I have a query set up in Swift, that retrieves some values from a particular column. I'm trying to return the amount of objects that are in accordance with the query, and then sum up the rating numbers of the customer's rating column, to later divide them with the amount of orders, in order to get an average. I found on *, that I could do this by storing the different rating values in an array, but for some reason, only one value is stored in the array, so I keep getting an error. Here's the code:
var ordersArray: [Int]!
let query = PFQuery(className: "Orders")
query.whereKey("customer", equalTo: customerLet)
query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock({(objects, error) -> Void in
if objects!.count == 0{
self.ratingLabel.text = ("5.0")
if let objects = objects{
for object in objects{
let ordersAmount = objects!.count
self.ordersArray.append((Int(object.objectForKey("rating") as! String))!
let totalOrders = self.ordersArray.reduce(0, combine: +)
let ratingAverage = (totalOrders / ordersAmount)
1 个解决方案
Also the issue is that your array is not being initialized correctly. It should be like that :
var ordersArray: [Int] = []()
Try this.
for object in objects{
self.ordersArray.append((Int(object.objectForKey("rating") as! String))!
let ordersAmount = objects!.count
let totalOrders = self.ordersArray.reduce(0, combine: +)
let ratingAverage = (totalOrders / ordersAmount)
Also the issue is that your array is not being initialized correctly. It should be like that :
var ordersArray: [Int] = []()
Try this.
for object in objects{
self.ordersArray.append((Int(object.objectForKey("rating") as! String))!
let ordersAmount = objects!.count
let totalOrders = self.ordersArray.reduce(0, combine: +)
let ratingAverage = (totalOrders / ordersAmount)