在Python 3.5中协程和未来/任务之间的区别?

时间:2022-08-24 04:24:05

Let's say we have a dummy function:


async def foo(arg):
    result = await some_remote_call(arg)
    return result.upper()

What's the difference between:


coros = []
for i in range(5):

loop = get_event_loop()



from asyncio import ensure_future

futures = []
for i in range(5):

loop = get_event_loop()

Note: The example returns a result, but this isn't the focus of the question. When return value matters, use gather() instead of wait().


Regardless of return value, I'm looking for clarity on ensure_future(). wait(coros) and wait(futures) both run the coroutines, so when and why should a coroutine be wrapped in ensure_future?


Basically, what's the Right Way (tm) to run a bunch of non-blocking operations using Python 3.5's async?

基本上,使用Python 3.5的异步运行一堆非阻塞操作的正确方法(tm)是什么?

For extra credit, what if I want to batch the calls? For example, I need to call some_remote_call(...) 1000 times, but I don't want to crush the web server/database/etc with 1000 simultaneous connections. This is doable with a thread or process pool, but is there a way to do this with asyncio?


2 个解决方案



A coroutine is a generator function that can both yield values and accept values from the outside. The benefit of using a coroutine is that we can pause the execution of a function and resume it later. In case of a network operation, it makes sense to pause the execution of a function while we're waiting for the response. We can use the time to run some other functions.


A future is like the Promise objects from Javascript. It is like a place holder for a value that will be materialized in the future. In the above mentioned case, while waiting on network I/O, a function can give us a container, a promise that it will fill the container with the value when the operation completes. We hold on to the future object and when it's fulfilled, we can call a method on it to retrieve the actual result.

未来就像来自Javascript的Promise对象。它就像一个价值的占位符,将来会实现。在上面提到的情况下,在等待网络I / O时,一个函数可以给我们一个容器,一个承诺,它将在操作完成时用容器填充容器。我们坚持未来的对象,当它实现时,我们可以调用一个方法来检索实际的结果。

Direct Answer: You don't need ensure_future if you don't need the results. They are good if you need the results or retrieve exceptions occured.


Extra Credits: I would choose run_in_executor and pass an Executor instance to control the number of max workers.


Explanations and Sample codes

In the first example, you are using coroutines. The wait function takes a bunch of coroutines and combines them together. So wait() finishes when all the coroutines are exhausted (completed/finished returning all the values).

在第一个示例中,您使用的是协同程序。 wait函数需要一堆协程并将它们组合在一起。所以当所有协程都用尽时(完成/完成返回所有值),wait()结束。

loop = get_event_loop() # 

The run_until_complete method would make sure that the loop is alive until the execution is finished. Please notice how you are not getting the results of the async execution in this case.


In the second example, you are using the ensure_future function to wrap a coroutine and return a Task object which is a kind of Future. The coroutine is scheduled to be executed in the main event loop when you call ensure_future. The returned future/task object doesn't yet have a value but over time, when the network operations finish, the future object will hold the result of the operation.

在第二个示例中,您使用ensure_future函数来包装协程并返回一个Task对象,这是一种Future。当您调用ensure_future时,协程计划在主事件循环中执行。返回的future / task对象还没有值,但随着时间的推移,当网络操作完成时,future对象将保存操作的结果。

from asyncio import ensure_future

futures = []
for i in range(5):

loop = get_event_loop()

So in this example, we're doing the same thing except we're using futures instead of just using coroutines.


Let's look at an example on how to use asyncio/coroutines/futures:

我们来看一个如何使用asyncio / coroutines / futures的例子:

import asyncio

async def slow_operation():
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    return 'Future is done!'

def got_result(future):

    # We have result, so let's stop

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
task = loop.create_task(slow_operation())

# We run forever

Here, we have used the create_task method on the loop object. ensure_future would schedule the task in the main event loop. This method enables us to schedule a coroutine on a loop we choose.

在这里,我们在循环对象上使用了create_task方法。 ensure_future会在主事件循环中安排任务。这种方法使我们能够在我们选择的循环上安排一个协同程序。

We also see the concept of adding a callback using the add_done_callback method on the task object.


