如何在SQL select语句中动态增加值

时间:2023-01-04 07:55:28

I want to display the values A-Z and these values will be auto increment in select statemnet

我想显示值A-Z,这些值将在select statemnet中自动递增

My output should be Like This


Desk A
Desk B
Desk c
Desk Z 

I am stuck here


Desk No = (Select 'Desk'+'')

Thanks in advance.


1 个解决方案



You could do this, assuming you mean TSQL and assuming you have a table from which you're selecting. If you want this independently, you probably want to make a numbers table.


SELECT 'Desk ' + CHAR(65 + (((ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [someColumn])) - 1) % 26))
FROM tableName

Of course, it becomes a million times easier if your table just has an ID column that has IDENTITY set.


SELECT 'Desk ' + CHAR(65 + ((ID - 1) % 26))
FROM tableName

On the other hand, if you have a numbers table, that's that much easier.


SELECT 'Desk ' + CHAR(65 + (value % 26))
FROM Numbers



You could do this, assuming you mean TSQL and assuming you have a table from which you're selecting. If you want this independently, you probably want to make a numbers table.


SELECT 'Desk ' + CHAR(65 + (((ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [someColumn])) - 1) % 26))
FROM tableName

Of course, it becomes a million times easier if your table just has an ID column that has IDENTITY set.


SELECT 'Desk ' + CHAR(65 + ((ID - 1) % 26))
FROM tableName

On the other hand, if you have a numbers table, that's that much easier.


SELECT 'Desk ' + CHAR(65 + (value % 26))
FROM Numbers