
时间:2021-04-04 04:45:10

I have a column of values that often appear as duplicates. I need to create a new column, of unique values based on the first column, as follows:


Column A   Column B  
a          a
a          b
b          c

This Column B will actually need to appear on a different sheet, within the same workbook, so I assume it will need to work with the sheet2!A1 style format.


I have not had any luck with the Data/Filter menu options as this only seems to work on command. I need column B to update automatically whenever a new value is entered into column A.


11 个解决方案



Totero's answer is correct. The link is also very helpful.


Basically the formula you need is:


B2=INDEX($A$2:$A$20, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($B$1:B1, $A$2:$A$20), 0))

Then press ctrl+shift+enter (or it will not work using a array formula).


Two important things to keep in mind here: The complete list is in cells A2:A20, then this formula has to be pasted in cell B2 (Not B1 as that will give you circular reference). Secondly this is an array formula, so you need to press ctrl+shift+enter or it will not work correctly.




There is a good guide of how to do this here.


Basically Something similar to:


=INDEX(Sheet1!$A$1:$A$20, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($B$1:B1,Sheet!$A$1:$A$20), 0))



In my case the excel was frozen when using the formula of


B2=INDEX($A$2:$A$20, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($B$1:B1, $A$2:$A$20), 0))

B2 =指数(美元2:20美元,美元匹配(0,条件统计(B 1美元:B1,$ $ 2:$ 20美元),0))

because there was many rows (10000). So I did in another way which I show below.


I have copied my original list to a second column and then with the function of Excel "remove duplicates" I could find the list of unique values.


Copied from Microsoft Office Website:


Select all the rows, including the column headers, in the list 

you want to filter.


Click the top left cell of the range, and then drag to the bottom right cell.


On the Data menu, point to Filter, and then click Advanced Filter.
In the Advanced Filter dialog box, click Filter the list, in place.
Select the Unique records only check box, and then click OK.

The filtered list is displayed and the duplicate rows are hidden.


On the Edit menu, click Office Clipboard.

The Clipboard task pane is displayed.


Make sure the filtered list is still selected, and then click Copy Copy button.

The filtered list is highlighted with bounding outlines and the selection appears as an > > item at the top of the Clipboard.

过滤后的列表用边界轮廓突出显示,选择在剪贴板顶部显示为> >项。

On the Data menu, point to Filter, and then click Show All.

The original list is re-displayed.


Press the DELETE key.

The original list is deleted.


In the Clipboard, click on the filtered list item.

The filtered list appears in the same location as the original list.


Source: Microsoft Office Website (link removed, cause dead)




To remove duplicates from a column


  1. Sort the values in column A A->Z
  2. 将列中的值排序为A->Z。
  3. Select column B
  4. 选择列B
  5. While column B is still selected, in the formula input box, enter


  6. While Column B is still selected, select Edit -> Fill -> Down (in newer versions, simply select cell B1 and pull down the outer box to expand all the way down in the column)

    当B列仍然被选中时,选择Edit ->填充->(在较新的版本中,只需选择单元B1并向下拉出外框,在列中向下扩展)

Note: if column B is on another sheet, you may do Sheet1!A1 and Sheet1!A2.

注:如果B列在另一张表上,你可以做Sheet1!A1和Sheet1 ! A2。



On a sorted column, you can also try this idea:



B3 can be pasted down. It will result 0, after the last unique match. If this is unwanted, put some IF statement around to exclude this.




Easier than an IF statement, at least for text-values:





In the worksheet module for the sheet containing the list:


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    Dim rngDest As Range

    If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Columns(1)) Is Nothing Then

        Set rngDest = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1")

        Me.Range(Me.Range("A2"), Me.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)).AdvancedFilter _
            Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=rngDest, Unique:=True

    End If

End Sub



I have a list of color names in range A2:A8, in column B I want to extract a distinct list of color names.


Follow the below given steps:


  • Select the Cell B2; write the formula to retrieve the unique values from a list.
  • 选择细胞B2;写出从列表中检索唯一值的公式。
  • =IF(COUNTIF(A$2:A2,A2)=1,A2,””)
  • =如果(条件统计(美元2:A2,A2)= 1,A2," ")
  • Press Enter on your keyboard.
  • 按下键盘输入。
  • The function will return the name of the first color.
  • 函数将返回第一个颜色的名称。
  • To return the value for the rest of cells, copy the same formula down. To copy formula in range B3:B8, copy the formula in cell B2 by pressing the key CTRL+C on your keyboard and paste in the range B3:B8 by pressing the key CTRL+V.
  • 要返回其他单元格的值,请复制相同的公式。在B3:B8中复制公式:B8,通过按下键盘上的键CTRL+C,将公式复制到单元B2中,并在B3:B8键上粘贴,按CTRL+V键。
  • Here you can see the output where we have the unique list of color names.
  • 在这里,您可以看到我们有唯一的颜色名称列表的输出。



So for this task First Sort your data in order from A to Z or Z to A then you can just use one simple formula as stated below:


=IF(A2=A3, "Duplicate", "Not Duplicate")

The above formula states that if column A2 data ( A is column and 2 is row number) is similar to A3 (A is Column and 3 is Row number) then it will print Duplicate else will print Not Duplicate.

