
时间:2022-11-27 06:53:09

Index Organized Tables (IOTs) are tables stored in an index structure. Whereas a table stored in a heap is unorganized, data in an IOT is stored and sorted by primary key (the data is the index). IOTs behave just like “regular” tables, and you use the same SQL to access them.


Every table in a proper relational database is supposed to have a primary key... If every table in my database has a primary key, should I always use an index organized table?


I'm guessing the answer is no, so when is an index organized table not the best choice?


8 个解决方案



Basically an index-organized table is an index without a table. So if you have a table whose columns consist of the primary key and at most one other column then you have a possible candidate for INDEX ORGANIZED.


But if you find yourself contemplating the need for additional indexes on the non-primary key columns then you're probably better off with a regular heap table. So, as most tables probably need additional indexes most tables are not suitable for IOTs.


In practice, index organized tables are most likely to be reference data, code look-up affairs. Application tables are almost always just heap organized.




I'd consider them for very narrow tables (such as the join tables used to resolve many-to-many tables). If (virtually) all the columns in the table are going to be in an index anyway, then why shouldn't you used an IOT.


Small tables can be good candidates for IOTs as discussed by Richard Foote here

根据Richard Foote的讨论,小表格可以成为IOTs的好候选人。



I consider the following kinds of tables excellent candidates for IOTs:


  • "small" "lookup" type tables (e.g. queried frequently, updated infrequently, fits in a relatively small number of blocks)
  • “小”的“查找”类型表(例如经常查询,不频繁更新,只适合相对较少的块)
  • any table that you already are going to have an index that covers all the columns anyway (i.e. may as well save the space used by the table if the index duplicates 100% of the data)
  • 无论如何,您已经准备好了一个包含所有列的索引(也就是说,如果索引复制了100%的数据,那么可以保存表所使用的空间)



From the Oracle Concepts guide:


Index-organized tables are useful when related pieces of data must be stored together or data must be physically stored in a specific order. This type of table is often used for information retrieval, spatial (see "Overview of Oracle Spatial"), and OLAP applications (see "OLAP").


This question from AskTom may also be of some interest especially where someone gives a scenario and then asks would an IOT perform better than an heap organised table, Tom's response is:


we can hypothesize all day long, but until you measure it, you'll never know for sure.




An index-organized table is generally a good choice if you only access data from that table by the key, the whole key, and nothing but the key.


Further, there are many limitations about what other database features can and cannot be used with index-organized tables -- I recall that in at least one version one could not use logical standby databases with index-organized tables. An index-organized table is not a good choice if it prevents you from using other functionality.




All an IOT really saves is the logical read(s) on the table segment, and as you might have spent two or three or more on the IOT/index this is not always a great saving except for small data sets.


Another feature to consider for speeding up lookups, particularly on larger tables, is a single table hash cluster. When correctly created they are more efficient for large data sets than an IOT because they require only one logical read to find the data, whereas an IOT is still an index that needs multiple logical i/o's to locate the leaf node.




I can't per se comment on IOTs, however if I'm reading this right then they're the same as a 'clustered index' in SQL Server. Typically you should think about not using such an index if your primary key (or the value(s) you're indexing if it's not a primary key) are likely to be distributed fairly randomly - as these inserts can result in many page splits (expensive).

我不能对IOTs进行评论,但是如果我读的是这个,那么它们和SQL Server中的“聚集索引”是一样的。通常情况下,如果主键(或者索引不是主键的值)很可能是随机分布的,那么就应该考虑不要使用这样的索引,因为这些插入可能会导致许多页拆分(代价高昂)。

Indexes such as identity columns (sequences in Oracle?) and dates 'around the current date' tend to make for good candidates for such indexes.

诸如标识列(Oracle中的序列)和日期“around the current date”之类的索引往往会为这些索引提供合适的候选索引。



An Index-Organized Table--in contrast to an ordinary table--has its own way of structuring, storing, and indexing data.


Index organized tables (IOT) are indexes which actually hold the data which is being indexed, unlike the indexes which are stored somewhere else and have links to actual data.




Basically an index-organized table is an index without a table. So if you have a table whose columns consist of the primary key and at most one other column then you have a possible candidate for INDEX ORGANIZED.


But if you find yourself contemplating the need for additional indexes on the non-primary key columns then you're probably better off with a regular heap table. So, as most tables probably need additional indexes most tables are not suitable for IOTs.


In practice, index organized tables are most likely to be reference data, code look-up affairs. Application tables are almost always just heap organized.




I'd consider them for very narrow tables (such as the join tables used to resolve many-to-many tables). If (virtually) all the columns in the table are going to be in an index anyway, then why shouldn't you used an IOT.


Small tables can be good candidates for IOTs as discussed by Richard Foote here

根据Richard Foote的讨论,小表格可以成为IOTs的好候选人。



I consider the following kinds of tables excellent candidates for IOTs:


  • "small" "lookup" type tables (e.g. queried frequently, updated infrequently, fits in a relatively small number of blocks)
  • “小”的“查找”类型表(例如经常查询,不频繁更新,只适合相对较少的块)
  • any table that you already are going to have an index that covers all the columns anyway (i.e. may as well save the space used by the table if the index duplicates 100% of the data)
  • 无论如何,您已经准备好了一个包含所有列的索引(也就是说,如果索引复制了100%的数据,那么可以保存表所使用的空间)



From the Oracle Concepts guide:


Index-organized tables are useful when related pieces of data must be stored together or data must be physically stored in a specific order. This type of table is often used for information retrieval, spatial (see "Overview of Oracle Spatial"), and OLAP applications (see "OLAP").


This question from AskTom may also be of some interest especially where someone gives a scenario and then asks would an IOT perform better than an heap organised table, Tom's response is:


we can hypothesize all day long, but until you measure it, you'll never know for sure.




An index-organized table is generally a good choice if you only access data from that table by the key, the whole key, and nothing but the key.


Further, there are many limitations about what other database features can and cannot be used with index-organized tables -- I recall that in at least one version one could not use logical standby databases with index-organized tables. An index-organized table is not a good choice if it prevents you from using other functionality.




All an IOT really saves is the logical read(s) on the table segment, and as you might have spent two or three or more on the IOT/index this is not always a great saving except for small data sets.


Another feature to consider for speeding up lookups, particularly on larger tables, is a single table hash cluster. When correctly created they are more efficient for large data sets than an IOT because they require only one logical read to find the data, whereas an IOT is still an index that needs multiple logical i/o's to locate the leaf node.




I can't per se comment on IOTs, however if I'm reading this right then they're the same as a 'clustered index' in SQL Server. Typically you should think about not using such an index if your primary key (or the value(s) you're indexing if it's not a primary key) are likely to be distributed fairly randomly - as these inserts can result in many page splits (expensive).

我不能对IOTs进行评论,但是如果我读的是这个,那么它们和SQL Server中的“聚集索引”是一样的。通常情况下,如果主键(或者索引不是主键的值)很可能是随机分布的,那么就应该考虑不要使用这样的索引,因为这些插入可能会导致许多页拆分(代价高昂)。

Indexes such as identity columns (sequences in Oracle?) and dates 'around the current date' tend to make for good candidates for such indexes.

诸如标识列(Oracle中的序列)和日期“around the current date”之类的索引往往会为这些索引提供合适的候选索引。



An Index-Organized Table--in contrast to an ordinary table--has its own way of structuring, storing, and indexing data.


Index organized tables (IOT) are indexes which actually hold the data which is being indexed, unlike the indexes which are stored somewhere else and have links to actual data.
