从另一个数据库INSERT INTO数据库,在SQL Server中指定一些值

时间:2022-11-17 07:56:07

I've researched about this but haven't found a particular solution for this case. I have two tables, each one in a different databases.


Let's say they are DB1.T1 and DB2.T2.


From DB1.T1 I want to select all rows from two specific columns ID and Description.


DB2.T2 has the same two columns but also three additional columns: T2.ID, Enable, Date.


Some considerations. DB2.T2 is a SQL Server, I've always worked with MySQL but this SQL Server had some inconsistencies from my previous experiences. The AUTOINCREMENT default condition didn't exist, and also the insert of default timestamp or date value when new record is created was not available.

一些考虑。 DB2.T2是一个SQL Server,我一直使用MySQL,但是这个SQL Server与我以前的经历有一些不一致。 AUTOINCREMENT默认条件不存在,并且创建新记录时插入的默认时间戳或日期值不可用。

From my research I've come to some kinda solution that would be


INSERT INTO DB2.T2(ID, Description, Enable, Code ,Date)
    SELECT ID, Description 
    FROM DB1.T1;

BUT how can I add the three remaining columns?


I was thinking to do some while loop and insert the increment as ID for DB2.T2 using the allowed GETDATE() function, but I'm not sure how to do it right away.


Can I use the previous syntax of select INTO and also use INSERT INTO to do something like this?

我可以使用select INTO的先前语法,还可以使用INSERT INTO做这样的事情吗?

INSERT INTO DB2.T2(ID, Description, Enable, Code, Date) 
VALUES (index,?,1,?,GETDATE())

I'm really confused right now. I hope you can get what I'm trying to explain.


Beside exporting data from one table to another, I want to insert additional data to the remaining columns. For enable I want it to be always 1, and the date the current date, The ID has to be a number and must be incrementing according to the row.


What do you recommend to do?


Meanwhile I'll keep my self trying to find similar solutions to this problem.


Thanks in advance. :)

提前致谢。 :)

Additional data. I'm working by VPN on a remote connection, all I've got is some sort of the cmd interface to insert and work with the DB. There are like 20000 rows, and importing exporting by CSV using bulk seems pretty strange to me.


1 个解决方案



Unless I'm missing something, you could use:


INSERT INTO DB2.T2(ID, Description, Enable, Code ,Date) 
SELECT ID, Description, 1 ,null,getdate() FROM DB1.T1;

When you start to think about looping, stop and revisit the problem. Almost always a better way.


If ID should be incrementing and not based on what is in DB1.T1, look into making that column in DB2 IDENTITY(). If you do, then you would just leave the ID off of the insert, and SQL Server will handle that itself.

如果ID应该递增而不是基于DB1.T1中的内容,请查看在DB2 IDENTITY()中创建该列。如果这样做,那么您只需将ID从插入中删除,SQL Server将自行处理。



Unless I'm missing something, you could use:


INSERT INTO DB2.T2(ID, Description, Enable, Code ,Date) 
SELECT ID, Description, 1 ,null,getdate() FROM DB1.T1;

When you start to think about looping, stop and revisit the problem. Almost always a better way.


If ID should be incrementing and not based on what is in DB1.T1, look into making that column in DB2 IDENTITY(). If you do, then you would just leave the ID off of the insert, and SQL Server will handle that itself.

如果ID应该递增而不是基于DB1.T1中的内容,请查看在DB2 IDENTITY()中创建该列。如果这样做,那么您只需将ID从插入中删除,SQL Server将自行处理。