
时间:2021-05-24 06:50:13

My question is, which version-naming scheme should be used for what type of project.


Very common is major.minor.fix, but even this can lead to 4 number (i.e. Firefox Some have a model that odd numbers indicate developer-versions and even numbers stable releases. And all sorts of additions can enter the mix, like -dev3, -rc1, SP2 etc.


Exists reasons to prefer one scheme over another and should different type of projects (i.e. Open Source vs. Closed Source) have different version naming schemes?


12 个解决方案



There are two good answers for this (plus a lot of personal preferences, see gizmo's comment on religious wars)


For public applications, the standard Major.Minor.Revision.Build works best IMO - public users can easily tell what version of the program they have, and to some degree, how far out of date their version is.

对于公共应用程序,标准的Major.Minor.Revision.Build运行最佳IMO - 公共用户可以轻松地告诉他们有什么版本的程序,并且在某种程度上,他们的版本已经过时了。

For in house applications, where the users never asked for the application, the deployment is handled by IT, and users will be calling the help desk, I found the Year.Month.Day.Build to work better in a lot of situations. This version number can thus be decoded to provide more useful information to the help desk then the public versioning number scheme.


However at the end of the day I would make one recomendation above all else - use a system you can keep consistent. If there is a system that you can setup/script your compiler to automatically use everytime, use that.

然而,在一天结束时,我会提出一个最重要的推荐 - 使用一个你可以保持一致的系统。如果有一个系统可以设置/编写您的编译器以便每次自动使用,请使用它。

The worst thing that can happen is you releasing binaries with the same version number as the previous ones - I've recently been dealing with automated network error reports (someone elses application), and came to the conclusion that the Year.Month.Day.Build version numbers shown in the core dumps where not even remotely up to date with the application itself (the application itself used a splash screen with the real numbers - which of course where not drawn from the binary as one might assume). The result is I have no way of knowing if crash dumps are coming from a 2 year old binary (what the version number indicates) or a 2 month old binary, and thus no way of getting the right source code (no source control either!)

可能发生的最糟糕的事情是你发布的二进制文件具有与之前相同的版本号 - 我最近一直在处理自动化网络错误报告(某些人的应用程序),并得出了Year.Month.Day的结论。构建核心转储中显示的版本号,其中甚至与应用程序本身甚至不是最新的(应用程序本身使用带有实数的闪屏 - 当然,这不是从二进制中提取的,如人们可能假设的那样)。结果是我无法知道崩溃转储是来自2年前的二进制文件(版本号表示的是什么)还是2个月大的二进制文件,因此无法获得正确的源代码(也没有源代码控制! )



Here's what we use in our company: Major.Minor.Patch version.Build Number .

以下是我们在公司中使用的内容:Major.Minor.Patch version.Build Number。

The Major change involves a full release cycle, including marketing involvement etc. This number is controled by forces outside of R&D (for example, in one of the places I worked, Marketing decided that our next version would be '11' - to match a competitor. We were at version 2 at the time :)).

主要变化涉及完整的发布周期,包括营销参与等。这个数字由研发之外的力量控制(例如,在我工作的一个地方,市场营销决定我们的下一个版本将是'11' - 以匹配竞争对手。我们当时的版本2 :))。

Minor is changed when a new feature or a major behavior change is added to the product.


Patch version goes up by one every time a patch is officially added to the version, usually including bug fixes only.


Build Version is used when a special version is released for a customer, usually with a bug fix specific to him. Usually that fix will be rolled up for the next patch or minor version (and Product Management usually marks the bug as "will be released for patch 3" in our tracking system).




Our R&D department uses MAJOR.minor.patch.audience.critical_situation.build


Please, please, don't do that.




I'm a big fan of Semantic versioning


As many others have commented this uses the X.Y.Z format and gives good reasons as to why.




This kind of question is more about religion war than objective aspects. There is always tons of pros and cons against a numbering scheme or another. All what people could (or should) give you is the scheme they used and why they choose it.


