Doctrine - 如何将数组绑定到SQL?

时间:2022-09-14 06:49:48

My SQL looks something like this:


$sql = "select * from user where id in (:userId) and status = :status";

$em = $this->getEntityManager();
$stmt = $em->getConnection()->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindValue(':userId', $accounts, \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY);
$stmt->bindValue(':status', 'declined');

$result = $stmt->fetchAll();

But it returns:


An exception occurred while executing (...)


with params [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14], "declined"]

与params [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14],“拒绝”]

Notice: Array to string conversion


I cannot user queryBuilder because my real SQL is more complicated (ex. contains joined select, unions and so on)


3 个解决方案



You can't use prepared statements with arrays simply because sql itself does not support arrays. Which is a real shame. Somewhere along the line you actually need to determine if your data contains say three items and emit a IN (?,?,?). The Doctrine ORM entity manager does this for you automatically.

您不能将预准备语句与数组一起使用,因为sql本身不支持数组。这是一个真正的耻辱。沿着这条线的某个地方,您实际需要确定您的数据是否包含三个项并发出一个IN(?,?,?)。 Doctrine ORM实体管理器会自动为您执行此操作。

Fortunately, the DBAL has you covered. You just don't use bind or prepare. The manual has an example:


In your case it would look something like:


$sql = "select * from user where id in (?) and status = ?";
$values = [$accounts,'declined'];
$types = [Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY, \PDO::PARAM_STR];
$stmt = $conn->executeQuery($sql,$values,$types);
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();

The above code is untested but you should get the idea. (Make sure you use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection; for Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY)

上面的代码未经测试,但您应该明白这一点。 (确保使用Doctrine \ DBAL \ Connection;对于Connection :: PARAM_INT_ARRAY)



If you want to stick to the :param syntax where order does not matter, you have to do a bit of extra work, but I'll show you an easier way to bind the parameters:


// store all your parameters in one array
$params = array(
    ':status' => 'declined'

// then, using your arbitrary array of id's ...
$array_of_ids = array(5, 6, 12, 14);

// ... we're going to build an array of corresponding parameter names
$id_params = array();
foreach ($array_of_ids as $i => $id) {
    // generate a unique name for this parameter
    $name = ":id_$i"; // ":id_0", ":id_1", etc.

    // set the value
    $params[$name] = $id;

    // and keep track of the name
    $id_params[] = $name;

// next prepare the parameter names for placement in the query string
$id_params = implode(',', $id_params); // ":id_0,:id_1,..."
$sql = "select * from user where id in ($id_params) and status = :status";

In this case we end up with: "select * from user where id in (:id_0,:id_1,:id_2,:id_3) and status = :status"

在这种情况下,我们最终得到:“select * from user in id in(:id_0,:id_1,:id_2,:id_3)and status =:status”

// now prepare your statement like before...
$stmt = $em->getConnection()->prepare($sql);

// ...bind all the params in one go...

// ...and get your results!
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();

This approach will also work with an array of strings.




You need to wrap them in an array


$stmt->bindValue(':userId', array($accounts), array(\Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY));



I should have elaborated more. You cannot bind an array like that, dont prepare the sql execute directly as the example in the docs.


$stmt = $conn->executeQuery('SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id IN (?)',
array(array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)),

You cannot bind an array of values into a single prepared statement parameter




You can't use prepared statements with arrays simply because sql itself does not support arrays. Which is a real shame. Somewhere along the line you actually need to determine if your data contains say three items and emit a IN (?,?,?). The Doctrine ORM entity manager does this for you automatically.

您不能将预准备语句与数组一起使用,因为sql本身不支持数组。这是一个真正的耻辱。沿着这条线的某个地方,您实际需要确定您的数据是否包含三个项并发出一个IN(?,?,?)。 Doctrine ORM实体管理器会自动为您执行此操作。

Fortunately, the DBAL has you covered. You just don't use bind or prepare. The manual has an example:


In your case it would look something like:


$sql = "select * from user where id in (?) and status = ?";
$values = [$accounts,'declined'];
$types = [Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY, \PDO::PARAM_STR];
$stmt = $conn->executeQuery($sql,$values,$types);
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();

The above code is untested but you should get the idea. (Make sure you use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection; for Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY)

上面的代码未经测试,但您应该明白这一点。 (确保使用Doctrine \ DBAL \ Connection;对于Connection :: PARAM_INT_ARRAY)



If you want to stick to the :param syntax where order does not matter, you have to do a bit of extra work, but I'll show you an easier way to bind the parameters:


// store all your parameters in one array
$params = array(
    ':status' => 'declined'

// then, using your arbitrary array of id's ...
$array_of_ids = array(5, 6, 12, 14);

// ... we're going to build an array of corresponding parameter names
$id_params = array();
foreach ($array_of_ids as $i => $id) {
    // generate a unique name for this parameter
    $name = ":id_$i"; // ":id_0", ":id_1", etc.

    // set the value
    $params[$name] = $id;

    // and keep track of the name
    $id_params[] = $name;

// next prepare the parameter names for placement in the query string
$id_params = implode(',', $id_params); // ":id_0,:id_1,..."
$sql = "select * from user where id in ($id_params) and status = :status";

In this case we end up with: "select * from user where id in (:id_0,:id_1,:id_2,:id_3) and status = :status"

在这种情况下,我们最终得到:“select * from user in id in(:id_0,:id_1,:id_2,:id_3)and status =:status”

// now prepare your statement like before...
$stmt = $em->getConnection()->prepare($sql);

// ...bind all the params in one go...

// ...and get your results!
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();

This approach will also work with an array of strings.




You need to wrap them in an array


$stmt->bindValue(':userId', array($accounts), array(\Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY));



I should have elaborated more. You cannot bind an array like that, dont prepare the sql execute directly as the example in the docs.


$stmt = $conn->executeQuery('SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id IN (?)',
array(array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)),

You cannot bind an array of values into a single prepared statement parameter
