In some article I read that double check locking is broken. As the compiler can reorder the sequence of constructors.
- Ss allocate memory for an object
- Then return the address to a reference variable
- Then initialize the state of the object
While typically one would expect:
- It should be as allocated memory for the object
- then initialize the state of object
- then return the address to the reference variable.
Again, when using the synchronized
keyword, the code reorder never happens as per JMM specification.
Why is compiler reordering the sequence of constructor events when it is inside the synchronized() block?
I saw a lot of posts here about DCL, but I am expecting the description based on JMM and compiler reordering.
3 个解决方案
The compiler is free to reorder instructions within a synchronized block. And the compiler is free to reorder instructions before (as long as they stay before) or after (as long as they stay after) the synchronized block. However, the compiler is not free to reorder instructions across the synchronized block boundaries (block start or block end).
Thus, the construction and assignment which are wholly within the synchronized block can be reordered, and an outside viewer which has not correctly synchronized can see the assignment before the construction.
First of all:
Again when using the synchronized keyword, the code reorder never happens as per the JMM specification.
The above statement is not fully accurate. The JMM defined the happens-before relationship. The JLS only defines the program order and happens-before order. See 17.4.5. Happens-before Order.
以上陈述并不完全准确。 JMM定义了之前发生的关系。 JLS仅定义程序顺序并在订单之前发生。见17.4.5。发生在订单之前。
It has effects on the reordering of instructions. For example,
int x = 1;
synch(obj) {
y = 2;
int z = 3;
Now for the above piece of code, the below types of reordering are possible.
synch(obj) {
int x = 1;
y = 2;
int z = 3;
The above is a valid reordering.
See Roach Motels and The Java Memory Model.
请参阅Roach Motels和Java Memory Model。
synch(obj) {
int z = 3;
y = 2;
int x = 1;
The above is also a valid reordering.
What is not possible is that y=2 will only be executed after the lock has been acquired and before the lock is released this is what guaranteed given by JMM. Also to see the correct effects from another thread, we need to access y inside the synchronized block only.
不可能的是,y = 2只会在获取锁定之后和锁定释放之前执行,这是JMM给出的保证。另外,为了从另一个线程看到正确的效果,我们只需要访问synchronized块内的y。
Now I come to DCL.
See the code of DCL.
if (singleton == null)
synch(obj) {
if(singleton == null) {
singleton == new Singleton()
return singleton;
Now the problem in the above approach is:
singleton = new Singleton()
is not a single instruction. But a set of instructions. It is quite possible that a singleton reference is assigned an object reference first, before fully initializing the constructor.singleton = new Singleton()不是单个指令。但是一套说明。在完全初始化构造函数之前,很可能首先为单例引用分配对象引用。
So if 1 happens then it's quite possible the other thread reads a singleton reference as a non null and thus is seeing a partially constructed object.
The above effects can be controlled by making a singleton as volatile which also establishes happens-before guarantees and visibility.
Why is compiler reordering the sequence of constructor events when it is inside the synchronized() block?
It would typically do this to make the code run faster.
The Java Language Specification (JLS) says that the implementation (for example, the compiler) is allowed to reorder instructions and sequences of instructions subject to certain constraints.
The problem is that the broken variants of DCL make assumptions that fall outside of what the JLS says can be made. The result is an execution that the JLS says is not well-formed. Whether this manifests itself as an actual bug / unexpected behaviour depends on the compiler version, the hardware and various other things.
But the point is that the compiler isn't doing anything wrong. The fault is in the DCL code.
I just want to add that the JIT compiler is often not reordering the events per se. what it is often doing is removing constraints on hardware-level memory read/write actions. For example, by removing the constraint that a particular memory write is flushed to main memory, you allow the hardware to defer (or even skip entirely) a slow write-to-memory, and just write to the L1 cache. By contrast, the end of a synchronized
block will force the cached writes to main memory, incurring extra memory traffic and (probably) a pipeline stalls.
The compiler is free to reorder instructions within a synchronized block. And the compiler is free to reorder instructions before (as long as they stay before) or after (as long as they stay after) the synchronized block. However, the compiler is not free to reorder instructions across the synchronized block boundaries (block start or block end).
Thus, the construction and assignment which are wholly within the synchronized block can be reordered, and an outside viewer which has not correctly synchronized can see the assignment before the construction.
First of all:
Again when using the synchronized keyword, the code reorder never happens as per the JMM specification.
The above statement is not fully accurate. The JMM defined the happens-before relationship. The JLS only defines the program order and happens-before order. See 17.4.5. Happens-before Order.
以上陈述并不完全准确。 JMM定义了之前发生的关系。 JLS仅定义程序顺序并在订单之前发生。见17.4.5。发生在订单之前。
It has effects on the reordering of instructions. For example,
int x = 1;
synch(obj) {
y = 2;
int z = 3;
Now for the above piece of code, the below types of reordering are possible.
synch(obj) {
int x = 1;
y = 2;
int z = 3;
The above is a valid reordering.
See Roach Motels and The Java Memory Model.
请参阅Roach Motels和Java Memory Model。
synch(obj) {
int z = 3;
y = 2;
int x = 1;
The above is also a valid reordering.
What is not possible is that y=2 will only be executed after the lock has been acquired and before the lock is released this is what guaranteed given by JMM. Also to see the correct effects from another thread, we need to access y inside the synchronized block only.
不可能的是,y = 2只会在获取锁定之后和锁定释放之前执行,这是JMM给出的保证。另外,为了从另一个线程看到正确的效果,我们只需要访问synchronized块内的y。
Now I come to DCL.
See the code of DCL.
if (singleton == null)
synch(obj) {
if(singleton == null) {
singleton == new Singleton()
return singleton;
Now the problem in the above approach is:
singleton = new Singleton()
is not a single instruction. But a set of instructions. It is quite possible that a singleton reference is assigned an object reference first, before fully initializing the constructor.singleton = new Singleton()不是单个指令。但是一套说明。在完全初始化构造函数之前,很可能首先为单例引用分配对象引用。
So if 1 happens then it's quite possible the other thread reads a singleton reference as a non null and thus is seeing a partially constructed object.
The above effects can be controlled by making a singleton as volatile which also establishes happens-before guarantees and visibility.
Why is compiler reordering the sequence of constructor events when it is inside the synchronized() block?
It would typically do this to make the code run faster.
The Java Language Specification (JLS) says that the implementation (for example, the compiler) is allowed to reorder instructions and sequences of instructions subject to certain constraints.
The problem is that the broken variants of DCL make assumptions that fall outside of what the JLS says can be made. The result is an execution that the JLS says is not well-formed. Whether this manifests itself as an actual bug / unexpected behaviour depends on the compiler version, the hardware and various other things.
But the point is that the compiler isn't doing anything wrong. The fault is in the DCL code.
I just want to add that the JIT compiler is often not reordering the events per se. what it is often doing is removing constraints on hardware-level memory read/write actions. For example, by removing the constraint that a particular memory write is flushed to main memory, you allow the hardware to defer (or even skip entirely) a slow write-to-memory, and just write to the L1 cache. By contrast, the end of a synchronized
block will force the cached writes to main memory, incurring extra memory traffic and (probably) a pipeline stalls.