On my side, I use a X.Y.Z scheme all are numbers where:


  • X indicate a change in the public API that introduce backward incompatibility
  • X表示引入向后不兼容性的公共API中的更改

  • Y indicate an addition of some features
  • Y表示添加了一些功能

  • Z indicate a fix (either fixing a bug, either changing internal structure without impacting functionnality)
  • Z表示修复(修复错误,更改内部结构而不影响功能)

Eventually, I use "Beta N" suffix if I want some feedback from the users before an official release is done. No "RC" suffix as nobody is perfect and there will always be bugs ;-)

最后,如果我想在正式发布之前得到用户的一些反馈,我会使用“Beta N”后缀。没有“RC”后缀,因为没有人是完美的,总会有错误;-)



I personally prefer MAJOR.MINOR.BUGFIX-SUFFIX where SUFFIX is dev for development versions (version control checkouts), rc1 / rc2 for release candidates and no suffix for release versions.

我个人更喜欢MAJOR.MINOR.BUGFIX-SUFFIX,其中SUFFIX用于开发版本(版本控制检出),rc1 / rc2用于发布候选版本,没有后缀用于发行版本。

If you have suffixes for development checkouts, maybe even with the revision number, there is no need to make them even/odd to keep them apart.




We prefer major.minor.milestone.revision-build scheme, where:


  • major: Increments upon significant architectural changes or important advancements in capabilities.
  • 专业:重大架构变更或功能重大进步的增量。

  • minor: Small changes and new features that does not require architectural changes.
  • minor:小的更改和新功能,不需要进行体系结构更改。

  • milestone: Indicates stability and maturity of the code:
    • 0 for development/pre-alpha
    • 0表示开发/ pre-alpha

    • 1 for alpha
    • 1代表alpha

    • 2 for beta
    • 2为测试版

    • 3 for release candidate (RC)
    • 3候选发布候选人(RC)

    • 4 for final/production release
    • 4用于最终/生产发布

  • 里程碑:表示代码的稳定性和成熟度:0表示开发/ pre-alpha 1表示alpha 2表示beta 3表示发布候选(RC)4表示最终/生产发布

  • revision: Indicates release, patch or bugfix number.
  • revision:表示版本,补丁或错误修正号。

  • build: Unique references to specific builds, or versions, of an application. Build number is a sequential integer, typically incremented at each build.
  • build:对应用程序的特定构建或版本的唯一引用。构建号是一个连续的整数,通常在每次构建时递增。


  • First beta release of version 1.4, created by build number 798.

  • 1.8-RC4, created by build number 970.

  • First production release of version 1.9, created by build number 986.

  • Second bugfix release of version 1.9, created by build number 990.

Since prodcution releases always have 4 in their 3rd digit of version string, the digit may be removed for production releases.




In the case of a library, the version number tells you about the level of compatibility between two releases, and thus how difficult an upgrade will be.


A bug fix release needs to preserve binary, source, and serialization compatibility.


Minor releases mean different things to different projects, but usually they don't need to preserve source compatibility.


Major version numbers can break all three forms.


I wrote more about the rationale here.




With Agile software development practices and SaaS applications, the idea of a Major vs. a Minor release has gone away - releases come out extremely frequently on a regular basis - so a release numbering scheme that relies on this distinction is no longer useful to me.

使用敏捷软件开发实践和SaaS应用程序,主要版本与次要版本的想法已经消失 - 版本经常会定期发布 - 因此依赖于此区别的版本编号方案对我来说不再有用。

My company uses a numbering scheme that takes the last 2 digits of the year the release started followed by the release number within that year.


So, the 4th release started in 2012 would be 12.4.


You can include a "bug fix" version number after that if necessary, but ideally you are releasing frequently enough that these are not often necessary - so "12.4.2".

如果有必要,您可以在此之后添加“错误修复”版本号,但理想情况下,您经常发布这些通常不必要的版本号 - 所以“12.4.2”。

This is a very simple scheme and has not given us any of the problems of other release numbering schemes that I have used before.




The difference between a close and open-source version number policy can also come from a commercial aspect, when the major version can reflect the year of the release for instance.




What we used to do here is major.minor.platform.fix.


major: We increase this number when saved file from this build are no longer compatible with previous build.
Exemple: Files saved in version won't be compatible with version


minor: We increase this number when a new feature has been added. This feature should be seen by the user. Not a hidden feature for developper. This number is reset to 0 when major is incremented.


platform: This is the platform we use for developpement.
Exemple: 1 stands for .net framework version 3.5.


fix : We increase this number when only bug fixes are included with this new version. This number is reset to 0 when major or minor is incremented.








