来自喷口的Storm Tick Tuple

时间:2021-01-24 07:34:11

I want to configure my spout to emit tick tuples on 2 different frequencies on different streams. My questions are as follows:


  1. I understand how this is done using the bolt. But, on a spout, will the tick tuple invoke the next Tuple method on every tick?


  2. How can I determine the frequency at which the tick was invoked? Meaning, the actual value of the time I configured in the config object?


2 个解决方案


Only bolts can receive tick tuples. Spouts can only emit tuples.

只有螺栓可以接收刻度元组。 Spouts只能发出元组。

I'm assuming you're trying to do a "read" every so often from within your spout in order to emit a new tuple.


For example, to sleep 50 milliseconds between reads:


public void nextTuple() {
   try {
      String message = _mqClient.getMessage();
      if (message != null) {
         _collector.emit(new Values(message));
      // sleep for 50 milliseconds
   } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.error("MQ spout error {}", e);


Maybe this can help you:



Storm-Signals aims to provide a way to send messages ("signals") to components (spouts/bolts) in a storm topology that are otherwise not addressable.

Storm-Signals旨在提供一种向风暴拓扑中的组件(spouts / bolt)发送消息(“信号”)的方法,否则这些消息不可寻址。

Storm topologies can be considered static in that modifications to a topology's behavior require redeployment. Storm-Signals provides a simple way to modify a topology's behavior at runtime, without redeployment.

风暴拓扑可以被认为是静态的,因为对拓扑行为的修改需要重新部署。 Storm-Signals提供了一种在运行时修改拓扑行为的简单方法,无需重新部署。


Only bolts can receive tick tuples. Spouts can only emit tuples.

只有螺栓可以接收刻度元组。 Spouts只能发出元组。

I'm assuming you're trying to do a "read" every so often from within your spout in order to emit a new tuple.


For example, to sleep 50 milliseconds between reads:


public void nextTuple() {
   try {
      String message = _mqClient.getMessage();
      if (message != null) {
         _collector.emit(new Values(message));
      // sleep for 50 milliseconds
   } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.error("MQ spout error {}", e);


Maybe this can help you:



Storm-Signals aims to provide a way to send messages ("signals") to components (spouts/bolts) in a storm topology that are otherwise not addressable.

Storm-Signals旨在提供一种向风暴拓扑中的组件(spouts / bolt)发送消息(“信号”)的方法,否则这些消息不可寻址。

Storm topologies can be considered static in that modifications to a topology's behavior require redeployment. Storm-Signals provides a simple way to modify a topology's behavior at runtime, without redeployment.

风暴拓扑可以被认为是静态的,因为对拓扑行为的修改需要重新部署。 Storm-Signals提供了一种在运行时修改拓扑行为的简单方法,无需重新部署。