SQL Server在哪里存储DTS包?

时间:2022-01-20 07:15:42

I have created a few DTS packages and saved them on the server. where I can edit these DTS packages on the server?


4 个解决方案


you should connect to integration services... and then in the MSDB folder or in the FileSystem folder, it depends how did you save them



As you probably know, DTS was deprecated and was replaced by SSIS in SQL Server 2005. It IS possible to edit and run DTS packages in SQL Server 2005 however, by installing the “Feature Pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2005”. Particular components that you should look at are “Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer Components” for editing and “Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components” for the runtime.

您可能知道,DTS已被弃用,并在SQL Server 2005中被SSIS取代。但是,可以通过安装“Microsoft SQL Server 2005功能包”来编辑和运行SQL Server 2005中的DTS包。您应该查看的特定组件是用于编辑的“Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer组件”和用于运行时的“Microsoft SQL Server 2005向后兼容组件”。

This allows you to upgrade from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005 and your old DTS packages will still run. This leaves you time to upgrade them to SSIS.

这允许您从SQL Server 2000升级到SQL Server 2005,您的旧DTS包仍将运行。这使您有时间将它们升级到SSIS。


When you use the Import/Export wizard you are given an option, at the end of the wizard, to save the SSIS package into the database.


The wizard saves the package in the msdb database in the sysssispackages table. This option does not save the package to the SSIS Catalog database (SSISDB).



The raw payload of a DTS package should give results from this:


SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysdtspackages WHERE name = 'MyPackageName'

Or this:

exec msdb..sp_get_dtspackage @name = N'PackageName', @id = 'PACKAGE_GUID', @versionid = 'VERSION_GUID'
--you can get PACKAGE_GUID from going to Package/Properties from DTS Designer
--you can get VERSION_GUID from Package/Properties from DTS Designer

The payload is in the packagedata field. However it is in binary format so there is not much manipulation that can be done with the field.


This technically answers the question from the perspective of the physical location.



you should connect to integration services... and then in the MSDB folder or in the FileSystem folder, it depends how did you save them



As you probably know, DTS was deprecated and was replaced by SSIS in SQL Server 2005. It IS possible to edit and run DTS packages in SQL Server 2005 however, by installing the “Feature Pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2005”. Particular components that you should look at are “Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer Components” for editing and “Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components” for the runtime.

您可能知道,DTS已被弃用,并在SQL Server 2005中被SSIS取代。但是,可以通过安装“Microsoft SQL Server 2005功能包”来编辑和运行SQL Server 2005中的DTS包。您应该查看的特定组件是用于编辑的“Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Designer组件”和用于运行时的“Microsoft SQL Server 2005向后兼容组件”。

This allows you to upgrade from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005 and your old DTS packages will still run. This leaves you time to upgrade them to SSIS.

这允许您从SQL Server 2000升级到SQL Server 2005,您的旧DTS包仍将运行。这使您有时间将它们升级到SSIS。


When you use the Import/Export wizard you are given an option, at the end of the wizard, to save the SSIS package into the database.


The wizard saves the package in the msdb database in the sysssispackages table. This option does not save the package to the SSIS Catalog database (SSISDB).



The raw payload of a DTS package should give results from this:


SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysdtspackages WHERE name = 'MyPackageName'

Or this:

exec msdb..sp_get_dtspackage @name = N'PackageName', @id = 'PACKAGE_GUID', @versionid = 'VERSION_GUID'
--you can get PACKAGE_GUID from going to Package/Properties from DTS Designer
--you can get VERSION_GUID from Package/Properties from DTS Designer

The payload is in the packagedata field. However it is in binary format so there is not much manipulation that can be done with the field.


This technically answers the question from the perspective of the physical location.