There are two good answers for this (plus a lot of personal preferences, see gizmo's comment on religious wars)


For public applications, the standard Major.Minor.Revision.Build works best IMO - public users can easily tell what version of the program they have, and to some degree, how far out of date their version is.

对于公共应用程序,标准的Major.Minor.Revision.Build运行最佳IMO - 公共用户可以轻松地告诉他们有什么版本的程序,并且在某种程度上,他们的版本已经过时了。

For in house applications, where the users never asked for the application, the deployment is handled by IT, and users will be calling the help desk, I found the Year.Month.Day.Build to work better in a lot of situations. This version number can thus be decoded to provide more useful information to the help desk then the public versioning number scheme.


However at the end of the day I would make one recomendation above all else - use a system you can keep consistent. If there is a system that you can setup/script your compiler to automatically use everytime, use that.

然而,在一天结束时,我会提出一个最重要的推荐 - 使用一个你可以保持一致的系统。如果有一个系统可以设置/编写您的编译器以便每次自动使用,请使用它。

The worst thing that can happen is you releasing binaries with the same version number as the previous ones - I've recently been dealing with automated network error reports (someone elses application), and came to the conclusion that the Year.Month.Day.Build version numbers shown in the core dumps where not even remotely up to date with the application itself (the application itself used a splash screen with the real numbers - which of course where not drawn from the binary as one might assume). The result is I have no way of knowing if crash dumps are coming from a 2 year old binary (what the version number indicates) or a 2 month old binary, and thus no way of getting the right source code (no source control either!)

可能发生的最糟糕的事情是你发布的二进制文件具有与之前相同的版本号 - 我最近一直在处理自动化网络错误报告(某些人的应用程序),并得出了Year.Month.Day的结论。构建核心转储中显示的版本号,其中甚至与应用程序本身甚至不是最新的(应用程序本身使用带有实数的闪屏 - 当然,这不是从二进制中提取的,如人们可能假设的那样)。结果是我无法知道崩溃转储是来自2年前的二进制文件(版本号表示的是什么)还是2个月大的二进制文件,因此无法获得正确的源代码(也没有源代码控制! )



Here's what we use in our company: Major.Minor.Patch version.Build Number .

以下是我们在公司中使用的内容:Major.Minor.Patch version.Build Number。

The Major change involves a full release cycle, including marketing involvement etc. This number is controled by forces outside of R&D (for example, in one of the places I worked, Marketing decided that our next version would be '11' - to match a competitor. We were at version 2 at the time :)).

主要变化涉及完整的发布周期,包括营销参与等。这个数字由研发之外的力量控制(例如,在我工作的一个地方,市场营销决定我们的下一个版本将是'11' - 以匹配竞争对手。我们当时的版本2 :))。

Minor is changed when a new feature or a major behavior change is added to the product.


Patch version goes up by one every time a patch is officially added to the version, usually including bug fixes only.


Build Version is used when a special version is released for a customer, usually with a bug fix specific to him. Usually that fix will be rolled up for the next patch or minor version (and Product Management usually marks the bug as "will be released for patch 3" in our tracking system).




Our R&D department uses MAJOR.minor.patch.audience.critical_situation.build


Please, please, don't do that.




I'm a big fan of Semantic versioning


As many others have commented this uses the X.Y.Z format and gives good reasons as to why.




This kind of question is more about religion war than objective aspects. There is always tons of pros and cons against a numbering scheme or another. All what people could (or should) give you is the scheme they used and why they choose it.


