
时间:2022-10-06 04:16:06

I have a simple problem with structures.


Lets create:

x(1).a(:, :) = magic(2);
x(2).a(:, :) = magic(2)*2;
x(3).a(:, :) = magic(2)*3;

how to list a(1, 1) from all x-es?


i wanted to do it like:


x(1, :).a(1,1)

but there is an error "Scalar index required for this type of multi-level indexing."


How to approach it? I know I can do it with a loop, but that's probably the worst solution :) Thanks!


2 个解决方案



This is not the best datastructure to use if this is the sort of query you'd like to make on it, precisely because this sort of indexing cannot be done directly.


However, here is one approach that works:


cellfun(@(X) X(1,1), {x.a})

The syntax {x.a} converts x from a 'struct array' into a cell array. Then we use cellfun to apply a function as a map over the cell array. The anonymous function @(X) X(1,1) takes one argument X and returns X(1,1).

语法{x.a}将x从'struct array'转换为单元数组。然后我们使用cellfun将函数应用为单元格数组上的映射。匿名函数@(X)X(1,1)接受一个参数X并返回X(1,1)。



You can also get your data in this way:


B = cat(3,x.a);
out = reshape(B(1,1,:),1,[]);

By the way, loops are not evil. Sometimes they are even faster than vectorized indexation. Try it both ways, see what suits you best in terms of:


  • Speed - use the profiler to check
  • 速度 - 使用分析器进行检查

  • Code clarity - depends on the context. Sometimes vectorized code looks better, sometimes the opposite.
  • 代码清晰度 - 取决于上下文。有时矢量化代码看起来更好,有时相反。



This is not the best datastructure to use if this is the sort of query you'd like to make on it, precisely because this sort of indexing cannot be done directly.


However, here is one approach that works:


cellfun(@(X) X(1,1), {x.a})

The syntax {x.a} converts x from a 'struct array' into a cell array. Then we use cellfun to apply a function as a map over the cell array. The anonymous function @(X) X(1,1) takes one argument X and returns X(1,1).

语法{x.a}将x从'struct array'转换为单元数组。然后我们使用cellfun将函数应用为单元格数组上的映射。匿名函数@(X)X(1,1)接受一个参数X并返回X(1,1)。



You can also get your data in this way:


B = cat(3,x.a);
out = reshape(B(1,1,:),1,[]);

By the way, loops are not evil. Sometimes they are even faster than vectorized indexation. Try it both ways, see what suits you best in terms of:


  • Speed - use the profiler to check
  • 速度 - 使用分析器进行检查

  • Code clarity - depends on the context. Sometimes vectorized code looks better, sometimes the opposite.
  • 代码清晰度 - 取决于上下文。有时矢量化代码看起来更好,有时相反。