
时间:2022-07-20 06:51:07

Based on a few posts I've read concerning version control, it seems people think pessimistic locking in a version control system is a bad thing. Why? I understand that it prevents one developer from submitting a change while another has the file checked out, but so what? If your code files are so big that you constantly have more than one person working on them at the same time, I submit that you should reorganize your code. Break it up into smaller functional units.


Integration of concurrent code changes is a tedious and error-prone process even with the tools a good version control system provides to make it easier. I think it should be avoided if at all possible. So, why is pessimistic locking discouraged?


10 个解决方案



It depends on your project and team generally. Pessimistic locking is good because it is easy to understand - one dev at a time, and no merging required!

这通常取决于您的项目和团队。悲观锁定很好,因为它很容易理解 - 一次一个开发,不需要合并!

However, the bad thing about is is exactly that - one dev at a time. I have the situation right now where a colleague has gone on-site, and before he left, he checked everything out so that if he had to fix any bugs, he could return and check all his changes in.... great for him, lousy for me and the rest of the dev team at base.

然而,关键的坏处就是 - 一次一个开发者。我现在有一个同事离开现场的情况,在他离开之前,他检查了所有的东西,如果他必须修复任何错误,他可以返回并检查他所有的变化......对他来说很棒,对我和基地的其他开发团队来说很糟糕。

If you can get around pessimistic locking in your team then its fine to use it, really, the biggest reason people hate it is because its Visual SourceSafe's default practice. If you're not confident in merging lots of changes, then you have another reason to use it - if you've ever used a optimistic locking SCM, and cocked up a merge, you'll know how hard it is to recover.

如果你可以解决你的团队中的悲观锁定然后很好地使用它,真的,人们讨厌它的最大原因是因为它的Visual SourceSafe的默认实践。如果你没有信心合并大量的变化,那么你有另一个理由使用它 - 如果你曾经使用过乐观的锁定SCM,并且合并了,你就会知道恢复有多难。

If you can handle merging, then optimistic locking is superior and I'd recommend it, but you don't have to hand your geek card in if you don't want to use it.




  1. Go play with Source Safe and have a developer leave for a two week vacation. Add to that the VSS admins not being around. Now you have a fix to be posted but you can't because of the developer
  2. 使用Source Safe进行游戏并让开发者离开两周假期。再加上VSS管理员不在身边。现在你有一个可以发布的修复程序,但你不能因为开发人员

  3. If you have multiple features and/or bug fixes being worked on. No matter how small your code is broken up, you will still have contention for a central file.
  4. 如果您正在处理多个功能和/或错误修复程序。无论你的代码多么小,你仍然会争夺一个中心文件。



  1. Bob needs to edit FooBar.java
  2. Bob需要编辑FooBar.java

  3. John has it checked out for editing
  4. 约翰已经检查了编辑

  5. Bob edits his local copy anyway and saves it as FooBar.java.bak
  6. 鲍勃无论如何编辑他的本地副本并将其保存为FooBar.java.bak

  7. When John checks his in, Bob checks it out
  8. 当约翰检查他的时,鲍勃检查了它

  9. Bob copies FooBar.java.bak over it and checks it in
  10. Bob将FooBar.java.bak复制到它上面并将其检入

  11. John gets to reimplement his feature
  12. 约翰重新实现他的功能

I've seen it happen time and time again. Developers do this because this process is annoying:


  1. Bob needs to edit FooBar.java
  2. Bob需要编辑FooBar.java

  3. John has it checked out for editing
  4. 约翰已经检查了编辑

  5. Bob has to wait twiddling his thumbs until John is done
  6. 鲍勃不得不等待他的拇指,直到约翰完成

Pessimistic locking feels like amateur hour, sorry.




