
时间:2021-03-14 07:11:19

I want to use the autocorrection and shortcut list like default English keyboard with my custom keyboard. I check the in keyboard document but don't know how to use it.


In keyboard documentation.


Every custom keyboard (independent of the value of its RequestsOpenAccess key) has access to a basic autocorrection lexicon through the UILexicon class. Make use of this class, along with a lexicon of your own design, to provide suggestions and autocorrections as users are entering text. The UILexicon object contains words from various sources, including:


  • Unpaired first names and last names from the user’s Address Book database
  • 用户地址簿中未配对的名和姓
  • Text shortcuts defined in the Settings > General > Keyboard > Shortcuts list
  • 文本快捷键定义在设置>一般>键盘>快捷键列表
  • A common words dictionary
  • 一个常用单词字典

How to access shortcut list and input from our dictionary in Objective-C?


How to use UILexicon with requestSupplementaryLexiconWithCompletion?


8 个解决方案



Implementing the lexicon would look pretty much like this:


  1. Use requestSupplementaryLexiconWithCompletion() to get the lexicon upon launch once.
  2. 使用requestSupplementaryLexiconWithCompletion()在启动时获取lexicon。
  3. Each type text is inputted add it to a NSString (tracking the current word)
  4. 输入的每个类型文本都将其添加到NSString(跟踪当前单词)
  5. When user presses space (end of curent word) check the string against the lexicon
  6. 当用户按空格(curent word结尾)时,根据字典检查字符串
  7. If it's a match count the number of characters and delete that number of characters
  8. 如果是匹配,请计算字符数并删除字符数
  9. Input the suggestion suggested by the lexicon
  10. 输入词汇所建议的建议。
  11. Clear the string and start again
  12. 清除字符串并重新开始

Additionally you could also use UITextChecker to offer more advanced auto-correct features.


Code (in Objective-C, this may not be 100% accurate I wrote in SO while on the bus but it should do):


UILexicon *lexicon;
NSString *currentString;

-(void)viewDidLoad {
     [self requestSupplementaryLexiconWithCompletion:^(UILexicon *receivedLexicon) {
         self.lexicon = receivedLexicon;

-(IBAction)myTypingAction:(UIButton *)sender {
    [documentProxy insertText:sender.title]; 
    [currentString stringByAppendingString:sender.title];

-(IBAction)space {
   [documentProxy insertText:@" "];
   for (UILexiconEntry *lexiconEntry in lexicon.entries) {
       if (lexiconEntry.userInput isEqualToString:currentString) {
            for (int i = 0; currentString.length >=i ; i++) { 
                 [documentProxy deleteTextBackwards];
            [documentProxy insertText:lexiconEntry.documentText];
            currentString = @"";  

Feel free to comment if you have any more questions.


Source: Personal experience with iOS 8 keyboards and UILexicon

来源:iOS 8键盘和UILexicon的个人体验



With regards to auto-correction, I was able to add it using link. Here's the code snippet I used from the link:


UITextChecker *checker = [[UITextChecker alloc] init];

  NSRange checkRange = NSMakeRange(0, self.txView.text.length);

  NSRange misspelledRange = [checker rangeOfMisspelledWordInString:self.txView.text 

  NSArray *arrGuessed = [checker guessesForWordRange:misspelledRange inString:self.txView.text language:@"en_US"];

  self.txView.text = [self.txView.text stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:misspelledRange 
                                                               withString:[arrGuessed objectAtIndex:0]];

The full documentation from Apple can be found here.




Although I have not personally tried creating a custom keyboard, I am basing this answer on what I can see in the documentation.


In your keyboard, create a property called entries of type [AnyObject] (Array of AnyObjects).

在您的键盘中,创建一个属性,名为“输入类型[AnyObject] (AnyObject数组)”。

In your init method, or wherever you create the keyboard, call this method:


requestSupplementaryLexiconWithCompletion(completionHandler: {
    lexicon in 
    self.entries = lexicon.entries

I suspect that entries is actually an array of Strings or NSStrings, but it could be a dictionary or some other type. When testing this out, try figuring out what type is actually contained in entries before figuring out your logic.


I do not believe there is a way to get Apple's default autocorrect options currently. However, this WWDC talk gives insight about how they made autocorrect work in the original iPhone OS (around the 30 minute mark).


He mentions using a binary search of the array, which leads me to believe that this array is sorted. Of course, much could have changed since the first iPhone came out...


Good luck figuring out this new API!




