include_once "inc/td.class.php";
include_once "inc/conn.php";
include_once "inc/utility_all.php";
include_once "inc/utility_org.php";
include_once "inc/flow_engine/engine/TFlowEngine.php";
$arr_para = TFlowEngine::get_para_data($RUN_ID);
$arr_data = TFlowEngine::get_data($RUN_ID);
$notify_id = intval($arr_para["NOTIFY_ID"]);
$notify_leader_app = ($arr_data["notify_group.notify_auditer_app"] == _("同意") ? 1 : ($arr_data["notify_group.notify_leader_app"] == _("不同意") ? 2 : 0));
$notify_leader_reason = $arr_data["notify_group.notify_auditer_reason"];
$cur_date = date("Y-m-d", time());
if ($notify_id) {
if ($notify_leader_app == 1) {
$query = "update NOTIFY set PUBLISH='1',AUDITER='" . $_SESSION["LOGIN_USER_ID"] . "',AUDIT_DATE='$cur_date' where NOTIFY_ID='$notify_id'";
exequery(TD::conn(), $query);
else if ($notify_leader_app == 2) {
$query = "update NOTIFY set PUBLISH='3',AUDITER='" . $_SESSION["LOGIN_USER_ID"] . "',AUDIT_DATE='$cur_date',REASON='$notify_leader_reason' where NOTIFY_ID='$notify_id'";
exequery(TD::conn(), $query);
$para_array = get_sys_para("SMS_REMIND");
$para_value = $para_array["SMS_REMIND"];
$remind_array = explode("|", $para_value);
$sms_remind = $remind_array[0];
$sms2_remind = $remind_array[1];
$sms3_remind = $remind_array[2];
if (find_id($sms_remind, 1)) {
include_once "inc/utility_sms1.php";
$user_id_str = "";
$query = "select * from notify where NOTIFY_ID='$notify_id'";
$cursor = exequery(TD::conn(), $query);
if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($cursor)) {
$to_id = $row["TO_ID"];
$from_id = $row["FROM_ID"];
$subject = $row["SUBJECT"];
$summary = $row["SUMMARY"];
$begin_date = $row["BEGIN_DATE"];
$end_date = $row["END_DATE"];
$priv_id = $row["PRIV_ID"];
$send_time = $row["SEND_TIME"];
$to_user_id = $row["USER_ID"];
if ($notify_leader_app == 1) {
$sms_content0 = sprintf(_("您提交的公告通知,标题:%s审批已通过。"), csubstr($subject, 0, 100));
$remind_url0 = "1:notify/manage/index.php";
send_sms($send_time, $_SESSION["LOGIN_USER_ID"], $from_id, 1, $sms_content0, $remind_url0);
$sms_content = _("请查看公告通知!") . "\n" . _("标题:") . csubstr($subject, 0, 100);
if ($summary) {
$sms_content .= "\n" . _("内容简介:") . $summary;
if ($to_id == "ALL_DEPT") {
$query2 = "select USER_ID from USER where (NOT_LOGIN = 0 or NOT_MOBILE_LOGIN = 0)";
else {
$query2 = "select USER_ID from USER where (NOT_LOGIN = 0 or NOT_MOBILE_LOGIN = 0) and (find_in_set(DEPT_ID,'$to_id') or find_in_set(USER_PRIV,'$priv_id') or find_in_set(USER_ID,'$to_user_id'))";
$cursor2 = exequery(TD::conn(), $query2);
while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($cursor2)) {
$user_id_str .= $row2["USER_ID"] . ",";
$my_array = explode(",", $priv_id);
$array_count = sizeof($my_array);
for ($I = 0; $I < $array_count; $I++) {
if ($my_array[$I] == "") {
$query3 = "select USER_ID from USER where (NOT_LOGIN = 0 or NOT_MOBILE_LOGIN = 0) and find_in_set('$my_array[$I]',USER_PRIV_OTHER)";
$cursor3 = exequery(TD::conn(), $query3);
while ($row3 = mysql_fetch_array($cursor3)) {
if (!find_id($user_id_str, $row3["USER_ID"])) {
$user_id_str .= $row3["USER_ID"] . ",";
$user_id_str_array = explode(",", $user_id_str);
$user_id_str_array_count = sizeof($user_id_str_array);
for ($I = 0; $I < $user_id_str_array_count; $I++) {
if ($user_id_str_array[$I] == "") {
$func_id_str = GetfunmenuByuserID($user_id_str_array[$I]);
if (!find_id($func_id_str, 4)) {
$user_id_str = str_replace($user_id_str_array[$I], "", $user_id_str);
if (td_trim($user_id_str)) {
$remind_url = "1:notify/show/read_notify.php?NOTIFY_ID=" . $notify_id;
send_sms("", $_SESSION["LOGIN_USER_ID"], $user_id_str, 1, $sms_content, $remind_url, $notify_id);
else if ($notify_leader_app == 2) {
$sms_content0 = sprintf(_("您提交的公告通知,标题:%s审批未通过,原因是:%s"), csubstr($subject, 0, 100), $notify_leader_reason);
$remind_url0 = "1:notify/manage/index.php";
send_sms($send_time, $_SESSION["LOGIN_USER_ID"], $from_id, 1, $sms_content0, $remind_url0);