A Task is done when the coroutine returns a value, raises an exception or gets cancelled. There are methods to check these incidents.


I have written some blog posts on these topics which might help:


Of course, you can find more details on the official manual: https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio.html




A comment by Vincent linked to https://github.com/python/asyncio/blob/master/asyncio/tasks.py#L346, which shows that wait() wraps the coroutines in ensure_future() for you!


In other words, we do need a future, and coroutines will be silently transformed into them.


I'll update this answer when I find a definitive explanation of how to batch coroutines/futures.




A coroutine is a generator function that can both yield values and accept values from the outside. The benefit of using a coroutine is that we can pause the execution of a function and resume it later. In case of a network operation, it makes sense to pause the execution of a function while we're waiting for the response. We can use the time to run some other functions.


A future is like the Promise objects from Javascript. It is like a place holder for a value that will be materialized in the future. In the above mentioned case, while waiting on network I/O, a function can give us a container, a promise that it will fill the container with the value when the operation completes. We hold on to the future object and when it's fulfilled, we can call a method on it to retrieve the actual result.

未来就像来自Javascript的Promise对象。它就像一个价值的占位符,将来会实现。在上面提到的情况下,在等待网络I / O时,一个函数可以给我们一个容器,一个承诺,它将在操作完成时用容器填充容器。我们坚持未来的对象,当它实现时,我们可以调用一个方法来检索实际的结果。

Direct Answer: You don't need ensure_future if you don't need the results. They are good if you need the results or retrieve exceptions occured.


Extra Credits: I would choose run_in_executor and pass an Executor instance to control the number of max workers.


Explanations and Sample codes

In the first example, you are using coroutines. The wait function takes a bunch of coroutines and combines them together. So wait() finishes when all the coroutines are exhausted (completed/finished returning all the values).

在第一个示例中,您使用的是协同程序。 wait函数需要一堆协程并将它们组合在一起。所以当所有协程都用尽时(完成/完成返回所有值),wait()结束。

loop = get_event_loop() # 

The run_until_complete method would make sure that the loop is alive until the execution is finished. Please notice how you are not getting the results of the async execution in this case.


In the second example, you are using the ensure_future function to wrap a coroutine and return a Task object which is a kind of Future. The coroutine is scheduled to be executed in the main event loop when you call ensure_future. The returned future/task object doesn't yet have a value but over time, when the network operations finish, the future object will hold the result of the operation.

在第二个示例中,您使用ensure_future函数来包装协程并返回一个Task对象,这是一种Future。当您调用ensure_future时,协程计划在主事件循环中执行。返回的future / task对象还没有值,但随着时间的推移,当网络操作完成时,future对象将保存操作的结果。

from asyncio import ensure_future

futures = []
for i in range(5):

loop = get_event_loop()

So in this example, we're doing the same thing except we're using futures instead of just using coroutines.


Let's look at an example on how to use asyncio/coroutines/futures:

我们来看一个如何使用asyncio / coroutines / futures的例子:

import asyncio

async def slow_operation():
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    return 'Future is done!'

def got_result(future):

    # We have result, so let's stop

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
task = loop.create_task(slow_operation())

# We run forever

Here, we have used the create_task method on the loop object. ensure_future would schedule the task in the main event loop. This method enables us to schedule a coroutine on a loop we choose.

在这里,我们在循环对象上使用了create_task方法。 ensure_future会在主事件循环中安排任务。这种方法使我们能够在我们选择的循环上安排一个协同程序。

We also see the concept of adding a callback using the add_done_callback method on the task object.


A Task is done when the coroutine returns a value, raises an exception or gets cancelled. There are methods to check these incidents.


I have written some blog posts on these topics which might help:


Of course, you can find more details on the official manual: https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio.html




A comment by Vincent linked to https://github.com/python/asyncio/blob/master/asyncio/tasks.py#L346, which shows that wait() wraps the coroutines in ensure_future() for you!


In other words, we do need a future, and coroutines will be silently transformed into them.


I'll update this answer when I find a definitive explanation of how to batch coroutines/futures.