This is the way you can actually access Lexicon words:


[self requestSupplementaryLexiconWithCompletion:^(UILexicon *receivedLexicon) {
    self.lexicon = receivedLexicon;

    for (UILexiconEntry *word in self.lexicon.entries) {
        // Text to be inserted into a text input object by a custom keyboard, corresponding to the userInput value in the same lexicon entry.
        // Text to match, during user input, to provide appropriate output to a text document from the documentText value in the same lexicon entry.



Every custom keyboard (independent of the value of its RequestsOpenAccess key) has access to a basic autocorrection lexicon through the UILexicon class. Make use of this class, along with a lexicon of your own design, to provide suggestions and autocorrections as users are entering text. The UILexicon object contains words from various sources, including:


Unpaired first names and last names from the user’s Address Book database Text shortcuts defined in the Settings > General > Keyboard > Shortcuts list A common words dictionary that includes the names of Apple products




In case anyone is still looking into this, I found a really nice C++ predictive text library called Presage. It seems to do a good job based on the demo but I'm having a lot of trouble trying to integrate it as a library (see my question here).


Let me know if anyone has any ideas, very interested in getting this working!




Actually, UILexicon is just a way to get some user-specific words that your spellchecking system should't try to fix. Probably, the most common way to use it is to fill out UITextChecker's list of ignored words.


let lexicon: UILexicon = ...
let checker: UITextChecker = ...

for entry in lexicon.entries {
    if entry.documentText == entry.userInput {

Additionally, UILexicon can be used as source of autoreplaced shortcuts like ("omw" = "On my way!"), but it is not autocorrection in terms of spelling.

此外,UILexicon可以作为自动放置的快捷方式的来源,比如(“omw”=“On my way!”),但在拼写方面它并不是自动更正。



You can use below logic for AutoCorrect & it will also work in iOS 10


-(void)didClickAtAlphaNumericKeyboardKey:(NSString *)value {

    if ([value isEqualToString:@" "]) {
            UITextChecker *checker = [[UITextChecker alloc] init];
            currentString = self.textDocumentProxy.documentContextBeforeInput;
            NSCharacterSet *charSet = [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet];
            NSArray *components = [currentString componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:charSet];
            NSString *lastWord = components.lastObject;

            NSRange checkRange = NSMakeRange(0, lastWord.length);
            NSRange misspelledRange = [checker rangeOfMisspelledWordInString:lastWord

            NSArray *guessedWord = [checker guessesForWordRange:misspelledRange inString:lastWord language:@"en_US"];

            if (guessedWord && guessedWord.count > 0) {
                for (int i = 0; lastWord.length >i ; i++) {
                    [self.textDocumentProxy deleteBackward];
                [self.textDocumentProxy insertText:[guessedWord objectAtIndex:0]];

    [self.textDocumentProxy insertText:value];



Implementing the lexicon would look pretty much like this:


  1. Use requestSupplementaryLexiconWithCompletion() to get the lexicon upon launch once.
  2. 使用requestSupplementaryLexiconWithCompletion()在启动时获取lexicon。
  3. Each type text is inputted add it to a NSString (tracking the current word)
  4. 输入的每个类型文本都将其添加到NSString(跟踪当前单词)
  5. When user presses space (end of curent word) check the string against the lexicon
  6. 当用户按空格(curent word结尾)时,根据字典检查字符串
  7. If it's a match count the number of characters and delete that number of characters
  8. 如果是匹配,请计算字符数并删除字符数
  9. Input the suggestion suggested by the lexicon
  10. 输入词汇所建议的建议。
  11. Clear the string and start again
  12. 清除字符串并重新开始

Additionally you could also use UITextChecker to offer more advanced auto-correct features.


Code (in Objective-C, this may not be 100% accurate I wrote in SO while on the bus but it should do):


UILexicon *lexicon;
NSString *currentString;

-(void)viewDidLoad {
     [self requestSupplementaryLexiconWithCompletion:^(UILexicon *receivedLexicon) {
         self.lexicon = receivedLexicon;

-(IBAction)myTypingAction:(UIButton *)sender {
    [documentProxy insertText:sender.title]; 
    [currentString stringByAppendingString:sender.title];

-(IBAction)space {
   [documentProxy insertText:@" "];
   for (UILexiconEntry *lexiconEntry in lexicon.entries) {
       if (lexiconEntry.userInput isEqualToString:currentString) {
            for (int i = 0; currentString.length >=i ; i++) { 
                 [documentProxy deleteTextBackwards];
            [documentProxy insertText:lexiconEntry.documentText];
            currentString = @"";  

Feel free to comment if you have any more questions.