上面的公式表明,如果列A2数据(A是列,2是行号)与A3 (A是列,3是行号)相似,那么它就会打印复制的else,而不是复制。

Lets consider an example, Column A consists Email address in which some are duplicate, so in Column 2, I used the above stated formula which in results displayed me the 2 duplicates cells one is Row 2 and Row 6.


One you got the duplicate data just put filter on your sheet and make visible only the duplicate data and delete all the unnecessary data.




Honestly I followed these examples to a tee and they simply didn't work. What I ended up doing after struggling pointlessly trying to get Excel to work was to just copy the entire contents of my column to NotePad++ where I was able to find an easy solution within minutes. Take a look at this: Removing duplicate rows in Notepad++


Edit: Here is a brief overview of how to do it in TextFX:


Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager -> Available tab -> TextFX -> Install

插件->插件管理器->显示插件管理->可用的标签-> TextFX ->安装。

After TextFX is installed in NotePad++, then you select all your text you want to remove duplicates from, then make sure to check: TextFX -> TextFX Tools -> Sort outputs only UNIQUE lines

TextFX安装在NotePad++之后,然后选择要删除的所有文本,然后确保检查:TextFX -> TextFX Tools ->排序只输出唯一的行。

Then click "sort lines case sensitive" or "sort lines case insensitive" and it will perform the unique sort.

然后点击“sort lines区分大小写”或“sort lines case不敏感”,它将执行独特的排序。



Find here mentioned above formula with error control


=IFERROR(INDEX($B$2:$B$9, MATCH(0,COUNTIF($D$1:D1, $B$2:$B$9), 0)),"") 

where: (B2:B9 is the column data which you want to extract the unique values, D1 is the above cell where your formula is located)




The MODERN approach is to consider cases where column of information come from a web service such as an OData source. If you need to generate a filter select fields off of massive data that has replicated values for the column, consider the code below:


var CatalogURL = getweb(currenturl)

/* the column that is replicated, is ordered by <column_name> */


            var myhtml ="";
            var myValue ="";

            for(var i = 0; i < data.results.length; i++)
                myValue = data.results[i].Expense_x0020_Type;

                if(i == 0)
                        myhtml += "<option value='"+myValue+"'>"+myValue+"</option>";
                if(myValue != data.results[i-1].Expense_x0020_Type)
                        myhtml += "<option value='"+myValue+"'>"+myValue+"</option>";








Totero's answer is correct. The link is also very helpful.


Basically the formula you need is:


B2=INDEX($A$2:$A$20, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($B$1:B1, $A$2:$A$20), 0))

Then press ctrl+shift+enter (or it will not work using a array formula).


Two important things to keep in mind here: The complete list is in cells A2:A20, then this formula has to be pasted in cell B2 (Not B1 as that will give you circular reference). Secondly this is an array formula, so you need to press ctrl+shift+enter or it will not work correctly.




There is a good guide of how to do this here.


Basically Something similar to:


=INDEX(Sheet1!$A$1:$A$20, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($B$1:B1,Sheet!$A$1:$A$20), 0))



In my case the excel was frozen when using the formula of


B2=INDEX($A$2:$A$20, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($B$1:B1, $A$2:$A$20), 0))

B2 =指数(美元2:20美元,美元匹配(0,条件统计(B 1美元:B1,$ $ 2:$ 20美元),0))

because there was many rows (10000). So I did in another way which I show below.


I have copied my original list to a second column and then with the function of Excel "remove duplicates" I could find the list of unique values.


Copied from Microsoft Office Website:


Select all the rows, including the column headers, in the list 

you want to filter.


Click the top left cell of the range, and then drag to the bottom right cell.


On the Data menu, point to Filter, and then click Advanced Filter.
In the Advanced Filter dialog box, click Filter the list, in place.
Select the Unique records only check box, and then click OK.

The filtered list is displayed and the duplicate rows are hidden.


On the Edit menu, click Office Clipboard.

The Clipboard task pane is displayed.


Make sure the filtered list is still selected, and then click Copy Copy button.

The filtered list is highlighted with bounding outlines and the selection appears as an > > item at the top of the Clipboard.

过滤后的列表用边界轮廓突出显示,选择在剪贴板顶部显示为> >项。

On the Data menu, point to Filter, and then click Show All.

The original list is re-displayed.


Press the DELETE key.

The original list is deleted.


In the Clipboard, click on the filtered list item.

The filtered list appears in the same location as the original list.


