如何复制Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0解决方案

时间:2021-07-18 07:45:27

I have a CRM 4.0 solution in production and I would like to make a replica of it so that I can use it as a test server.

我有一个生产中的CRM 4.0解决方案,我想制作它的副本,以便我可以将它用作测试服务器。

What are the alternatives to accomplish this? Cons / Pros?


2 个解决方案


You can export all of your customizations to a file and then import them into your test system. Ideally you will work the other direction (make changes in test, then move to production).


To Export, go to Settings-Customization. You will see options for Import Customizations and Export Customizations. If you click Export Customizations, you can export selected entity customizations. Also there is a menu option to export all customizations. CRM will create a .zip file which is an XML file that includes the entity definitions, forms, views, relationships, and workflows. You just reverse the process to import your changes into another environment.

要导出,请转到“设置 - 自定义”。您将看到导入自定义和导出自定义的选项。如果单击“导出自定义”,则可以导出所选实体自定义项。还有一个菜单选项可以导出所有自定义项。 CRM将创建一个.zip文件,该文件是一个XML文件,包含实体定义,表单,视图,关系和工作流。您只需反转该过程即可将更改导入另一个环境。


Ended up following the process from Microsoft:


"How to move the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 deployment"

“如何移动Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0部署”


It looked like there was not another alternative.



You can export all of your customizations to a file and then import them into your test system. Ideally you will work the other direction (make changes in test, then move to production).


To Export, go to Settings-Customization. You will see options for Import Customizations and Export Customizations. If you click Export Customizations, you can export selected entity customizations. Also there is a menu option to export all customizations. CRM will create a .zip file which is an XML file that includes the entity definitions, forms, views, relationships, and workflows. You just reverse the process to import your changes into another environment.

要导出,请转到“设置 - 自定义”。您将看到导入自定义和导出自定义的选项。如果单击“导出自定义”,则可以导出所选实体自定义项。还有一个菜单选项可以导出所有自定义项。 CRM将创建一个.zip文件,该文件是一个XML文件,包含实体定义,表单,视图,关系和工作流。您只需反转该过程即可将更改导入另一个环境。


Ended up following the process from Microsoft:


"How to move the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 deployment"

“如何移动Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0部署”


It looked like there was not another alternative.
