
时间:2021-09-12 05:28:48

I created a sqlite3 database using terminal which has a static data. I need to add that db file into my xcode project to retrive data from it. But, I couldnt find the db file in my mac to add into my project. Where can I find my db file, so that I can add it into my Xcode. Thanks in advance :)

我使用具有静态数据的终端创建了一个sqlite3数据库。我需要将该db文件添加到我的xcode项目中以从中检索数据。但是,我无法在我的mac中找到db文件添加到我的项目中。我在哪里可以找到我的db文件,以便我可以将它添加到我的Xcode中。提前致谢 :)

4 个解决方案



My sqlite database is located here: Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/skd version(i.e. 5.1)/Applications/a bunch of numbers and letters/Documents/yourdatabase

我的sqlite数据库位于:Library / Application Support / iPhone Simulator / skd版本(即5.1)/ Applications /一堆数字和字母/ Documents / yourdatabase



  • ->Go to your Desktop(i.e click on the desktop)
  • - >转到桌面(即点击桌面)

  • ->press (shift)+(cmd)+(G) a search tab should open up
  • - >按(shift)+(cmd)+(G)搜索选项卡应该打开

  • ->in the search tab enter this url "~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/"

    - >在搜索选项卡中输入此URL“〜/ Library / Developer / CoreSimulator / Devices /”

  • -> find the latest device by the date modified and go further in the file explorer to /data/Containers/Data/Application/(APPLICATION_ID)/Documents/(databaseName).sqlite

    - >按修改日期查找最新设备,并在文件资源管理器中进一步查看/data/Containers/Data/Application/(APPLICATION_ID)/Documents/(databaseName).sqlite



Maybe you could look at this thread, but I'm not sure that is what you want : here




Finding the default directory path:


Open terminal.

Open your database trough the command line then type '.databases', the command outputs the path of your database file right next to 'main'.


In my case the command sequence was:


sqlite3 myDBFile.sqlite

sqlite3> .databases

Output: 0 main /Users/Me/myDBFile.sqlite

输出:0 main /Users/Me/myDBFile.sqlite



My sqlite database is located here: Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/skd version(i.e. 5.1)/Applications/a bunch of numbers and letters/Documents/yourdatabase

我的sqlite数据库位于:Library / Application Support / iPhone Simulator / skd版本(即5.1)/ Applications /一堆数字和字母/ Documents / yourdatabase



  • ->Go to your Desktop(i.e click on the desktop)
  • - >转到桌面(即点击桌面)

  • ->press (shift)+(cmd)+(G) a search tab should open up
  • - >按(shift)+(cmd)+(G)搜索选项卡应该打开

  • ->in the search tab enter this url "~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/"

    - >在搜索选项卡中输入此URL“〜/ Library / Developer / CoreSimulator / Devices /”

  • -> find the latest device by the date modified and go further in the file explorer to /data/Containers/Data/Application/(APPLICATION_ID)/Documents/(databaseName).sqlite

    - >按修改日期查找最新设备,并在文件资源管理器中进一步查看/data/Containers/Data/Application/(APPLICATION_ID)/Documents/(databaseName).sqlite



Maybe you could look at this thread, but I'm not sure that is what you want : here




Finding the default directory path:


Open terminal.

Open your database trough the command line then type '.databases', the command outputs the path of your database file right next to 'main'.


In my case the command sequence was:


sqlite3 myDBFile.sqlite

sqlite3> .databases

Output: 0 main /Users/Me/myDBFile.sqlite

输出:0 main /Users/Me/myDBFile.sqlite