
时间:2022-05-23 07:15:20

Can I programatically(or whichever way works fine) create the backup of a database, with only the tables I want? I have around 100 tables in my database and I want only 10 tables backup(ofcourse all are interdependant). How can I achieve this? And by the way I have a postgresql database.


1 个解决方案



Of course. pg_dump lets you pass list of tables with parameter -t

当然。 pg_dump允许您传递带参数-t的表列表

To clear some doubts. True, the -t parameter accepts only one pattern. But it's a pattern very similar to regular expression, so if you want to dump tables A, B & C you can do:


pg_dump -t '(A|B|C)' 



Of course. pg_dump lets you pass list of tables with parameter -t

当然。 pg_dump允许您传递带参数-t的表列表

To clear some doubts. True, the -t parameter accepts only one pattern. But it's a pattern very similar to regular expression, so if you want to dump tables A, B & C you can do:


pg_dump -t '(A|B|C)'