
时间:2021-08-13 06:48:01

I've now read kinda half of the Doctrine 2 documentation but I can't find a solution: how do I create a table for a class automatically using Doctrine?

我现在已经读了大约一半的Doctrine 2文档,但是我找不到一个解决方案:如何为一个类创建一个自动使用Doctrine的表?

Do I really need to work with XML/YAML or some other stuff than PHP itself? Do I really need DQL for that? Doesn't Doctrine find the names and all this stuff for me?


2 个解决方案



First of all, you have to understand that in Doctrine 2 there are three elements that play together:


  • entities (just plain PHP classes)
  • 实体(普通的PHP类)
  • mappings (additional markup that you place on entities or in related classes)
  • 映射(在实体或相关类中放置的附加标记)
  • database
  • 数据库

Doctrine reads your entities and your mappings and connects every entity and its fields to the related database fields.


The generation of the database is done by the Doctrine\ORM\Tools\SchemaTool (SchemaTool) class, which can read metadata and define how your schema should like.

数据库的生成是由Doctrine\ORM\Tools\SchemaTool (SchemaTool)类完成的,它可以读取元数据并定义模式应该如何。

Doctrine's CLI, as said by @Marcin, provides the orm:schema-tool:create and orm:schema-tool:update commands, which are just wrappers for the SchemaTool. They help you getting started fast and keep your schema in sync with your entity definitions.




I'm not sure if I understood you correctly. If you want to create a structure in a database, use the console function orm:schema-tool:create




First of all, you have to understand that in Doctrine 2 there are three elements that play together:


  • entities (just plain PHP classes)
  • 实体(普通的PHP类)
  • mappings (additional markup that you place on entities or in related classes)
  • 映射(在实体或相关类中放置的附加标记)
  • database
  • 数据库

Doctrine reads your entities and your mappings and connects every entity and its fields to the related database fields.


The generation of the database is done by the Doctrine\ORM\Tools\SchemaTool (SchemaTool) class, which can read metadata and define how your schema should like.

数据库的生成是由Doctrine\ORM\Tools\SchemaTool (SchemaTool)类完成的,它可以读取元数据并定义模式应该如何。

Doctrine's CLI, as said by @Marcin, provides the orm:schema-tool:create and orm:schema-tool:update commands, which are just wrappers for the SchemaTool. They help you getting started fast and keep your schema in sync with your entity definitions.




I'm not sure if I understood you correctly. If you want to create a structure in a database, use the console function orm:schema-tool:create
