
时间:2021-07-14 07:07:49

We are planning to write a highly concurrent application in any of the Very-High Level programming languages.


1) Do Python, Ruby, or Haskell support true multithreading?

1) Python、Ruby或Haskell支持真正的多线程吗?

2) If a program contains threads, will a Virtual Machine automatically assign work to multiple cores (or to physical CPUs if there is more than 1 CPU on the mainboard)?


True multithreading = multiple independent threads of execution utilize the resources provided by multiple cores (not by only 1 core).


False multithreading = threads emulate multithreaded environments without relying on any native OS capabilities.


8 个解决方案



1) Do Python, Ruby, or Haskell support true multithreading?

1) Python、Ruby或Haskell支持真正的多线程吗?

This has nothing to do with the language. It is a question of the hardware (if the machine only has 1 CPU, it is simply physically impossible to execute two instructions at the same time), the Operating System (again, if the OS doesn't support true multithreading, there is nothing you can do) and the language implementation / execution engine.


Unless the language specification explicitly forbids or enforces true multithreading, this has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the language.


All the languages that you mention, plus all the languages that have been mentioned in the answers so far, have multiple implementations, some of which support true multithreading, some don't, and some are built on top of other execution engines which might or might not support true multithreading.


Take Ruby, for example. Here are just some of its implementations and their threading models:


  • MRI: green threads, no true multithreading
  • MRI:绿色线程,没有真正的多线程。
  • YARV: OS threads, no true multithreading
  • OS线程,没有真正的多线程
  • Rubinius: OS threads, true multithreading
  • Rubinius: OS线程,真正的多线程
  • MacRuby: OS threads, true multithreading
  • MacRuby: OS线程,真正的多线程。
  • JRuby, XRuby: JVM threads, depends on the JVM (if the JVM supports true multithreading, then JRuby/XRuby does, too, if the JVM doesn't, then there's nothing they can do about it)
  • JRuby, XRuby: JVM线程,取决于JVM(如果JVM支持真正的多线程,那么JRuby/XRuby也会这样做,如果JVM不支持,那么他们也无能为力)
  • IronRuby, Ruby.NET: just like JRuby, XRuby, but on the CLI instead of on the JVM
  • IronRuby,Ruby。NET:就像JRuby、XRuby一样,只是在CLI上而不是JVM上

See also my answer to another similar question about Ruby. (Note that that answer is more than a year old, and some of it is no longer accurate. Rubinius, for example, uses truly concurrent native threads now, instead of truly concurrent green threads. Also, since then, several new Ruby implementations have emerged, such as BlueRuby, tinyrb, Ruby Go Lightly, Red Sun and SmallRuby.)

请参见我对另一个关于Ruby的类似问题的回答。(请注意,这个答案已经有一年多的历史了,其中一些已经不再准确。例如,Rubinius现在使用真正的并发本地线程,而不是真正的并发绿色线程。此外,从那时起,出现了几个新的Ruby实现,如BlueRuby、tinyrb、Ruby Go light、Red Sun和SmallRuby。

Similar for Python:


  • CPython: native threads, no true multithreading
  • CPython:本机线程,没有真正的多线程
  • PyPy: native threads, depends on the execution engine (PyPy can run natively, or on top of a JVM, or on top of a CLI, or on top of another Python execution engine. Whenever the underlying platform supports true multithreading, PyPy does, too.)
  • PyPy:本机线程,取决于执行引擎(PyPy可以本机运行,或者在JVM上运行,或者在CLI上运行,或者在另一个Python执行引擎上运行。每当底层平台支持真正的多线程时,PyPy也会支持。
  • Unladen Swallow: native threads, currently no true multithreading, but fix is planned
  • Unladen Swallow:本机线程,目前没有真正的多线程,但是正在计划修复
  • Jython: JVM threads, see JRuby
  • JVM线程,请参见JRuby
  • IronPython: CLI threads, see IronRuby
  • IronPython: CLI线程,参见IronRuby

For Haskell, at least the Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compiler supports true multithreading with native threads. I don't know about UHC, LHC, JHC, YHC, HUGS or all the others.

对于Haskell来说,至少格拉斯哥Haskell编译器支持使用本地线程的真正多线程。我不知道UHC, LHC, JHC, YHC, HUGS或者其他的。

For Erlang, both BEAM and HiPE support true multithreading with green threads.

对于Erlang, BEAM和HiPE都支持使用绿色线程的真正多线程。

2) If a program contains threads, will a Virtual Machine automatically assign work to multiple cores (or to physical CPUs if there is more than 1 CPU on the mainboard)?


Again: this depends on the Virtual Machine, the Operating System and the hardware. Also, some of the implementations mentioned above, don't even have Virtual Machines.




The Haskell implementation, GHC, supports multiple mechanisms for parallel execution on shared memory multicore. These mechanisms are described in "Runtime Support for Multicore Haskell".


