
时间:2022-02-13 04:18:27

1 - PRIMARY used in a secondary index, e.g. secondary index on (PRIMARY,column1)

1 -主索引用于辅助索引,例如辅助索引on(主索引,列1)

2 - I'm aware mysql cannot continue using the rest of an index as soon as one part was used for a range scan, however: IN (...,...,...) is not considered a range, is it? Yes, it is a range, but I've read on mysqlperformanceblog.com that IN behaves differently than BETWEEN according to the use of index.

2 -我知道mysql不能在使用一部分进行范围扫描后继续使用其他索引,但是:IN(…,…,…)不被认为是范围,是吗?是的,这是一个范围,但是我在mysqlperformanceblog.com上读到过,根据索引的使用,IN的行为与BETWEEN不同。

Could anyone confirm those two points? Or tell me why this is not possible? Or how it could be possible?





链接:http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2006/08/10/using-union-to-implement-loose-index-scan-to-mysql/ http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2006/08/14/mysql-followup-on-union-for-query-optimization-query-profiling/comment-page-1/评论- 952521

UPDATE 2: example of nested SELECT:


SELECT * FROM user_d1 uo 
    SELECT 1 FROM `user_d1` ui
    WHERE ui.birthdate BETWEEN '1990-05-04' AND '1991-05-04'
    AND ui.id=uo.id
ORDER BY uo.timestamp_lastonline DESC

So, the outer SELECT uses timestamp_lastonline for sorting, the inner either PK to connect with the outer or birthdate for filtering.


What other options rather than this query are there if MySQL cannot use index on a range scan and for sorting?


3 个解决方案



The column(s) of the primary key can certainly be used in a secondary index, but it's not often worthwhile. The primary key guarantees uniqueness, so any columns listed after it cannot be used for range lookups. The only time it will help is when a query can use the index alone


As for your nested select, the extra complication should not beat the simplest query:


SELECT * FROM user_d1 uo 
WHERE uo.birthdate BETWEEN '1990-05-04' AND '1991-05-04'
ORDER BY uo.timestamp_lastonline DESC

MySQL will choose between a birthdate index or a timestamp_lastonline index based on which it feels will have the best chance of scanning fewer rows. In either case, the column should be the first one in the index. The birthdate index will also carry a sorting penalty, but might be worthwhile if a large number of recent users will have birth dates outside of that range.


If you wish to control the order, or potentially improve performance, a (timestamp_lastonline, birthdate) or (birthdate, timestamp_lastonline) index might help. If it doesn't, and you really need to select based on the birthdate first, then you should select from the inner query instead of filtering on it:


    SELECT * FROM user_d1 ui
    WHERE ui.birthdate BETWEEN '1990-05-04' AND '1991-05-04'
) as uo
ORDER BY uo.timestamp_lastonline DESC

Even then, MySQL's optimizer might choose to rewrite your query if it finds a timestamp_lastonline index but no birthdate index.


And yes, IN (..., ..., ...) behaves differently than BETWEEN. Only the latter can effectively use a range scan over an index; the former would look up each item individually.




2.IN will obviously differ from BETWEEN. If you have an index on that column, BETWEEN will need to get the starting point and it's all done. If you have IN, it will look for a matching value in the index value by value thus it will look for the values as many times as there are values compared to BETWEEN's one time look.

2。IN will显然不同于BETWEEN。如果你在那一列上有一个索引,BETWEEN将需要得到起始点并且它已经完成。如果你有,它会在索引值中按值查找匹配值,因此它会查找值的次数和它们之间的一次查找次数一样多。



  1. yes @Andrius_Naruševičius is right the IN statement is merely shorthand for EQUALS OR EQUALS OR EQUALS has no inherent order whatsoever where as BETWEEN is a comparison operator with an implicit greater than or less than and therefore absolutely loves indexes

    是的@Andrius_Naruševičius是正确的声明只是简称= =或=之间已经没有任何固有的秩序,是一个比较运算符,一个隐式大于或小于,因此绝对爱索引

  2. I honestly have no idea what you are talking about, but it does seem you are asking a good question I just have no notion what it is :-). Are you saying that a primary key cannot contain a second index? because it absolutely can. The primary key never needs to be indexed because it is ALWAYS indexed automatically, so if you are getting an error/warn (I assume you are?) about supplementary indices then it's not the second, third index causing it it's the PRIMARY KEY not needing it, and you mentioning that probably is the error. Having said that I have no idea what question you asked - it's my answer to my best guess as to your actual question.




The column(s) of the primary key can certainly be used in a secondary index, but it's not often worthwhile. The primary key guarantees uniqueness, so any columns listed after it cannot be used for range lookups. The only time it will help is when a query can use the index alone


As for your nested select, the extra complication should not beat the simplest query:


SELECT * FROM user_d1 uo 
WHERE uo.birthdate BETWEEN '1990-05-04' AND '1991-05-04'
ORDER BY uo.timestamp_lastonline DESC

MySQL will choose between a birthdate index or a timestamp_lastonline index based on which it feels will have the best chance of scanning fewer rows. In either case, the column should be the first one in the index. The birthdate index will also carry a sorting penalty, but might be worthwhile if a large number of recent users will have birth dates outside of that range.


If you wish to control the order, or potentially improve performance, a (timestamp_lastonline, birthdate) or (birthdate, timestamp_lastonline) index might help. If it doesn't, and you really need to select based on the birthdate first, then you should select from the inner query instead of filtering on it:


    SELECT * FROM user_d1 ui
    WHERE ui.birthdate BETWEEN '1990-05-04' AND '1991-05-04'
) as uo
ORDER BY uo.timestamp_lastonline DESC

Even then, MySQL's optimizer might choose to rewrite your query if it finds a timestamp_lastonline index but no birthdate index.


And yes, IN (..., ..., ...) behaves differently than BETWEEN. Only the latter can effectively use a range scan over an index; the former would look up each item individually.




2.IN will obviously differ from BETWEEN. If you have an index on that column, BETWEEN will need to get the starting point and it's all done. If you have IN, it will look for a matching value in the index value by value thus it will look for the values as many times as there are values compared to BETWEEN's one time look.

2。IN will显然不同于BETWEEN。如果你在那一列上有一个索引,BETWEEN将需要得到起始点并且它已经完成。如果你有,它会在索引值中按值查找匹配值,因此它会查找值的次数和它们之间的一次查找次数一样多。



  1. yes @Andrius_Naruševičius is right the IN statement is merely shorthand for EQUALS OR EQUALS OR EQUALS has no inherent order whatsoever where as BETWEEN is a comparison operator with an implicit greater than or less than and therefore absolutely loves indexes

    是的@Andrius_Naruševičius是正确的声明只是简称= =或=之间已经没有任何固有的秩序,是一个比较运算符,一个隐式大于或小于,因此绝对爱索引

  2. I honestly have no idea what you are talking about, but it does seem you are asking a good question I just have no notion what it is :-). Are you saying that a primary key cannot contain a second index? because it absolutely can. The primary key never needs to be indexed because it is ALWAYS indexed automatically, so if you are getting an error/warn (I assume you are?) about supplementary indices then it's not the second, third index causing it it's the PRIMARY KEY not needing it, and you mentioning that probably is the error. Having said that I have no idea what question you asked - it's my answer to my best guess as to your actual question.
