
时间:2022-07-20 06:50:31

I'm using Entity Framework 5 with MySQL Database and just wanted to update a row attribute "user_loginstatus" between 0 and 1. The first time when I log in via client it updates just fine for the first attempt, after trying to update again it doesn't do anything with no exception.


I log in like this:


public async void LoginExecute()
    // Checking Connection before etc...

    if (await _dataService.IsLoginDataValidTask(UserObj.Username, md5))
        Trace.WriteLine("LoginCommand Execute: Eingeloggt");

        UserObj = await _dataService.GetUserDataTask(UserObj.Username);

        await _dataService.SetUserStatusTask(UserObj.Id, 1);
        await _dataService.WriteLog(UserObj.Id, "login", "Programm", GetLocalAdress());

        Messenger.Default.Send(new NotificationMessage("GoToMenuPage"));
        // Error Stuff...

SetUserStatus Method in DataService Class


public Task SetUserStatusTask(int id, int status)
    return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            var user = _entities.users.Find(id);

            user.user_loginstatus = status;
        catch (Exception ex)
            Trace.WriteLine("DataService SetUserStatusTask: " + ex.Message);

GetUserData Method in DataService Class


public Task<User> GetUserDataTask(string username)
    return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            var user = from us in _entities.users
                       where us.user_name.Equals(username)
                       select new User
                           Id = us.user_id,
                           Username = us.user_name,
                           FirstName = us.user_firstname,
                           LastName = us.user_lastname,
                           Gender = us.user_gender,
                           Email = us.user_mail,
                           Group = us.user_usergroup,
                           Avatar = us.user_avatar,
                           LoginStatus = 1

            return user.FirstOrDefault();
        catch (Exception ex)
            Trace.WriteLine("DataService GetUserDataTask: " + ex);

            return null;

So "users" is my table from the database and "User" / "UserObj" my custom Object. With the Messenger (from MVVM Light) I just set via MainViewModel the Views, reset the unused ViewModels (ViewModel = new VieModel(...); or ViewModel = null;) and pass the current / logged in User Object.

所以“用户”是我的数据库表和“User”/“UserObj”我的自定义对象。使用Messenger(来自MVVM Light)我只需通过MainViewModel设置视图,重置未使用的ViewModel(ViewModel = new VieModel(...);或ViewModel = null;)并传递当前/登录的用户对象。

With the same strategy I just Logout like this


public ICommand LogoutCommand
            return new RelayCommand(async () =>
                await _dataService.SetUserStatusTask(CurrentUser.Id, 0);

                if(CurrentUser.Id > 0 && IsLoggedIn)
                    await _dataService.WriteLog(CurrentUser.Id, "logout", "Programm", GetLocalAdress());

                IsLoggedIn = false;
                CurrentUser = new User();

                Messenger.Default.Send(new NotificationMessage("GoToLoginPage"));

So I can log in with my running Client so often I want, but the "user_loginStatus" only sets the changes the first login time to 1 and back to 0, but when I log out then and login back with the same user, it wont change it anymore. When I login (still same running Client) with another user it sets again the first time the "user_loginstatus" to 1 and back to 0 and then only again when I restart my Client..


What could I do wrong?


2 个解决方案



This is just basically from my comment regarding the original question:


I had similiar problems several times. Usually it is based on the fact that the entity you modified can't be validated properly and your dbContext fails without a proper exception because it still holds on to false entity. If this is the case you could circumvent this problem by using scoped contexts and embedding your data access operations in a using statement.


Alternatively you could try to explicitly tell EF that the entity has changes e.g.:


_entities.Entry(user).State = EntityState.Modified;

Regarding your other question:


In theory you shouldn't have to tell EF explicitly that the entity's values have changed. Change tracking should do that automatically. The only exception i could think of, is when you try to modify an entity that is explicitly not tracked anymore. When you call _entities.Find(id) it will look in the context if it finds the object with the matching primary key value and load it. Since you already modified this object before, the context will simply get the old object you already modified to set the login status the first time.


This "old" object is probably not tracked anymore and you have to tell EF explicitly that it has changed, by changing it's state from attached to modified.




in LoginExecute() you have UserObj, but in LogoutCommand() you have CurrentUser. Is it OK?




This is just basically from my comment regarding the original question:


I had similiar problems several times. Usually it is based on the fact that the entity you modified can't be validated properly and your dbContext fails without a proper exception because it still holds on to false entity. If this is the case you could circumvent this problem by using scoped contexts and embedding your data access operations in a using statement.


Alternatively you could try to explicitly tell EF that the entity has changes e.g.:


_entities.Entry(user).State = EntityState.Modified;

Regarding your other question:


In theory you shouldn't have to tell EF explicitly that the entity's values have changed. Change tracking should do that automatically. The only exception i could think of, is when you try to modify an entity that is explicitly not tracked anymore. When you call _entities.Find(id) it will look in the context if it finds the object with the matching primary key value and load it. Since you already modified this object before, the context will simply get the old object you already modified to set the login status the first time.


This "old" object is probably not tracked anymore and you have to tell EF explicitly that it has changed, by changing it's state from attached to modified.




in LoginExecute() you have UserObj, but in LogoutCommand() you have CurrentUser. Is it OK?