On my side, I use a X.Y.Z scheme all are numbers where:


  • X indicate a change in the public API that introduce backward incompatibility
  • X表示引入向后不兼容性的公共API中的更改

  • Y indicate an addition of some features
  • Y表示添加了一些功能

  • Z indicate a fix (either fixing a bug, either changing internal structure without impacting functionnality)
  • Z表示修复(修复错误,更改内部结构而不影响功能)

Eventually, I use "Beta N" suffix if I want some feedback from the users before an official release is done. No "RC" suffix as nobody is perfect and there will always be bugs ;-)

最后,如果我想在正式发布之前得到用户的一些反馈,我会使用“Beta N”后缀。没有“RC”后缀,因为没有人是完美的,总会有错误;-)



I personally prefer MAJOR.MINOR.BUGFIX-SUFFIX where SUFFIX is dev for development versions (version control checkouts), rc1 / rc2 for release candidates and no suffix for release versions.

我个人更喜欢MAJOR.MINOR.BUGFIX-SUFFIX,其中SUFFIX用于开发版本(版本控制检出),rc1 / rc2用于发布候选版本,没有后缀用于发行版本。

If you have suffixes for development checkouts, maybe even with the revision number, there is no need to make them even/odd to keep them apart.




We prefer major.minor.milestone.revision-build scheme, where:


  • major: Increments upon significant architectural changes or important advancements in capabilities.
  • 专业:重大架构变更或功能重大进步的增量。

  • minor: Small changes and new features that does not require architectural changes.
  • minor:小的更改和新功能,不需要进行体系结构更改。

  • milestone: Indicates stability and maturity of the code:
    • 0 for development/pre-alpha
    • 0表示开发/ pre-alpha

    • 1 for alpha
    • 1代表alpha

    • 2 for beta
    • 2为测试版

    • 3 for release candidate (RC)
    • 3候选发布候选人(RC)

    • 4 for final/production release
    • 4用于最终/生产发布

  • 里程碑:表示代码的稳定性和成熟度:0表示开发/ pre-alpha 1表示alpha 2表示beta 3表示发布候选(RC)4表示最终/生产发布

  • revision: Indicates release, patch or bugfix number.
  • revision:表示版本,补丁或错误修正号。

  • build: Unique references to specific builds, or versions, of an application. Build number is a sequential integer, typically incremented at each build.
  • build:对应用程序的特定构建或版本的唯一引用。构建号是一个连续的整数,通常在每次构建时递增。


  • First beta release of version 1.4, created by build number 798.

  • 1.8-RC4, created by build number 970.

  • First production release of version 1.9, created by build number 986.

  • Second bugfix release of version 1.9, created by build number 990.

Since prodcution releases always have 4 in their 3rd digit of version string, the digit may be removed for production releases.




In the case of a library, the version number tells you about the level of compatibility between two releases, and thus how difficult an upgrade will be.


A bug fix release needs to preserve binary, source, and serialization compatibility.


Minor releases mean different things to different projects, but usually they don't need to preserve source compatibility.


Major version numbers can break all three forms.


I wrote more about the rationale here.




With Agile software development practices and SaaS applications, the idea of a Major vs. a Minor release has gone away - releases come out extremely frequently on a regular basis - so a release numbering scheme that relies on this distinction is no longer useful to me.

使用敏捷软件开发实践和SaaS应用程序,主要版本与次要版本的想法已经消失 - 版本经常会定期发布 - 因此依赖于此区别的版本编号方案对我来说不再有用。

My company uses a numbering scheme that takes the last 2 digits of the year the release started followed by the release number within that year.


So, the 4th release started in 2012 would be 12.4.


You can include a "bug fix" version number after that if necessary, but ideally you are releasing frequently enough that these are not often necessary - so "12.4.2".

如果有必要,您可以在此之后添加“错误修复”版本号,但理想情况下,您经常发布这些通常不必要的版本号 - 所以“12.4.2”。

This is a very simple scheme and has not given us any of the problems of other release numbering schemes that I have used before.




The difference between a close and open-source version number policy can also come from a commercial aspect, when the major version can reflect the year of the release for instance.




What we used to do here is major.minor.platform.fix.


major: We increase this number when saved file from this build are no longer compatible with previous build.
Exemple: Files saved in version won't be compatible with version


minor: We increase this number when a new feature has been added. This feature should be seen by the user. Not a hidden feature for developper. This number is reset to 0 when major is incremented.


platform: This is the platform we use for developpement.
Exemple: 1 stands for .net framework version 3.5.


fix : We increase this number when only bug fixes are included with this new version. This number is reset to 0 when major or minor is incremented.




