
时间:2021-06-17 06:53:19

Consider the following interface:


public interface IMyCallback
  void SomeEvent(int someArg);

which is the contract for a WCF callback that will be receiving "events" from a WCF service. My implementation for this interface looks like this


public class MyCallback : IMyCallback
  void IMyCallback.SomeEvent(int someArg)

  protected virtual void OnSomeEvent(int someArg)
    EventHandler<SomeEventArgs> handler = this.SomeEvent;

    if (handler != null)
      handler(this, new SomeEventArgs(someArg));

  public event EventHandler<SomeEventArgs> SomeEvent;

which allows me to instantiate the callback and hook the SomeEvent event in my client code. Whenever the server calls my callback, I receive it a plain old .NET event. Everything works great.


Here comes the question: I'd like to write a factory class to automate the creation of this callback so I easily re-use this approach in all my projects and with any interface. The factory would be called like this:


var myCallback = CallbackFactory.CreateCallback<IMyCallback>();

Can/should I use a mocking framework to dynamically create this class, or should I bite the bullet and emit IL directly? Or should I just hand code every implementation? Or is there another approach I'm not thinking of?


2 个解决方案


You could use Castle Project's DynamicProxy which should give you all the infrastructure you need in order to generate a proxy. Then you don't have to worry about emitting IL which can have nasty side-effects if not done properly.

您可以使用Castle Project的DynamicProxy,它可以为您提供生成代理所需的所有基础结构。那么你不必担心发射IL,如果做得不好可能会产生令人讨厌的副作用。

I don't know how you want to attach to the event in user code when using the proxy, simply because your IMyCallback does not have the actual event in it only the one called. Or did I misunderstand your question?



I think that using a mocking framework is fine. In essence, a mocking/stub framework is nothing more than a way to easily provide implementations for type definitions for known inputs.


Since that's exactly what you are doing here, I say go with that.



You could use Castle Project's DynamicProxy which should give you all the infrastructure you need in order to generate a proxy. Then you don't have to worry about emitting IL which can have nasty side-effects if not done properly.

您可以使用Castle Project的DynamicProxy,它可以为您提供生成代理所需的所有基础结构。那么你不必担心发射IL,如果做得不好可能会产生令人讨厌的副作用。

I don't know how you want to attach to the event in user code when using the proxy, simply because your IMyCallback does not have the actual event in it only the one called. Or did I misunderstand your question?



I think that using a mocking framework is fine. In essence, a mocking/stub framework is nothing more than a way to easily provide implementations for type definitions for known inputs.


Since that's exactly what you are doing here, I say go with that.
