Java ExecutorService.newSingleThreadExecutor()的C#等价物,或者:如何序列化对资源的多线程访问

时间:2021-04-30 07:09:51

I have a couple of situations in my code where various threads can create work items that, for various reasons, shouldn't be done in parallel. I'd like to make sure the work gets done in a FIFO manner, regardless of what thread it comes in from. In Java, I'd put the work items on a single-threaded ExecutorService; is there an equivalent in C#? I've cobbled something together with a Queue and a bunch of lock(){} blocks, but it'd be nice to be able to use something off-the-shelf and tested.


Update: Does anybody have experience with System.Threading.Tasks? Does it have a solution for this sort of thing? I'm writing a Monotouch app so who knows if I could even find a backported version of it that I could get to work, but it'd at least be something to think about for the future.


Update #2 For C# developers unfamiliar with the Java libraries I'm talking about, basically I want something that lets various threads hand off work items such that all those work items will be run on a single thread (which isn't any of the calling threads).


Update, 6/2018: If I was architecting a similar system now, I'd probably use Reactive Extensions as per Matt Craig's answer. I'm leaving Zachary Yates' answer the accepted one, though, because if you're thinking in Rx you probably wouldn't even ask this question, and I think ConcurrentQueue is easier to bodge into a pre-Rx program.

更新,6/201:如果我现在正在构建一个类似的系统,我可能会根据Matt Craig的回答使用Reactive Extensions。我离开Zachary Yates回答了被接受的答案,因为如果你在Rx中思考,你可能甚至都不会问这个问题,我认为ConcurrentQueue更容易进入前Rx程序。

5 个解决方案



You can use ConcurrentQueue, (if monotouch supports .net 4?) it's thread safe and I think the implementation is actually lockless. This works pretty well if you have a long-running task (like in a windows service).

您可以使用ConcurrentQueue(如果monotouch支持.net 4?)它的线程安全,我认为实现实际上是无锁的。如果您有一个长时间运行的任务(如在Windows服务中),这非常有效。

Generally, your problem sounds like you have multiple producers with a single consumer.


var work = new ConcurrentQueue<Item>();
var producer1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
    work.Enqueue(item); // or whatever your threads are doing
var producer2 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
    work.Enqueue(item); // etc
var consumer = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
    while(running) {
        Item item = null;
        work.TryDequeue(out item);
Task.WaitAll(producer1, producer2, consumer);

You should use BlockingCollection if you have a finite pool of work items. Here's an MSDN page showing all of the new concurrent collection types.




I believe this can be done using a SynchronizationContext. However, I have only done this to post back to the UI thread, which already has a synchronization context (if told to be installed) provided by .NET -- I don't know how to prepare it for use from a "vanilla thread" though.

我相信这可以使用SynchronizationContext来完成。但是,我只是这样做回发到UI线程,它已经有.NET提供的同步上下文(如果被告知要安装) - 我不知道如何准备它从“vanilla线程”使用“不过。

Some links I found for "custom synchronizationcontext provider" (I have not had time to review these, do not fully understand the working/context, nor do I have any additional information):


  1. Looking for an example of a custom SynchronizationContext (Required for unit testing)



Happy coding.




There is a more contemporary solution now available - the EventLoopScheduler class.

现在有一个更现代的解决方案 - EventLoopScheduler类。



Not native AFAIK, but look at this: Serial Task Executor; is this thread safe?

不是原生的AFAIK,但看看这个:Serial Task Executor;这个线程安全吗?



As I wrote in comments, you discovered by yourself that the lock statement can do the work.


If you are interested in getting a "container" that can make simpler the job of managing a queue of work items, look at the ThreadPool class.


I think that, in a well designed architecture, with these two elemnts (ThreadPool class and lock statement) you can easily and succesfully serialize access to resources.




You can use ConcurrentQueue, (if monotouch supports .net 4?) it's thread safe and I think the implementation is actually lockless. This works pretty well if you have a long-running task (like in a windows service).

您可以使用ConcurrentQueue(如果monotouch支持.net 4?)它的线程安全,我认为实现实际上是无锁的。如果您有一个长时间运行的任务(如在Windows服务中),这非常有效。

Generally, your problem sounds like you have multiple producers with a single consumer.


var work = new ConcurrentQueue<Item>();
var producer1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
    work.Enqueue(item); // or whatever your threads are doing
var producer2 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
    work.Enqueue(item); // etc
var consumer = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
    while(running) {
        Item item = null;
        work.TryDequeue(out item);
Task.WaitAll(producer1, producer2, consumer);

You should use BlockingCollection if you have a finite pool of work items. Here's an MSDN page showing all of the new concurrent collection types.




I believe this can be done using a SynchronizationContext. However, I have only done this to post back to the UI thread, which already has a synchronization context (if told to be installed) provided by .NET -- I don't know how to prepare it for use from a "vanilla thread" though.

我相信这可以使用SynchronizationContext来完成。但是,我只是这样做回发到UI线程,它已经有.NET提供的同步上下文(如果被告知要安装) - 我不知道如何准备它从“vanilla线程”使用“不过。

Some links I found for "custom synchronizationcontext provider" (I have not had time to review these, do not fully understand the working/context, nor do I have any additional information):


  1. Looking for an example of a custom SynchronizationContext (Required for unit testing)



Happy coding.




There is a more contemporary solution now available - the EventLoopScheduler class.

现在有一个更现代的解决方案 - EventLoopScheduler类。



Not native AFAIK, but look at this: Serial Task Executor; is this thread safe?

不是原生的AFAIK,但看看这个:Serial Task Executor;这个线程安全吗?



As I wrote in comments, you discovered by yourself that the lock statement can do the work.


If you are interested in getting a "container" that can make simpler the job of managing a queue of work items, look at the ThreadPool class.


I think that, in a well designed architecture, with these two elemnts (ThreadPool class and lock statement) you can easily and succesfully serialize access to resources.