Concretely, the Haskell runtime divides work be N OS threads, distributed over the available compute cores. These N OS threads in turn run M lightweight Haskell threads (sometimes millions of them). In turn, each Haskell thread can take work for a spark queue (there may be billions of sparks). Like so: Python、Ruby、Haskell——它们提供了真正的多线程吗?


The runtime schedules work to be executed on separate cores, migrates work, and load balances. The garbage collector is also a parallel one, using each core to collect part of the heap.


Unlike Python or Ruby, there's no global interpreter lock, so for that, and other reasons, GHC is particularly good on mulitcore in comparison, e.g. Haskell v Python on the multicore shootout

与Python或Ruby不同,它没有全局解释器锁,因此,由于这个原因,以及其他原因,相比之下,GHC在mulitcore上表现得尤为出色,例如在多核枪战中,Haskell v Python



The GHC compiler will run your program on multiple OS threads (and thus multiple cores) if you compile with the -threaded option and then pass +RTS -N<x> -RTS at runtime, where <x> = the number of OS threads you want.

如果您使用-thread选项进行编译,然后在运行时传递+ rt -N -RTS,其中 =所需的OS线程数,那么GHC编译器将在多个OS线程(以及多个内核)上运行您的程序。



The current version of Ruby 1.9(YARV- C based version) has native threads but has the problem of GIL. As I know Python also has the problem of GIL.

当前版本的Ruby 1.9(基于YARV- C的版本)有本地线程,但有GIL的问题。我知道Python也有GIL的问题。

However both Jython and JRuby(mature Java implementations of both Ruby and Python) provide native multithreading, no green threads and no GIL.


Don't know about Haskell.




Haskell is thread-capable, in addition you get pure functional language - no side effects




For real concurrency, you probably want to try Erlang.




I second the choice of Erlang. Erlang can support distributed highly concurrent programming out of the box. Does not matter whether you callit "multi-threading" or "multi-processing". Two important elements to consider are the level of concurrency and the fact that Erlang processes do not share state.


No shared state among processes is a good thing.




Haskell is suitable for anything. python has processing module, which (I think - not sure) helps to avoid GIL problems. (so it suitable for anything too).


But my opinion - best way you can do is to select highest level possible language with static type system for big and huge things. Today this languages are: ocaml, haskell, erlang.

但是我的观点是——你能做的最好的方法是选择最高层次的语言,用静态类型系统来处理大而大的事情。今天的语言是:ocaml, haskell, erlang。

If you want to develop small thing - python is good. But when things become bigger - all python benefits are eaten by miriads of tests.


I didn't use ruby. I still thinking that ruby is a toy language. (Or at least there's no reason to teach ruby when you know python - better to read SICP book).




1) Do Python, Ruby, or Haskell support true multithreading?

1) Python、Ruby或Haskell支持真正的多线程吗?

This has nothing to do with the language. It is a question of the hardware (if the machine only has 1 CPU, it is simply physically impossible to execute two instructions at the same time), the Operating System (again, if the OS doesn't support true multithreading, there is nothing you can do) and the language implementation / execution engine.


Unless the language specification explicitly forbids or enforces true multithreading, this has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the language.


All the languages that you mention, plus all the languages that have been mentioned in the answers so far, have multiple implementations, some of which support true multithreading, some don't, and some are built on top of other execution engines which might or might not support true multithreading.


Take Ruby, for example. Here are just some of its implementations and their threading models:


  • MRI: green threads, no true multithreading
  • MRI:绿色线程,没有真正的多线程。
  • YARV: OS threads, no true multithreading
  • OS线程,没有真正的多线程
  • Rubinius: OS threads, true multithreading
  • Rubinius: OS线程,真正的多线程
  • MacRuby: OS threads, true multithreading
  • MacRuby: OS线程,真正的多线程。
  • JRuby, XRuby: JVM threads, depends on the JVM (if the JVM supports true multithreading, then JRuby/XRuby does, too, if the JVM doesn't, then there's nothing they can do about it)
  • JRuby, XRuby: JVM线程,取决于JVM(如果JVM支持真正的多线程,那么JRuby/XRuby也会这样做,如果JVM不支持,那么他们也无能为力)
  • IronRuby, Ruby.NET: just like JRuby, XRuby, but on the CLI instead of on the JVM
  • IronRuby,Ruby。NET:就像JRuby、XRuby一样,只是在CLI上而不是JVM上

See also my answer to another similar question about Ruby. (Note that that answer is more than a year old, and some of it is no longer accurate. Rubinius, for example, uses truly concurrent native threads now, instead of truly concurrent green threads. Also, since then, several new Ruby implementations have emerged, such as BlueRuby, tinyrb, Ruby Go Lightly, Red Sun and SmallRuby.)