Source: Personal experience with iOS 8 keyboards and UILexicon

来源:iOS 8键盘和UILexicon的个人体验



With regards to auto-correction, I was able to add it using link. Here's the code snippet I used from the link:


UITextChecker *checker = [[UITextChecker alloc] init];

  NSRange checkRange = NSMakeRange(0, self.txView.text.length);

  NSRange misspelledRange = [checker rangeOfMisspelledWordInString:self.txView.text 

  NSArray *arrGuessed = [checker guessesForWordRange:misspelledRange inString:self.txView.text language:@"en_US"];

  self.txView.text = [self.txView.text stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:misspelledRange 
                                                               withString:[arrGuessed objectAtIndex:0]];

The full documentation from Apple can be found here.




Although I have not personally tried creating a custom keyboard, I am basing this answer on what I can see in the documentation.


In your keyboard, create a property called entries of type [AnyObject] (Array of AnyObjects).

在您的键盘中,创建一个属性,名为“输入类型[AnyObject] (AnyObject数组)”。

In your init method, or wherever you create the keyboard, call this method:


requestSupplementaryLexiconWithCompletion(completionHandler: {
    lexicon in 
    self.entries = lexicon.entries

I suspect that entries is actually an array of Strings or NSStrings, but it could be a dictionary or some other type. When testing this out, try figuring out what type is actually contained in entries before figuring out your logic.


I do not believe there is a way to get Apple's default autocorrect options currently. However, this WWDC talk gives insight about how they made autocorrect work in the original iPhone OS (around the 30 minute mark).


He mentions using a binary search of the array, which leads me to believe that this array is sorted. Of course, much could have changed since the first iPhone came out...


Good luck figuring out this new API!




This is the way you can actually access Lexicon words:


[self requestSupplementaryLexiconWithCompletion:^(UILexicon *receivedLexicon) {
    self.lexicon = receivedLexicon;

    for (UILexiconEntry *word in self.lexicon.entries) {
        // Text to be inserted into a text input object by a custom keyboard, corresponding to the userInput value in the same lexicon entry.
        // Text to match, during user input, to provide appropriate output to a text document from the documentText value in the same lexicon entry.



Every custom keyboard (independent of the value of its RequestsOpenAccess key) has access to a basic autocorrection lexicon through the UILexicon class. Make use of this class, along with a lexicon of your own design, to provide suggestions and autocorrections as users are entering text. The UILexicon object contains words from various sources, including:


Unpaired first names and last names from the user’s Address Book database Text shortcuts defined in the Settings > General > Keyboard > Shortcuts list A common words dictionary that includes the names of Apple products




In case anyone is still looking into this, I found a really nice C++ predictive text library called Presage. It seems to do a good job based on the demo but I'm having a lot of trouble trying to integrate it as a library (see my question here).


Let me know if anyone has any ideas, very interested in getting this working!




Actually, UILexicon is just a way to get some user-specific words that your spellchecking system should't try to fix. Probably, the most common way to use it is to fill out UITextChecker's list of ignored words.


let lexicon: UILexicon = ...
let checker: UITextChecker = ...

for entry in lexicon.entries {
    if entry.documentText == entry.userInput {

Additionally, UILexicon can be used as source of autoreplaced shortcuts like ("omw" = "On my way!"), but it is not autocorrection in terms of spelling.

此外,UILexicon可以作为自动放置的快捷方式的来源,比如(“omw”=“On my way!”),但在拼写方面它并不是自动更正。



You can use below logic for AutoCorrect & it will also work in iOS 10


-(void)didClickAtAlphaNumericKeyboardKey:(NSString *)value {

    if ([value isEqualToString:@" "]) {
            UITextChecker *checker = [[UITextChecker alloc] init];
            currentString = self.textDocumentProxy.documentContextBeforeInput;
            NSCharacterSet *charSet = [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet];
            NSArray *components = [currentString componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:charSet];
            NSString *lastWord = components.lastObject;

            NSRange checkRange = NSMakeRange(0, lastWord.length);
            NSRange misspelledRange = [checker rangeOfMisspelledWordInString:lastWord

            NSArray *guessedWord = [checker guessesForWordRange:misspelledRange inString:lastWord language:@"en_US"];

            if (guessedWord && guessedWord.count > 0) {
                for (int i = 0; lastWord.length >i ; i++) {
                    [self.textDocumentProxy deleteBackward];
                [self.textDocumentProxy insertText:[guessedWord objectAtIndex:0]];

    [self.textDocumentProxy insertText:value];