
时间:2020-11-30 06:31:50

I want to use NSURLQueryItem in my Swift iOS app. However, that class is only available since iOS 8, but my app should also run on iOS 7. How would I check for class existence in Swift?

我想在我的Swift iOS应用程序中使用NSURLQueryItem。但是,该类仅在iOS 8中可用,但我的应用程序也应该在iOS 7上运行。如何在Swift中检查类是否存在?

In Objective-C you would do something like:


if ([NSURLQueryItem class]) {
    // Use NSURLQueryItem class
} else {
    // NSURLQueryItem is not available

Related to this question is: How do you check for method or property existence of an existing class?


There is a nice section in https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide/AdvancedAppTricks/AdvancedAppTricks.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007072-CH7-SW4 called Supporting Multiple Versions of iOS, which explains different techniques for Objective-C. How can these be translated to Swift?


3 个解决方案



Swift 2.0 provides us with a simple and natural way to do this.It is called API Availability Checking.Because NSURLQueryItem class is only available since iOS8.0,you can do in this style to check it at runtime.

Swift 2.0为我们提供了一种简单而自然的方法。它被称为API可用性检查。因为NSURLQueryItem类仅在iOS8.0之后可用,所以你可以用这种方式在运行时检查它。

    if #available(iOS 8.0, *) {
        // NSURLQueryItem is available

    } else {
        // Fallback on earlier versions



Simplest way I know of


if NSClassFromString("NSURLQueryItem") != nil {
    println("NSURLQueryItem exists")
    println("NSURLQueryItem does not exists")



Try this:


if objc_getClass("NSURLQueryItem") != nil {
   // iOS 8 
} else {
   // iOS 7

I've also done it like this too:


if let theClass: AnyClass = NSClassFromString("NSURLQueryItem") {
    // iOS 8
} else {
    // iOS 7

Or, you can also check system version like so, but this isn't the best practice for iOS dev - really you should check if a feature exists. But I've used this for a few iOS 7 hacks... pragmatism over purity.

或者,你也可以像这样检查系统版本,但这不是iOS开发的最佳实践 - 你应该检查一个功能是否存在。但是我已经将它用于一些iOS 7黑客......实用主义而非纯度。

    switch UIDevice.currentDevice().systemVersion.compare("8.0.0", options: NSStringCompareOptions.NumericSearch) {
    case .OrderedSame, .OrderedDescending:
        iOS7 = false
    case .OrderedAscending:
        iOS7 = true



Swift 2.0 provides us with a simple and natural way to do this.It is called API Availability Checking.Because NSURLQueryItem class is only available since iOS8.0,you can do in this style to check it at runtime.

Swift 2.0为我们提供了一种简单而自然的方法。它被称为API可用性检查。因为NSURLQueryItem类仅在iOS8.0之后可用,所以你可以用这种方式在运行时检查它。

    if #available(iOS 8.0, *) {
        // NSURLQueryItem is available

    } else {
        // Fallback on earlier versions



Simplest way I know of


if NSClassFromString("NSURLQueryItem") != nil {
    println("NSURLQueryItem exists")
    println("NSURLQueryItem does not exists")



Try this:


if objc_getClass("NSURLQueryItem") != nil {
   // iOS 8 
} else {
   // iOS 7

I've also done it like this too:


if let theClass: AnyClass = NSClassFromString("NSURLQueryItem") {
    // iOS 8
} else {
    // iOS 7

Or, you can also check system version like so, but this isn't the best practice for iOS dev - really you should check if a feature exists. But I've used this for a few iOS 7 hacks... pragmatism over purity.

或者,你也可以像这样检查系统版本,但这不是iOS开发的最佳实践 - 你应该检查一个功能是否存在。但是我已经将它用于一些iOS 7黑客......实用主义而非纯度。

    switch UIDevice.currentDevice().systemVersion.compare("8.0.0", options: NSStringCompareOptions.NumericSearch) {
    case .OrderedSame, .OrderedDescending:
        iOS7 = false
    case .OrderedAscending:
        iOS7 = true