
时间:2022-09-15 07:46:38

I'm looking for a good algorithm for finding a list nearest positions taking into account quality of data we receiving from gps devices.


The problem is as follows:


  1. I have a position of point A. A= (LNG, LAT, ALT, HorizontalAccuracy, VerticalAccuracy)
    • HorizontalAccuracy and VerticalAccuracy it's a potencial error in meters
    • Horizo​​ntalAccuracy和VerticalAccuracy它是以米为单位的潜在误差
  2. 我有一个点A的位置.A =(LNG,LAT,ALT,Horizo​​ntalAccuracy,VerticalAccuracy)Horizo​​ntalAccuracy和VerticalAccuracy它是一个潜在的误差,以米为单位
  3. I have a list of others B = [B1, ... Bn] each Bx is (LNG, LAT, ALT, HorizontalAccuracy, VerticalAccuracy)
  4. 我有一个其他B的列表B = [B1,... Bn]每个Bx是(LNG,LAT,ALT,Horizo​​ntalAccuracy,VerticalAccuracy)
  5. I would like to find the list of points Bx nearest to A and order that list according to distance Bx and A.
  6. 我想找到最接近A的Bx点列表,并根据距离Bx和A对该列表进行排序。
  7. The order of that list should taken into account accuracy of data we have. The problem with accuracy starts when the distance between points is shorter then accuracy.
  8. 该列表的顺序应考虑到我们拥有的数据的准确性。当点之间的距离比精度更短时,精度问题就开始了。

3 个解决方案



Simply use the Euclidean distance:


distance = sqrt((lng_a - lng_b)^2 + ... + (alt_a - alt_b)^2)

And then only sort by distance.




Precision: you can set a filter (ie: decide which locations you will use and which ones you will omit). In CLLocation you still get the centerpoint so there's not much of use for precision factor in a distance formula.


If you try to calculate distance between two geolocations with accuracy worse than their calculated distance between their centers that would be more of an approach problem than a mathematical problem.


Distance: you can always use CLLocation's distanceFromLocation: method. Don't use Eucledian formala to calculate distance between geolocations.

距离:您始终可以使用CLLocation的distanceFromLocation:方法。不要使用Eucledian formala来计算地理位置之间的距离。

Sorting: not much to say here. Sorting algorithms have their pros and cons. I would first try to implement one of the native sorting possibilities and optimize later if they appear to be too slow.




First the horicontal accuracy is only an estimate, so don#t rely to much on it. However I would remove the locations that exceed a accuracy threshold.


Then if you have less than 10.000 points sort by distance.
If you have more, then use a spatial index first, like Quadtree, to speed up by avoiding to calculate the distance to all locations, but only the one nearby.


Distance calculations:
That depends if your location sare spread over the wolrd, or only within 100km. If over the world, use the built in distanceTo(), if within 100km and you have many points or need a fast calculation, the use the distance formula based on equiRectangular projection, which uses only one cos() operation. The sqrt() you can ommit, since you probably can sort by sqr of the distance to.




Simply use the Euclidean distance:


distance = sqrt((lng_a - lng_b)^2 + ... + (alt_a - alt_b)^2)

And then only sort by distance.




Precision: you can set a filter (ie: decide which locations you will use and which ones you will omit). In CLLocation you still get the centerpoint so there's not much of use for precision factor in a distance formula.


If you try to calculate distance between two geolocations with accuracy worse than their calculated distance between their centers that would be more of an approach problem than a mathematical problem.


Distance: you can always use CLLocation's distanceFromLocation: method. Don't use Eucledian formala to calculate distance between geolocations.

距离:您始终可以使用CLLocation的distanceFromLocation:方法。不要使用Eucledian formala来计算地理位置之间的距离。

Sorting: not much to say here. Sorting algorithms have their pros and cons. I would first try to implement one of the native sorting possibilities and optimize later if they appear to be too slow.




First the horicontal accuracy is only an estimate, so don#t rely to much on it. However I would remove the locations that exceed a accuracy threshold.


Then if you have less than 10.000 points sort by distance.
If you have more, then use a spatial index first, like Quadtree, to speed up by avoiding to calculate the distance to all locations, but only the one nearby.


Distance calculations:
That depends if your location sare spread over the wolrd, or only within 100km. If over the world, use the built in distanceTo(), if within 100km and you have many points or need a fast calculation, the use the distance formula based on equiRectangular projection, which uses only one cos() operation. The sqrt() you can ommit, since you probably can sort by sqr of the distance to.
