静态链表插入排序(List Insertion Sort)算法

时间:2021-08-27 07:43:31

静态链表插入排序(List Insertion Sort)算法是直接插入排序的一个变种。它的改进目的是减少在直接插入排序中的移动次数(当然这个改进并没有降低复杂度,仍为O(n^2)),因此在原输入数据的基础上附加了一个静态链表(为了减少空间的消耗,静态链表实际上就是用等长的下标数组link来模拟的,而不需要建立一个等长的动态链结构)。该算法的缺点是:虽然减少了移动次数,但是需要增加一个等长度的link数组,所以也是用空间换取时间的做法。

设输入数组为v[], 在按升序排好序的状态下,设静态链表link[]中某个位置i的元素值为x=v[i],那么link[i]存储的是该元素x的下一个比它大的元素y=v[j]的位置值j,即link[i]=j。每次插入一个新的元素z=v[i]到左边的sorted list中时,从左边排好序的子序列中的head位置开始比较(注意:在以下实现中,head并不一定指向第一个元素!),寻着link的下标值,直到找到某个元素的值v[curr]大于(为了保证算法的稳定性,必须是大于而不能大于等于)z为止,这时curr指针的上一个位置指针为next,要插入z到next和curr之间,只需要修改:next指向z,z指向curr。sorted list中最右边一个元素的指针值永远为-1,作为tail标志。

由于得到的静态链表没法像直接存储了key值的数组那样随机访问,因此List Insertion Sort的最后还需要根据link[]将v[]转换为升序的静态数组(这里的静态数组中元素是key值)。转换方法采用in-place方式,从而无需开辟而外的空间。具体做法也是从head开始寻着link的下标值,找到的key值与左边子数组最右边那个元素交换(这里子数组已经是升序的静态数组),例如,设左边子数组最右边的元素为i=2,v[i]=30,link[i]=5,找到的key值下标为curr=6,v[curr]=20,link[curr]=7,那么交换后v[i]=20,link[i]=6(注意不是7!),v[curr]=30,link[curr]=5,这里link[i]=6是告诉以后的操作“原来第2个位置的元素已经挪到了第6个位置“,同时别忘了记下交换之前的next = link[curr]=7指针,即作为下一个操作的key位置值curr。


 * List Insertion Sort algorithm 
 * (Adapted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insertion_sort)
 * Copyright (c) 2011 ljs (http://blog.csdn.net/ljsspace/)
 * Licensed under GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) 
 * @author ljs
 * 2011-07-20
public class ListInsertionSort {
    public static void sort(int[] v){
    	int n = v.length;
    	//step 1: link[] creation
    	int[] link = new int[n];
    	int head=0;
    	int next=0,curr=0;
    	link[0] = -1;
    	for(int i=1;i<n;i++){
    		if(v[head]>v[i]){ //case: head is changed to i
    			link[i] = head;
    			head = i; //change head
    			//two stop cases:
    			//curr == -1: when we reach the tail 
    			//v[curr] > v[i]: insert i before curr, next is the predecessor of curr
    			//note: this loop executes at least once so 'next' always have valid value
    			for (curr = head ; curr != -1 && v[curr] <= v[i]; curr = link[curr])  
                    next =curr;  
    			//insert i between next and curr (also applicable to tail case when curr=-1)
    			link[next] = i;  
    			link[i] = curr;  
    	//step 2: arrange v[] by link[] information: find curr and swap it with i
    	curr = head; //to scan linked list, always start with head 
    	//note the difference:
    	//in this step: between iterations, curr doesn't start with head at the beginning
    	//the link creation step: between iterations, we always scan from curr=head to find the insert position
        for (int i=0 ;i<n;i++){          	
            while(curr < i)  
                 curr = link [curr]; //look only those elements on the right side of current element
            next = link[curr]; //save for next iteration's start position 
            if (curr != i) {  //if curr==i, no need change since position i is done.
                int swap = v[i];  //swap key  
                v[i] = v[curr];  
                v[curr] = swap;  
                link[curr] = link[i];  //copy i's link  
                link[i] = curr;  //reset pointer link[i] for redirection
            curr = next;  //next iteration we start from 'next'
        //link[] is now useless, let it be garbage collected.   
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		 int[] v = {49,38,65,97,76,13,27,49};
		 for(int key:v){
			 System.out.format(" %d",key);



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void ListinsertSort(int * v, int n)
	int * link = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*n);
	int head =0;
	int  next,cur,i;
	link[0] = -1;
	//generate sorted static list: after sorting, head may not be the first element
	for (i = 1 ; i < n; i++){
		   if (v[head] > v[i]){
			   link[i] = head;
			   head = i;
			} else {
				   for (cur = head ; cur != -1 && v[cur] <= v[i]; cur = link[cur])
						  next =cur;
				   link[next] = i;
				   link[i] = cur;
	cur = head; //start with head
	for ( i = 0 ;i < n;i++){
		while(cur < i)
			 cur = link [cur]; //look only those elements on the right side of current element
		next = link[cur]; //save for next iteration
		if (cur != i) {
			int swap = v[i];  //swap key
			v[i] = v[cur];
			v[cur] = swap;
			link[cur] = link[i];  //swap link
			link[i] = cur;
		cur = next;

int main(void) {
	int i;
	int* v = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*5);

	ListinsertSort(v, 5);

	    printf(" %d",v[i]);
    return 0;