELECT SUM(CaseWeight) FROM MyTableBackup b WHERE b.OrderNumber = bak.OrderNumber GROUP BY OrderNumber) AS TotalPounds
    FROM MyTableBackup bak

Just make sure you test the select part of your query before doing the DROP and INSERT.
