如何将ADO.net Entity Framework与现有的SqlConnection一起使用?

时间:2021-07-22 06:53:38
  1. I have an existing asp.net website that uses an SqlConnection.
  2. 我有一个使用SqlConnection的现有asp.net网站。

  3. I have added the ADO.net Entity Framework.
  4. 我添加了ADO.net实体框架。

  5. I have successfully connected to the database and created the .edmx file.
  6. 我已成功连接到数据库并创建了.edmx文件。

  7. I am able to connect through the Entity Framework with the connectionstring that is automatically generated.
  8. 我能够通过Entity Framework连接自动生成的connectionstring。

I want to use the existing SqlConnection object that I use throughout the site for the Entity Framework connection.
I do not want to have to use a second database connection for the one page that is going to use the ADO.net Entity Framework and I don’t want to change the entire site to use the new Entity Framework connection string.

我想使用我在整个站点中用于Entity Framework连接的现有SqlConnection对象。我不想为将要使用ADO.net实体框架的一个页面使用第二个数据库连接,并且我不想更改整个站点以使用新的Entity Framework连接字符串。

Thanks for any help you can provide.


3 个解决方案


That forum post has the answer:


MetadataWorkspace workspace = new MetadataWorkspace(
  new string[] { "res://*/" }, 
  new Assembly[] { Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() });

using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (EntityConnection entityConnection = new EntityConnection(workspace, sqlConnection))
using (NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities(entityConnection))
  foreach (var product in context.Products)

"res://*/" is the part of your EF connection string that describes the location of your xml mapping files - in this case embedded resources in the current assembly.

“res:// * /”是EF连接字符串的一部分,用于描述xml映射文件的位置 - 在本例中是当前程序集中的嵌入资源。


You can do this by using the constructor of your generated ObjectContext that accepts an EntityConnection. When you create the EntityConnection you pass in your SqlConnection.



Andrew Peters,

Thank you for your answer.


I have been going around and around with the System.Data.EntityClient.EntityConnection.


It’s right there at my finger tips but I cannot seem to get the MetadataWorkspace parameter to work.


This is the closest example I have found (the post marked Answer):


Thanks for any help.



That forum post has the answer:


MetadataWorkspace workspace = new MetadataWorkspace(
  new string[] { "res://*/" }, 
  new Assembly[] { Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() });

using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (EntityConnection entityConnection = new EntityConnection(workspace, sqlConnection))
using (NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities(entityConnection))
  foreach (var product in context.Products)

"res://*/" is the part of your EF connection string that describes the location of your xml mapping files - in this case embedded resources in the current assembly.

“res:// * /”是EF连接字符串的一部分,用于描述xml映射文件的位置 - 在本例中是当前程序集中的嵌入资源。


You can do this by using the constructor of your generated ObjectContext that accepts an EntityConnection. When you create the EntityConnection you pass in your SqlConnection.



Andrew Peters,

Thank you for your answer.


I have been going around and around with the System.Data.EntityClient.EntityConnection.


It’s right there at my finger tips but I cannot seem to get the MetadataWorkspace parameter to work.


This is the closest example I have found (the post marked Answer):


Thanks for any help.
