在iPhone SDK上格式错误的sqlite数据库磁盘映像

时间:2021-09-12 05:34:00

I'm having an issue with a new application on the iPhone SDK using SQLite as the DB backend.

我在使用SQLite作为数据库后端的iPhone SDK上的新应用程序时遇到问题。

Occasionally, my app will stop loading data to my UITableViews and after downloading the device DB via the Organizer I can access the SQLite DB via the command line. I can query certain tables fine but not others without getting an "SQL error: database disk image is malformed" error. See a sqlite session below:

偶尔,我的应用程序将停止将数据加载到我的UITableViews,并在通过管理器下载设备数据库后,我可以通过命令行访问SQLite DB。我可以查询某些表,但没有得到“SQL错误:数据库磁盘映像格式错误”错误的其他表。请参阅下面的sqlite会话:

    SQLite version 3.6.17
    Enter ".help" for instructions
    Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
    sqlite> select * from user;
    sqlite> select * from item;
    SQL error: database disk image is malformed

In this example my user table works fine but my item table is malformed, which corresponds with what I am seeing in my app where the items dont load. The app doesnt crash, the data just doesnt load because of this malformed error.


Any ideas why this is happening? My only thought is that maybe the DB is being corrupted because I am writing to the SQLite DB via a background thread within the app. I download data from a webserver via an NSOperationQueue in a background thread and update the SQLite DB with the data downloaded. Would writing to the DB in a background thread (while potentially reading from the main thread) corrupt the DB, or is it something else?

任何想法为什么会这样?我唯一想到的可能是数据库被损坏,因为我通过应用程序中的后台线程写入SQLite数据库。我通过后台线程中的NSOperationQueue从Web服务器下载数据,并使用下载的数据更新SQLite DB。在后台线程中写入数据库(虽然可能从主线程中读取)会损坏数据库,还是其他什么?

3 个解决方案



You have to be very careful about background threads accessing the database while debugging! This is because when the debugger halts processing (such as at a breakpoint) all threads are paused, including threads that may be in the middle of a database call, somewhere in between a database "open" and a database "close" call.


If you are halted at a breakpoint, and click the stop sign in Xcode, your app exits immediately. This very often causes errors such as the one you saw, or the "corrupted database" error.


There really isn't any solution (because there is no way to modify the behavior of "stop tasks", but I have evolved some techniques to mitigate it: 1. Add code to detect the app entering the background and have your db operations gracefully stop. 2. Never use the stop sign to halt processing while debugging. Instead, when done with a breakpoint then "continue", hit the home button on the simulator or device (which should trigger the code you added in step 1), wait for the app to background, THEN you can stop the run.




In my case this had to do with iOS 7: On iOS 7 Core Data now uses the SQLite WAL journaling mode which writes data to a .db-wal file instead of directly to the .db file. In my app, I would copy a prepared .db file into Library/Application Support during an app update. The problem was that an old .db-wal file was still in that directory and I only replaced the .db file. That way, I ended up with a .db file that was out of sync with the old .db-wal file.

在我的情况下,这与iOS 7有关:在iOS 7上,Core Data现在使用SQLite WAL日记模式,该模式将数据写入.db-wal文件而不是直接写入.db文件。在我的应用程序中,我会在应用程序更新期间将准备好的.db文件复制到库/应用程序支持中。问题是旧的.db-wal文件仍然在该目录中,我只替换了.db文件。这样,我最终得到的.db文件与旧的.db-wal文件不同步。

There are two solutions to this problem:


  1. Make sure the .db, .db-wal and .db-shm files are deleted before you copy your new .db file into place.
  2. 在将新的.db文件复制到位之前,请确保删除.db,.db-wal和.db-shm文件。
  3. Go back to the old pre-iOS 7 behavior like so: https://*.com/a/18870738/171933
  4. 回到旧的iOS 7之前的行为:https://*.com/a/18870738/171933



Depends on how SQLite is compiled, it may or may not be thread-safe. If you're using the built-in one, it may not have the compile-time options you're looking for.


For our app, we had to roll our own SQLite to add full text search. Take a look at this page.




You have to be very careful about background threads accessing the database while debugging! This is because when the debugger halts processing (such as at a breakpoint) all threads are paused, including threads that may be in the middle of a database call, somewhere in between a database "open" and a database "close" call.


If you are halted at a breakpoint, and click the stop sign in Xcode, your app exits immediately. This very often causes errors such as the one you saw, or the "corrupted database" error.


There really isn't any solution (because there is no way to modify the behavior of "stop tasks", but I have evolved some techniques to mitigate it: 1. Add code to detect the app entering the background and have your db operations gracefully stop. 2. Never use the stop sign to halt processing while debugging. Instead, when done with a breakpoint then "continue", hit the home button on the simulator or device (which should trigger the code you added in step 1), wait for the app to background, THEN you can stop the run.




In my case this had to do with iOS 7: On iOS 7 Core Data now uses the SQLite WAL journaling mode which writes data to a .db-wal file instead of directly to the .db file. In my app, I would copy a prepared .db file into Library/Application Support during an app update. The problem was that an old .db-wal file was still in that directory and I only replaced the .db file. That way, I ended up with a .db file that was out of sync with the old .db-wal file.

在我的情况下,这与iOS 7有关:在iOS 7上,Core Data现在使用SQLite WAL日记模式,该模式将数据写入.db-wal文件而不是直接写入.db文件。在我的应用程序中,我会在应用程序更新期间将准备好的.db文件复制到库/应用程序支持中。问题是旧的.db-wal文件仍然在该目录中,我只替换了.db文件。这样,我最终得到的.db文件与旧的.db-wal文件不同步。

There are two solutions to this problem:


  1. Make sure the .db, .db-wal and .db-shm files are deleted before you copy your new .db file into place.
  2. 在将新的.db文件复制到位之前,请确保删除.db,.db-wal和.db-shm文件。
  3. Go back to the old pre-iOS 7 behavior like so: https://*.com/a/18870738/171933
  4. 回到旧的iOS 7之前的行为:https://*.com/a/18870738/171933



Depends on how SQLite is compiled, it may or may not be thread-safe. If you're using the built-in one, it may not have the compile-time options you're looking for.


For our app, we had to roll our own SQLite to add full text search. Take a look at this page.