  • You don't always have the option to break files apart
    • Config Files
    • XML Files
  • 您并不总是可以选择将文件分开配置文件XML文件

  • Even relatively small files can still contain distinct parts that more than one developer needs access to
    • Libraries
    • Utilities
  • 即使是相对较小的文件仍然可以包含多个开发人员需要访问Libraries Utilities的不同部分

  • Merging Tools are much smarter than they have ever been
    • Conflicts are rather rare
    • 冲突相当罕见

  • 合并工具比以往任何时候都更加智能冲突相当罕见

  • Reduces delays due to developers having files "accidentally" checked out
  • 减少因开发人员“意外”签出文件而导致的延迟



If a developer can't handle merging and fixing conflicts, he should be re-educated.


It is common for even small files to get conflicts, for example with JSPs one person (web developer) could be changing the layout code, and someone else could change the API for the model that the JSP is using.




Regarding the case with Bob and John, cooperative systems like svn do not prevent this scenario any more than a locking system does. I can 'update' FooBar.java, which satisfies svn that I have the latest edition, then delete that file locally and overwrite it with my own personal copy that I made without any regard for the baseline version, and check that in, happily destroying the other guy's changes. No system, locking or not, prevents this, so I do not see the point of even bringing it into the debate.


The real issue is deciding what your balance is between


likelihood of merge mistakes vs. inconvenience caused by people locking files


The notion that either a locking or non-locking system is "superior" is nonsense.


I've used VSS, in its default full locking mode, with 6 developers, and it worked like a dream. Occasionally, somebody would forget to release a lock and we'd have to hunt them down or break the lock manually and hand-merge when they returned, but this was very minimal. I've seen svn screw up its automatic merge more than once, such that I don't really trust it. It doesn't always flag a 'conflict' when two people have changed the same file in a way that cannot be automatically merged together.
Conversely, I've seen people get impatient with VSS's locks, edit their own copies, and sloppily check them in over the top of other peoples' code, and I've seen svn handily catch me when I might accidentally try to check something in that has been changed by somebody else since I last checked it out.


My point is, this is not a sensible debate to have. The success of either system comes down to how you manage the conflict points when they occur, not whether one system or the other is better.




Pessimistic locking is (personal experience) in the way of collaboration. It's sometimes easily replaced by good team communication. Just by saying "Hey, I'm gonna work on this few files for a while".


I've worked in teams of 2 to 6 people without locking and we never had a problem, beyond some usual and necessary merges.


I also worked once with locking in a Visual SourceSafe hosted project. It was IMHO counter-productive.

我还曾在Visual SourceSafe托管项目中锁定过一次。这是恕我直言,适得其反。



Software developers are always optimists -- just look at their estimating skils!

软件开发人员总是乐观主义者 - 只需看看他们的估算技巧!

In practice we find conflicts are rare and the benefits of not having to worry about locking outweigh the occasional conflict resolution step.




if your code files are so big that you constantly have more than one person working on them at the same time


If this is the case it's time for 'human beings' to take charge and coordinate any changes. In the ideal case, and if your project management is any good, you will rarely hit a time where you're trying to change a locked file because someone will have coordinated things so this won't practically happen.


In other words you'll know 'Bob' is doing a large set of changes in components X/Y/Z, if you have a bug fix in component X you'll know to talk to Bob before trying to submit your changes.

换句话说,你会知道'Bob'正在对组件X / Y / Z进行大量更改,如果你在组件X中有一个bug修复,你会在尝试提交更改之前与Bob交谈。

As I say this is ideal ;)




Pessimistic locking is a good idea if serious conflicts are going to be likely. For most programming you won't see any serious conflicts, so pessimistic locking is fairly pointless. Exceptions to this would be if you are:


  • Working on binary files where you can't really merge - art assets (models, textures, etc) are a good example.
  • 处理无法真正合并的二进制文件 - 艺术资产(模型,纹理等)就是一个很好的例子。

  • Working with non-technical users who don't know how to merge, and don't want to learn (mostly artists, but some technical writers will throw a fit about this too).
  • 与不懂技术的用户合作,他们不知道如何合并,也不想学习(主要是艺术家,但是一些技术作家也会对此有所了解)。

  • Working on very large files which can't easily be merged or broken into smaller files due to the high degree of complexity (never seen a situation like that first hand, but I'm sure it's possible).
  • 处理非常大的文件,由于高度复杂性,不能轻易地合并或分解成较小的文件(从未见过像第一手的情况,但我确信它是可能的)。




It depends on your project and team generally. Pessimistic locking is good because it is easy to understand - one dev at a time, and no merging required!