Source: Microsoft Office Website (link removed, cause dead)




To remove duplicates from a column


  1. Sort the values in column A A->Z
  2. 将列中的值排序为A->Z。
  3. Select column B
  4. 选择列B
  5. While column B is still selected, in the formula input box, enter


  6. While Column B is still selected, select Edit -> Fill -> Down (in newer versions, simply select cell B1 and pull down the outer box to expand all the way down in the column)

    当B列仍然被选中时,选择Edit ->填充->(在较新的版本中,只需选择单元B1并向下拉出外框,在列中向下扩展)

Note: if column B is on another sheet, you may do Sheet1!A1 and Sheet1!A2.

注:如果B列在另一张表上,你可以做Sheet1!A1和Sheet1 ! A2。



On a sorted column, you can also try this idea:



B3 can be pasted down. It will result 0, after the last unique match. If this is unwanted, put some IF statement around to exclude this.




Easier than an IF statement, at least for text-values:





In the worksheet module for the sheet containing the list:


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    Dim rngDest As Range

    If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Columns(1)) Is Nothing Then

        Set rngDest = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1")

        Me.Range(Me.Range("A2"), Me.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)).AdvancedFilter _
            Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=rngDest, Unique:=True

    End If

End Sub



I have a list of color names in range A2:A8, in column B I want to extract a distinct list of color names.


Follow the below given steps:


  • Select the Cell B2; write the formula to retrieve the unique values from a list.
  • 选择细胞B2;写出从列表中检索唯一值的公式。
  • =IF(COUNTIF(A$2:A2,A2)=1,A2,””)
  • =如果(条件统计(美元2:A2,A2)= 1,A2," ")
  • Press Enter on your keyboard.
  • 按下键盘输入。
  • The function will return the name of the first color.
  • 函数将返回第一个颜色的名称。
  • To return the value for the rest of cells, copy the same formula down. To copy formula in range B3:B8, copy the formula in cell B2 by pressing the key CTRL+C on your keyboard and paste in the range B3:B8 by pressing the key CTRL+V.
  • 要返回其他单元格的值,请复制相同的公式。在B3:B8中复制公式:B8,通过按下键盘上的键CTRL+C,将公式复制到单元B2中,并在B3:B8键上粘贴,按CTRL+V键。
  • Here you can see the output where we have the unique list of color names.
  • 在这里,您可以看到我们有唯一的颜色名称列表的输出。



So for this task First Sort your data in order from A to Z or Z to A then you can just use one simple formula as stated below:


=IF(A2=A3, "Duplicate", "Not Duplicate")

The above formula states that if column A2 data ( A is column and 2 is row number) is similar to A3 (A is Column and 3 is Row number) then it will print Duplicate else will print Not Duplicate.

上面的公式表明,如果列A2数据(A是列,2是行号)与A3 (A是列,3是行号)相似,那么它就会打印复制的else,而不是复制。

Lets consider an example, Column A consists Email address in which some are duplicate, so in Column 2, I used the above stated formula which in results displayed me the 2 duplicates cells one is Row 2 and Row 6.


One you got the duplicate data just put filter on your sheet and make visible only the duplicate data and delete all the unnecessary data.




Honestly I followed these examples to a tee and they simply didn't work. What I ended up doing after struggling pointlessly trying to get Excel to work was to just copy the entire contents of my column to NotePad++ where I was able to find an easy solution within minutes. Take a look at this: Removing duplicate rows in Notepad++


Edit: Here is a brief overview of how to do it in TextFX:


Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager -> Available tab -> TextFX -> Install

插件->插件管理器->显示插件管理->可用的标签-> TextFX ->安装。

After TextFX is installed in NotePad++, then you select all your text you want to remove duplicates from, then make sure to check: TextFX -> TextFX Tools -> Sort outputs only UNIQUE lines

TextFX安装在NotePad++之后,然后选择要删除的所有文本,然后确保检查:TextFX -> TextFX Tools ->排序只输出唯一的行。

Then click "sort lines case sensitive" or "sort lines case insensitive" and it will perform the unique sort.

然后点击“sort lines区分大小写”或“sort lines case不敏感”,它将执行独特的排序。



Find here mentioned above formula with error control


=IFERROR(INDEX($B$2:$B$9, MATCH(0,COUNTIF($D$1:D1, $B$2:$B$9), 0)),"") 

where: (B2:B9 is the column data which you want to extract the unique values, D1 is the above cell where your formula is located)




The MODERN approach is to consider cases where column of information come from a web service such as an OData source. If you need to generate a filter select fields off of massive data that has replicated values for the column, consider the code below:


var CatalogURL = getweb(currenturl)

/* the column that is replicated, is ordered by <column_name> */


            var myhtml ="";
            var myValue ="";

            for(var i = 0; i < data.results.length; i++)
                myValue = data.results[i].Expense_x0020_Type;

                if(i == 0)
                        myhtml += "<option value='"+myValue+"'>"+myValue+"</option>";
                if(myValue != data.results[i-1].Expense_x0020_Type)
                        myhtml += "<option value='"+myValue+"'>"+myValue+"</option>";




