
时间:2021-07-18 04:38:39

I'm trying to prefill a template with repeating data in a column like this: Sheet1:


Offer Name:
Offer URL:
Payout $:

Offer Name:
Offer URL:
Payout $:


What I'd love to do is insert data from Sheet2, which is in a row: Sheet2:


A1      B1      C1          D1  E1
name1   link1   network1    1   5%
name2   link2   network2    1   5%

and have that prepopulate Sheet1 like this:


A1          B1
Offer Name: name1
Offer URL:  link1
Network:    network1
Payout $:   1
Share%:     5%

Offer Name: name2
Offer URL:  link2
Network:    network2
Payout $:   1
Share%:     5%

So I could drag the filler down in the Sheet1 and have it prefill as much content as there is in Sheet2. I've tried concatenate, but formula doesn't work.


Is it possible to do with a formula?


2 个解决方案



Assuming Sheet1 starts in A1 with Offer Name: and name1 is in Sheet2 A1 please try in Sheet1 B1 copied down to suit:

假设Sheet1在A1中以Offer Name开头,name1在Sheet2 A1中,请尝试将Sheet1 B1拷贝下来以适应:


You might series fill Sheet1 ColumnA by selecting A1:A12 and dragging the fill handle down to suit. If desired to remove the 0 from B6, B12 etc. then filter ColumnA to select (Blanks) and delete the zeros. Also use filter if required to format the percentages.

您可以通过选择A1:A12并拖动填充手柄来填充Sheet1 ColumnA。如果需要从B6、B12等中删除0,则过滤ColumnA以选择(空格)并删除0。如果需要格式化百分比,也可以使用filter。



If you're in love in keeping your Sheet1 ordered vertically while still listing your fields vertical as well you're going to have to make some allowances. Like Hambone suggested this would be more rigorously done in VBA. If you still prefer to just use formulas here is a potential solution. For each row item in Sheet1 you would use the following formula:


="Offer Name: "&Sheet2!A1&CHAR(10)&"Offer URL: "&Sheet2!B1&CHAR(10)&"Network: "&Sheet2!C1&CHAR(10)&"Payout $: "&Sheet2!D1&CHAR(10)&"Share%: "&Sheet2!E1

The implication is that this will display all the fields for each item in 1 cell with forced carriage returns in between them. This allows you to be able to drag your formula down and capture for all items. You have to set your cells to wrap text to be able to view correctly. Hope this helps. Regards,




Assuming Sheet1 starts in A1 with Offer Name: and name1 is in Sheet2 A1 please try in Sheet1 B1 copied down to suit:

假设Sheet1在A1中以Offer Name开头,name1在Sheet2 A1中,请尝试将Sheet1 B1拷贝下来以适应:


You might series fill Sheet1 ColumnA by selecting A1:A12 and dragging the fill handle down to suit. If desired to remove the 0 from B6, B12 etc. then filter ColumnA to select (Blanks) and delete the zeros. Also use filter if required to format the percentages.

您可以通过选择A1:A12并拖动填充手柄来填充Sheet1 ColumnA。如果需要从B6、B12等中删除0,则过滤ColumnA以选择(空格)并删除0。如果需要格式化百分比,也可以使用filter。



If you're in love in keeping your Sheet1 ordered vertically while still listing your fields vertical as well you're going to have to make some allowances. Like Hambone suggested this would be more rigorously done in VBA. If you still prefer to just use formulas here is a potential solution. For each row item in Sheet1 you would use the following formula:


="Offer Name: "&Sheet2!A1&CHAR(10)&"Offer URL: "&Sheet2!B1&CHAR(10)&"Network: "&Sheet2!C1&CHAR(10)&"Payout $: "&Sheet2!D1&CHAR(10)&"Share%: "&Sheet2!E1

The implication is that this will display all the fields for each item in 1 cell with forced carriage returns in between them. This allows you to be able to drag your formula down and capture for all items. You have to set your cells to wrap text to be able to view correctly. Hope this helps. Regards,