这通常取决于您的项目和团队。悲观锁定很好,因为它很容易理解 - 一次一个开发,不需要合并!

However, the bad thing about is is exactly that - one dev at a time. I have the situation right now where a colleague has gone on-site, and before he left, he checked everything out so that if he had to fix any bugs, he could return and check all his changes in.... great for him, lousy for me and the rest of the dev team at base.

然而,关键的坏处就是 - 一次一个开发者。我现在有一个同事离开现场的情况,在他离开之前,他检查了所有的东西,如果他必须修复任何错误,他可以返回并检查他所有的变化......对他来说很棒,对我和基地的其他开发团队来说很糟糕。

If you can get around pessimistic locking in your team then its fine to use it, really, the biggest reason people hate it is because its Visual SourceSafe's default practice. If you're not confident in merging lots of changes, then you have another reason to use it - if you've ever used a optimistic locking SCM, and cocked up a merge, you'll know how hard it is to recover.

如果你可以解决你的团队中的悲观锁定然后很好地使用它,真的,人们讨厌它的最大原因是因为它的Visual SourceSafe的默认实践。如果你没有信心合并大量的变化,那么你有另一个理由使用它 - 如果你曾经使用过乐观的锁定SCM,并且合并了,你就会知道恢复有多难。

If you can handle merging, then optimistic locking is superior and I'd recommend it, but you don't have to hand your geek card in if you don't want to use it.




  1. Go play with Source Safe and have a developer leave for a two week vacation. Add to that the VSS admins not being around. Now you have a fix to be posted but you can't because of the developer
  2. 使用Source Safe进行游戏并让开发者离开两周假期。再加上VSS管理员不在身边。现在你有一个可以发布的修复程序,但你不能因为开发人员

  3. If you have multiple features and/or bug fixes being worked on. No matter how small your code is broken up, you will still have contention for a central file.
  4. 如果您正在处理多个功能和/或错误修复程序。无论你的代码多么小,你仍然会争夺一个中心文件。



  1. Bob needs to edit FooBar.java
  2. Bob需要编辑FooBar.java

  3. John has it checked out for editing
  4. 约翰已经检查了编辑

  5. Bob edits his local copy anyway and saves it as FooBar.java.bak
  6. 鲍勃无论如何编辑他的本地副本并将其保存为FooBar.java.bak

  7. When John checks his in, Bob checks it out
  8. 当约翰检查他的时,鲍勃检查了它

  9. Bob copies FooBar.java.bak over it and checks it in
  10. Bob将FooBar.java.bak复制到它上面并将其检入

  11. John gets to reimplement his feature
  12. 约翰重新实现他的功能

I've seen it happen time and time again. Developers do this because this process is annoying:


  1. Bob needs to edit FooBar.java
  2. Bob需要编辑FooBar.java

  3. John has it checked out for editing
  4. 约翰已经检查了编辑

  5. Bob has to wait twiddling his thumbs until John is done
  6. 鲍勃不得不等待他的拇指,直到约翰完成

Pessimistic locking feels like amateur hour, sorry.




  • You don't always have the option to break files apart
    • Config Files
    • XML Files
  • 您并不总是可以选择将文件分开配置文件XML文件

  • Even relatively small files can still contain distinct parts that more than one developer needs access to
    • Libraries
    • Utilities
  • 即使是相对较小的文件仍然可以包含多个开发人员需要访问Libraries Utilities的不同部分

  • Merging Tools are much smarter than they have ever been
    • Conflicts are rather rare
    • 冲突相当罕见

  • 合并工具比以往任何时候都更加智能冲突相当罕见

  • Reduces delays due to developers having files "accidentally" checked out
  • 减少因开发人员“意外”签出文件而导致的延迟



If a developer can't handle merging and fixing conflicts, he should be re-educated.


