
时间:2022-04-01 07:08:50

I have a daemon that runs background jobs requested by our webservice. We have 4 workers running simultaneously.


Sometimes a job is executed twice at the same time, because two workers decided to run that job. To avoid this situation we tried several things:


  1. Since our jobs comes from our databases, we added a flag called executed, that prevents other works to get a job that has already been started to execute; This does not solve the problem, sometimes the delay with our database is enough to have simultaneous executions;
  2. 由于我们的作业来自我们的数据库,我们添加了一个名为execute的标志,它阻止其他工作获得已经开始执行的作业;这并不能解决问题,有时数据库的延迟就足以同时执行;
  3. Added memcached in the system (all workers run in the same system), but somehow we had simultaneous jobs running today -- memcached does not solve for multiple servers as well.
  4. 在系统中添加了memcached(所有工作人员都运行在同一个系统中),但是不知何故,我们今天同时运行作业——memcached并不能解决多个服务器的问题。

Here is the following logic we are currently using:


// We create our memcached server
$memcached = new Memcached();
$memcached->addServer("", 11211);

// Checkup every 5 seconds for operations
while (true) {
    // Gather all operations TODO
    // In this query, we do not accept operations that are set
    // as executed already.
    $result = findDaemonOperationsPendingQuery();

    // We have some results!
    if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
        $op = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
        echo "Found an operation todo #" . $op['id'] . "\n";

        // Set operation as executed
        setDaemonOperationAsDone($op['id'], 'executed');

        // Verifies if operation is happening on memcached
        if (get_memcached_operation($memcached, $op['id'])) {
            echo "\tOperation id already executing...\n";

        } else {
            // Set operation on memcached
            set_memcached_operation($memcached, $op['id']);

        ... do our stuff

How this kind of problem is usually solved? I looked up on the internet and found out a library called Gearman, but I'm not convinced that it will solve my problems when we have multiple servers.


Another thing I thought was to predefine a daemon to run the operation at insertion, and create a failsafe exclusive daemon that runs operations set by daemons that are out of service.


Any ideas?




2 个解决方案



An alternative solution to using locks and transactions, assuming each worker has an id.


In your loop run:


UPDATE operations SET worker_id = :wid WHERE worker_id IS NULL LIMIT 1;

SELECT * FROM operations where executed = 0 and worker_id = :wid;

The update is a single operation which is atomic and you are only setting worker_id if it is not yet set so no worries about race conditions. Setting the worker_id makes it clear who owns the operation. The update will only assign one operation because of the LIMIT 1.




You have a typical concurrency problem.


  1. Worker 1 reads the table, select a job
  2. Worker 1读取表,选择一个job
  3. Worker 1 update the table to mark the job as 'assigned' or whatever
  4. Worker 1更新表,将作业标记为“已分配”或其他
  5. Oh but wait, between 1 and 2, worker 2 read the table as well, and since the job wasn't yet marked a 'assigned', worker 2 selected the same job
  6. 哦,等等,在1和2之间,工人2也读了表格,因为工作还没有标注“分配”,工人2选择了相同的工作。

The way to solve this is to use transactions and locks, in particular SELECT.. FOR UPDATE. It'll go like this:


  1. Worker 1 starts a transaction (START TRANSACTION) and tries to acquire an exclusive lock SELECT * FROM jobs [...] FOR UPDATE
  2. Worker 1启动一个事务(启动事务)并试图从jobs[…为更新
  3. Worker 2 does the same. Except he has to wait because Worker 1 already has the lock.
  4. 工人2也是如此。但是他必须等待,因为工人1已经有锁了。
  5. Worker 1 updates the table to say he's now working on the job and commit the transaction immediately. This releases the lock for other workers to select jobs. Worker 1 can now safely start working on this job.
  6. Worker 1更新表,表示他正在处理作业并立即提交事务。这将释放其他工作人员选择作业的锁。工人1现在可以安全地开始这项工作了。
  7. Worker 2 can now read the table and acquire a lock. Since the table has been updated, worker 2 will select a different job.
  8. Worker 2现在可以读取表并获取一个锁。由于表已经更新,worker 2将选择一个不同的作业。

EDIT: Specific comment about your PHP code:


  • Your comment says you are fetching all the jobs that needs to be done at once in each worker. You should only select one, do it, select one, do it, etc.
  • 您的评论说,您正在获取每个worker中需要同时完成的所有作业。你应该只选择一个,做它,选择一个,做它,等等。
  • You are setting the flag 'executed' when in fact it's not (yet) executed. You need a 'assigned' flag, and a different 'executed' flag.
  • 您正在设置标志“已执行”,而实际上它尚未执行。您需要一个“分配”标志,和一个不同的“执行”标志。



An alternative solution to using locks and transactions, assuming each worker has an id.


In your loop run:


UPDATE operations SET worker_id = :wid WHERE worker_id IS NULL LIMIT 1;

SELECT * FROM operations where executed = 0 and worker_id = :wid;

The update is a single operation which is atomic and you are only setting worker_id if it is not yet set so no worries about race conditions. Setting the worker_id makes it clear who owns the operation. The update will only assign one operation because of the LIMIT 1.




You have a typical concurrency problem.


  1. Worker 1 reads the table, select a job
  2. Worker 1读取表,选择一个job
  3. Worker 1 update the table to mark the job as 'assigned' or whatever
  4. Worker 1更新表,将作业标记为“已分配”或其他
  5. Oh but wait, between 1 and 2, worker 2 read the table as well, and since the job wasn't yet marked a 'assigned', worker 2 selected the same job
  6. 哦,等等,在1和2之间,工人2也读了表格,因为工作还没有标注“分配”,工人2选择了相同的工作。

The way to solve this is to use transactions and locks, in particular SELECT.. FOR UPDATE. It'll go like this:


  1. Worker 1 starts a transaction (START TRANSACTION) and tries to acquire an exclusive lock SELECT * FROM jobs [...] FOR UPDATE
  2. Worker 1启动一个事务(启动事务)并试图从jobs[…为更新
  3. Worker 2 does the same. Except he has to wait because Worker 1 already has the lock.
  4. 工人2也是如此。但是他必须等待,因为工人1已经有锁了。
  5. Worker 1 updates the table to say he's now working on the job and commit the transaction immediately. This releases the lock for other workers to select jobs. Worker 1 can now safely start working on this job.
  6. Worker 1更新表,表示他正在处理作业并立即提交事务。这将释放其他工作人员选择作业的锁。工人1现在可以安全地开始这项工作了。
  7. Worker 2 can now read the table and acquire a lock. Since the table has been updated, worker 2 will select a different job.
  8. Worker 2现在可以读取表并获取一个锁。由于表已经更新,worker 2将选择一个不同的作业。

EDIT: Specific comment about your PHP code:


  • Your comment says you are fetching all the jobs that needs to be done at once in each worker. You should only select one, do it, select one, do it, etc.
  • 您的评论说,您正在获取每个worker中需要同时完成的所有作业。你应该只选择一个,做它,选择一个,做它,等等。
  • You are setting the flag 'executed' when in fact it's not (yet) executed. You need a 'assigned' flag, and a different 'executed' flag.
  • 您正在设置标志“已执行”,而实际上它尚未执行。您需要一个“分配”标志,和一个不同的“执行”标志。