
时间:2021-12-19 06:51:47

If I can do this, how do I call Java code (methods for instance) from within JavaScript code, in Wicket.


4 个解决方案



erk. The correct answer would be ajax call backs. You can either manually code the js to hook into the wicket js, or you can setup the callbacks from wicket components in java. For example, from AjaxLazyLoadPanel:

ERK。正确的答案是ajax回拨。您可以手动编写js以挂接到wicket js,也可以从java中的wicket组件设置回调。例如,来自AjaxLazyLoadPanel:

        component.add( new AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior() {

        protected void respond(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
            // your code here

        public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
            super.renderHead( response );
            response.renderOnDomReadyJavascript( getCallbackScript().toString() );


This example shows how to add call back code to any Component in Wicket. After the OnDomReady event fires in your browser, when loading a page, Wicket will cause it's js enging, to call back into your code, using Ajax, to the 'respond' method shown above, at which point you can execute Java code on the server, and potentially add components to the ajax target to be re-rendered.

此示例显示如何将回调代码添加到Wicket中的任何Component。在您的浏览器中触发OnDomReady事件后,在加载页面时,Wicket将使其成为js enging,使用Ajax回调您的代码到上面显示的“响应”方法,此时您可以在服务器,并可能将组件添加到要重新呈现的ajax目标。

To do it manually, from js, you can hook into wicket's system by printing out getCallbackScript().toString() to a attribute on a wicket component, which you'll then be able to access from js. Calling this url from js manually with wicket's wicketAjaxGet from wicket-ajax.js.


Check out the mailing list for lot's of conversation on this topic: http://www.nabble.com/Wicket-and-javascript-ts24336438.html#a24336438




Excerpt from https://cwiki.apache.org/WICKET/calling-wicket-from-javascript.html


If you add any class that extends AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior to your page, wicket-ajax.js will be added to the header ofyour web page. wicket-ajax.js provides you with two basic methods to call your component:

如果您添加任何将AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior扩展到您的页面的类,wicket-ajax.js将被添加到您的网页的标题中。 wicket-ajax.js为您提供了两种调用组件的基本方法:

function wicketAjaxGet(url, successHandler, failureHandler, precondition, channel)


function wicketAjaxPost(url, body, successHandler, failureHandler, precondition, channel)

Here is an example:



function callWicket() {
   var wcall = wicketAjaxGet('$url$' + '$args$', function() { }, function() { });

$url$ is obtained from the method abstractDefaultAjaxBehavior.getCallbackUrl(). If you paste the String returned from that method into your browser, you'll invoke the respond method, the same applies for the javascript method.

$ url $是从abstractDefaultAjaxBehavior.getCallbackUrl()方法获得的。如果将从该方法返回的String粘贴到浏览器中,则将调用respond方法,这同样适用于javascript方法。

You can optionally add arguments by appending these to the URL string. They take the form &foo=bar.

您可以选择通过将这些参数附加到URL字符串来添加参数。它们采用&foo = bar的形式。

you get the optional arguments in the Java response method like this:


Map map = ((WebRequestCycle) RequestCycle.get()).getRequest().getParameterMap();

or this:

String paramFoo = RequestCycle.get().getRequest().getParameter("foo");



http://www.wicket-library.com/wicket-examples-6.0.x/index.html/ has plenty of examples to get you going.


Or have a Have a look at DWR



DWR allows Javascript in a browser to interact with Java on a server and helps you manipulate web pages with the results.


As Dorward mentioned this is done via AJAX




Assuming you mean JavaScript running on the client - you cause an HTTP redirect to be made to the server, and have your servlet react to the request for the given URL.

假设您的意思是在客户端上运行JavaScript - 您将导致对服务器进行HTTP重定向,并让您的servlet对给定URL的请求作出反应。

This is known as Ajax, and there are a number of libraries that help you do it..




erk. The correct answer would be ajax call backs. You can either manually code the js to hook into the wicket js, or you can setup the callbacks from wicket components in java. For example, from AjaxLazyLoadPanel:

ERK。正确的答案是ajax回拨。您可以手动编写js以挂接到wicket js,也可以从java中的wicket组件设置回调。例如,来自AjaxLazyLoadPanel:

        component.add( new AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior() {

        protected void respond(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
            // your code here

        public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
            super.renderHead( response );
            response.renderOnDomReadyJavascript( getCallbackScript().toString() );


This example shows how to add call back code to any Component in Wicket. After the OnDomReady event fires in your browser, when loading a page, Wicket will cause it's js enging, to call back into your code, using Ajax, to the 'respond' method shown above, at which point you can execute Java code on the server, and potentially add components to the ajax target to be re-rendered.

此示例显示如何将回调代码添加到Wicket中的任何Component。在您的浏览器中触发OnDomReady事件后,在加载页面时,Wicket将使其成为js enging,使用Ajax回调您的代码到上面显示的“响应”方法,此时您可以在服务器,并可能将组件添加到要重新呈现的ajax目标。

To do it manually, from js, you can hook into wicket's system by printing out getCallbackScript().toString() to a attribute on a wicket component, which you'll then be able to access from js. Calling this url from js manually with wicket's wicketAjaxGet from wicket-ajax.js.


Check out the mailing list for lot's of conversation on this topic: http://www.nabble.com/Wicket-and-javascript-ts24336438.html#a24336438




Excerpt from https://cwiki.apache.org/WICKET/calling-wicket-from-javascript.html


If you add any class that extends AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior to your page, wicket-ajax.js will be added to the header ofyour web page. wicket-ajax.js provides you with two basic methods to call your component:

如果您添加任何将AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior扩展到您的页面的类,wicket-ajax.js将被添加到您的网页的标题中。 wicket-ajax.js为您提供了两种调用组件的基本方法:

function wicketAjaxGet(url, successHandler, failureHandler, precondition, channel)


function wicketAjaxPost(url, body, successHandler, failureHandler, precondition, channel)

Here is an example:



function callWicket() {
   var wcall = wicketAjaxGet('$url$' + '$args$', function() { }, function() { });

$url$ is obtained from the method abstractDefaultAjaxBehavior.getCallbackUrl(). If you paste the String returned from that method into your browser, you'll invoke the respond method, the same applies for the javascript method.

$ url $是从abstractDefaultAjaxBehavior.getCallbackUrl()方法获得的。如果将从该方法返回的String粘贴到浏览器中,则将调用respond方法,这同样适用于javascript方法。

You can optionally add arguments by appending these to the URL string. They take the form &foo=bar.

您可以选择通过将这些参数附加到URL字符串来添加参数。它们采用&foo = bar的形式。

you get the optional arguments in the Java response method like this:


Map map = ((WebRequestCycle) RequestCycle.get()).getRequest().getParameterMap();

or this:

String paramFoo = RequestCycle.get().getRequest().getParameter("foo");



http://www.wicket-library.com/wicket-examples-6.0.x/index.html/ has plenty of examples to get you going.


Or have a Have a look at DWR



DWR allows Javascript in a browser to interact with Java on a server and helps you manipulate web pages with the results.


As Dorward mentioned this is done via AJAX




Assuming you mean JavaScript running on the client - you cause an HTTP redirect to be made to the server, and have your servlet react to the request for the given URL.

假设您的意思是在客户端上运行JavaScript - 您将导致对服务器进行HTTP重定向,并让您的servlet对给定URL的请求作出反应。

This is known as Ajax, and there are a number of libraries that help you do it..
