
时间:2021-05-05 07:11:28

hello As a project I've been asked to write using java my own dropbox. My program will have, like the original dropbox a listener (using nio2-already wrote) to a specific folder and will need to upload the files to a remote server. The server will also have a simple interface that I'm leaving to the end. I can every technology i want. we learned hibernate (because i need to save the data in mySQL DB). We also learned sockets, servlets, rest, and comet.

你好作为一个项目,我被要求用java自己的dropbox写。我的程序将像原始的Dropbox一样,将侦听器(使用nio2已经写入)发送到特定文件夹,并且需要将文件上载到远程服务器。服务器也将有一个简单的界面,我将其留给最后。我可以用我想要的每一项技术。我们学习了hibernate(因为我需要在mySQL DB中保存数据)。我们还学习了套接字,servlet,休息和彗星。

i'm a little confused of how to do the communication part of my program. i can use socket but it's very low level and i was searching for a more faster high level and easier technology. I read so much and saw so many terms such as Apache Mina, Netty,RMI...

我对如何处理程序的通信部分感到有些困惑。我可以使用socket,但它的级别非常低,我正在寻找更快的高级别和更简单的技术。我看了这么多,看到了很多术语,比如Apache Mina,Netty,RMI ......

i need something simple with allot of FAQ and examples online that will support:


  1. a multi thread server application.
  2. 多线程服务器应用程序。

  3. i don't care if it's on HTTP...
  4. 我不在乎它是否在HTTP上......

  5. easy to implement and transfer data between several clients and a server.
  6. 易于在多个客户端和服务器之间实现和传输数据。

  7. a simple way that if a file changes the server will notify the client.
  8. 一种简单的方法,如果文件更改服务器将通知客户端。

tnx allot

1 个解决方案



Enter Apache Tomcat with servlets. As for the notification goes. You may embed the container in the client and have the server push the update notification.

使用servlet输入Apache Tomcat。至于通知去。您可以将容器嵌入客户端并让服务器推送更新通知。



Enter Apache Tomcat with servlets. As for the notification goes. You may embed the container in the client and have the server push the update notification.

使用servlet输入Apache Tomcat。至于通知去。您可以将容器嵌入客户端并让服务器推送更新通知。