It is common for even small files to get conflicts, for example with JSPs one person (web developer) could be changing the layout code, and someone else could change the API for the model that the JSP is using.




Regarding the case with Bob and John, cooperative systems like svn do not prevent this scenario any more than a locking system does. I can 'update' FooBar.java, which satisfies svn that I have the latest edition, then delete that file locally and overwrite it with my own personal copy that I made without any regard for the baseline version, and check that in, happily destroying the other guy's changes. No system, locking or not, prevents this, so I do not see the point of even bringing it into the debate.


The real issue is deciding what your balance is between


likelihood of merge mistakes vs. inconvenience caused by people locking files


The notion that either a locking or non-locking system is "superior" is nonsense.


I've used VSS, in its default full locking mode, with 6 developers, and it worked like a dream. Occasionally, somebody would forget to release a lock and we'd have to hunt them down or break the lock manually and hand-merge when they returned, but this was very minimal. I've seen svn screw up its automatic merge more than once, such that I don't really trust it. It doesn't always flag a 'conflict' when two people have changed the same file in a way that cannot be automatically merged together.
Conversely, I've seen people get impatient with VSS's locks, edit their own copies, and sloppily check them in over the top of other peoples' code, and I've seen svn handily catch me when I might accidentally try to check something in that has been changed by somebody else since I last checked it out.


My point is, this is not a sensible debate to have. The success of either system comes down to how you manage the conflict points when they occur, not whether one system or the other is better.




Pessimistic locking is (personal experience) in the way of collaboration. It's sometimes easily replaced by good team communication. Just by saying "Hey, I'm gonna work on this few files for a while".


I've worked in teams of 2 to 6 people without locking and we never had a problem, beyond some usual and necessary merges.


I also worked once with locking in a Visual SourceSafe hosted project. It was IMHO counter-productive.

我还曾在Visual SourceSafe托管项目中锁定过一次。这是恕我直言,适得其反。



Software developers are always optimists -- just look at their estimating skils!

软件开发人员总是乐观主义者 - 只需看看他们的估算技巧!

In practice we find conflicts are rare and the benefits of not having to worry about locking outweigh the occasional conflict resolution step.




if your code files are so big that you constantly have more than one person working on them at the same time


If this is the case it's time for 'human beings' to take charge and coordinate any changes. In the ideal case, and if your project management is any good, you will rarely hit a time where you're trying to change a locked file because someone will have coordinated things so this won't practically happen.


In other words you'll know 'Bob' is doing a large set of changes in components X/Y/Z, if you have a bug fix in component X you'll know to talk to Bob before trying to submit your changes.

换句话说,你会知道'Bob'正在对组件X / Y / Z进行大量更改,如果你在组件X中有一个bug修复,你会在尝试提交更改之前与Bob交谈。

As I say this is ideal ;)




Pessimistic locking is a good idea if serious conflicts are going to be likely. For most programming you won't see any serious conflicts, so pessimistic locking is fairly pointless. Exceptions to this would be if you are:


  • Working on binary files where you can't really merge - art assets (models, textures, etc) are a good example.
  • 处理无法真正合并的二进制文件 - 艺术资产(模型,纹理等)就是一个很好的例子。

  • Working with non-technical users who don't know how to merge, and don't want to learn (mostly artists, but some technical writers will throw a fit about this too).
  • 与不懂技术的用户合作,他们不知道如何合并,也不想学习(主要是艺术家,但是一些技术作家也会对此有所了解)。

  • Working on very large files which can't easily be merged or broken into smaller files due to the high degree of complexity (never seen a situation like that first hand, but I'm sure it's possible).
  • 处理非常大的文件,由于高度复杂性,不能轻易地合并或分解成较小的文件(从未见过像第一手的情况,但我确信它是可能的)。
