动态添加列名并将其值添加为行sql server

时间:2022-04-01 07:56:05

I have a table table1 with column name a, b, c, d, e, f. Now the task is to get the value of each column which will definitely be a single row value and insert that into other table2 - columns(x, y, z) . So my query would be like :

我有一个表table1,列名为a,b,c,d,e,f。现在的任务是获取每列的值,它肯定是单行值并将其插入到其他table2 - 列(x,y,z)中。所以我的查询将是:

 insert into table2 (x, y, z)
select a, '', '' from table1
union all
select b, '', '' from table1
union all
select c, '', '' from table1
union all
select d, '', '' from table1
union all
select e, '', '' from table1
union all
select f, '', '' from table1

Now if a new column add in table1 then again I have to add a select statement in this. Just want to avoid this how can I write a dynamic query which automatically consider all the columns and make it shorter.


4 个解决方案



Seems like your looking for a Dynamic EAV Structure (Entity Attribute Value). Now the cool part is the @YourTable could be any query


Declare @YourTable table (ID int,Col1 varchar(25),Col2 varchar(25),Col3 varchar(25))
Insert Into @YourTable values

Select A.ID
 From  @YourTable A
 Cross Apply (Select XMLData=cast((Select A.* for XML Raw) as xml)) B
 Cross Apply (
                Select Attribute = attr.value('local-name(.)','varchar(100)')
                      ,Value     = attr.value('.','varchar(max)')              -- change datatype if necessary
                 From  B.XMLData.nodes('/row') as A(r)
                 Cross Apply A.r.nodes('./@*') AS B(attr)
                 Where attr.value('local-name(.)','varchar(100)') not in ('ID','OtherFieldsToExclude')  -- Field Names case sensitive
             ) C



ID      Attribute   Value
1       Col1        a
1       Col2        z
1       Col3        k
2       Col1        g
2       Col2        b
2       Col3        p
3       Col1        k
3       Col2        d
3       Col3        a



A simpler way to do this uses cross apply:


insert into table2 (x, y, z)
    select v.x, '', ''
    from table1 t1 cross apply
         (values (t1.a), (t1.b), (t1.c), (t1.d), (t1.e), (t1.f)
         ) v(x);

If you want to insert new values when new columns are added to the table, then you would want a DDL and probably a DML trigger. DML triggers are the "standard" triggers.

如果要在将新列添加到表中时插入新值,则需要DDL并且可能需要DML触发器。 DML触发器是“标准”触发器。

You can read about DDL triggers in the documentation.


That said, I am highly suspicious of database systems that encourage new columns and new tables to be added. There is probably a better way to design the application, for instance, using an EAV data model that provides greater flexibility with attributes.




try this


insert into table2 
select Tmp.id, tb1.* from table1 tb1,
((SELECT B.id FROM (SELECT [value] = CONVERT(XML ,'<v>' + REPLACE('a,b,c,d,e,f' , ',' , '</v><v>')+ '</v>')) A     
(SELECT  id = N.v.value('.' , 'varchar(100)') FROM A.[value].nodes('/v') N ( v )) B)) Tmp 



This, if I am reading it correctly, looks like a perfect time to use PIVOT.




Seems like your looking for a Dynamic EAV Structure (Entity Attribute Value). Now the cool part is the @YourTable could be any query


Declare @YourTable table (ID int,Col1 varchar(25),Col2 varchar(25),Col3 varchar(25))
Insert Into @YourTable values

Select A.ID
 From  @YourTable A
 Cross Apply (Select XMLData=cast((Select A.* for XML Raw) as xml)) B
 Cross Apply (
                Select Attribute = attr.value('local-name(.)','varchar(100)')
                      ,Value     = attr.value('.','varchar(max)')              -- change datatype if necessary
                 From  B.XMLData.nodes('/row') as A(r)
                 Cross Apply A.r.nodes('./@*') AS B(attr)
                 Where attr.value('local-name(.)','varchar(100)') not in ('ID','OtherFieldsToExclude')  -- Field Names case sensitive
             ) C



ID      Attribute   Value
1       Col1        a
1       Col2        z
1       Col3        k
2       Col1        g
2       Col2        b
2       Col3        p
3       Col1        k
3       Col2        d
3       Col3        a



A simpler way to do this uses cross apply:


insert into table2 (x, y, z)
    select v.x, '', ''
    from table1 t1 cross apply
         (values (t1.a), (t1.b), (t1.c), (t1.d), (t1.e), (t1.f)
         ) v(x);

If you want to insert new values when new columns are added to the table, then you would want a DDL and probably a DML trigger. DML triggers are the "standard" triggers.

如果要在将新列添加到表中时插入新值,则需要DDL并且可能需要DML触发器。 DML触发器是“标准”触发器。

You can read about DDL triggers in the documentation.


That said, I am highly suspicious of database systems that encourage new columns and new tables to be added. There is probably a better way to design the application, for instance, using an EAV data model that provides greater flexibility with attributes.




try this


insert into table2 
select Tmp.id, tb1.* from table1 tb1,
((SELECT B.id FROM (SELECT [value] = CONVERT(XML ,'<v>' + REPLACE('a,b,c,d,e,f' , ',' , '</v><v>')+ '</v>')) A     
(SELECT  id = N.v.value('.' , 'varchar(100)') FROM A.[value].nodes('/v') N ( v )) B)) Tmp 



This, if I am reading it correctly, looks like a perfect time to use PIVOT.