请参见我对另一个关于Ruby的类似问题的回答。(请注意,这个答案已经有一年多的历史了,其中一些已经不再准确。例如,Rubinius现在使用真正的并发本地线程,而不是真正的并发绿色线程。此外,从那时起,出现了几个新的Ruby实现,如BlueRuby、tinyrb、Ruby Go light、Red Sun和SmallRuby。

Similar for Python:


  • CPython: native threads, no true multithreading
  • CPython:本机线程,没有真正的多线程
  • PyPy: native threads, depends on the execution engine (PyPy can run natively, or on top of a JVM, or on top of a CLI, or on top of another Python execution engine. Whenever the underlying platform supports true multithreading, PyPy does, too.)
  • PyPy:本机线程,取决于执行引擎(PyPy可以本机运行,或者在JVM上运行,或者在CLI上运行,或者在另一个Python执行引擎上运行。每当底层平台支持真正的多线程时,PyPy也会支持。
  • Unladen Swallow: native threads, currently no true multithreading, but fix is planned
  • Unladen Swallow:本机线程,目前没有真正的多线程,但是正在计划修复
  • Jython: JVM threads, see JRuby
  • JVM线程,请参见JRuby
  • IronPython: CLI threads, see IronRuby
  • IronPython: CLI线程,参见IronRuby

For Haskell, at least the Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compiler supports true multithreading with native threads. I don't know about UHC, LHC, JHC, YHC, HUGS or all the others.

对于Haskell来说,至少格拉斯哥Haskell编译器支持使用本地线程的真正多线程。我不知道UHC, LHC, JHC, YHC, HUGS或者其他的。

For Erlang, both BEAM and HiPE support true multithreading with green threads.

对于Erlang, BEAM和HiPE都支持使用绿色线程的真正多线程。

2) If a program contains threads, will a Virtual Machine automatically assign work to multiple cores (or to physical CPUs if there is more than 1 CPU on the mainboard)?


Again: this depends on the Virtual Machine, the Operating System and the hardware. Also, some of the implementations mentioned above, don't even have Virtual Machines.




The Haskell implementation, GHC, supports multiple mechanisms for parallel execution on shared memory multicore. These mechanisms are described in "Runtime Support for Multicore Haskell".


Concretely, the Haskell runtime divides work be N OS threads, distributed over the available compute cores. These N OS threads in turn run M lightweight Haskell threads (sometimes millions of them). In turn, each Haskell thread can take work for a spark queue (there may be billions of sparks). Like so: Python、Ruby、Haskell——它们提供了真正的多线程吗?


The runtime schedules work to be executed on separate cores, migrates work, and load balances. The garbage collector is also a parallel one, using each core to collect part of the heap.


Unlike Python or Ruby, there's no global interpreter lock, so for that, and other reasons, GHC is particularly good on mulitcore in comparison, e.g. Haskell v Python on the multicore shootout

与Python或Ruby不同,它没有全局解释器锁,因此,由于这个原因,以及其他原因,相比之下,GHC在mulitcore上表现得尤为出色,例如在多核枪战中,Haskell v Python



The GHC compiler will run your program on multiple OS threads (and thus multiple cores) if you compile with the -threaded option and then pass +RTS -N<x> -RTS at runtime, where <x> = the number of OS threads you want.

如果您使用-thread选项进行编译,然后在运行时传递+ rt -N -RTS,其中 =所需的OS线程数,那么GHC编译器将在多个OS线程(以及多个内核)上运行您的程序。



The current version of Ruby 1.9(YARV- C based version) has native threads but has the problem of GIL. As I know Python also has the problem of GIL.

当前版本的Ruby 1.9(基于YARV- C的版本)有本地线程,但有GIL的问题。我知道Python也有GIL的问题。

However both Jython and JRuby(mature Java implementations of both Ruby and Python) provide native multithreading, no green threads and no GIL.


Don't know about Haskell.




Haskell is thread-capable, in addition you get pure functional language - no side effects




For real concurrency, you probably want to try Erlang.




I second the choice of Erlang. Erlang can support distributed highly concurrent programming out of the box. Does not matter whether you callit "multi-threading" or "multi-processing". Two important elements to consider are the level of concurrency and the fact that Erlang processes do not share state.


No shared state among processes is a good thing.




Haskell is suitable for anything. python has processing module, which (I think - not sure) helps to avoid GIL problems. (so it suitable for anything too).


But my opinion - best way you can do is to select highest level possible language with static type system for big and huge things. Today this languages are: ocaml, haskell, erlang.

但是我的观点是——你能做的最好的方法是选择最高层次的语言,用静态类型系统来处理大而大的事情。今天的语言是:ocaml, haskell, erlang。

If you want to develop small thing - python is good. But when things become bigger - all python benefits are eaten by miriads of tests.


I didn't use ruby. I still thinking that ruby is a toy language. (Or at least there's no reason to teach ruby when you know python - better to read SICP book).
