
时间:2022-05-22 03:52:38

Every example and stylesheet I've looked at uses a:visited to style links. Besides a:visited having higher specificity, shouldn't :visited be equivalent and simpler?


5 个解决方案



TL;DR: At the time of writing, you are completely correct; there is no difference between a:visited and :visited. However, using a:visited is best practice for future-proofing your code.

TL; DR:在撰写本文时,您完全正确; a:visited和:visited之间没有区别。但是,使用a:visited是将来验证代码的最佳实践。

TL;DR EDIT: As of August 2016, the CSS4 Working Draft allows other tags to use :visited. There is now a functional difference between a:visited and :visited! Beware.

TL; DR EDIT:截至2016年8月,CSS4工作草案允许使用其他标签:已访问。现在有一个功能区别:访问和访问!谨防。

For web development languages today, specifically HTML5 and CSS3, you are right: there is functionally no difference between a:visited and :visited. Now, please take this with caution: web standards, elements, and user interface protocols are ever-evolving, meaning that in the future, it is possible that a new tag compatible with :visited may be introduced.


When :visited was introduced in CSS, the W3C CSS1 spec said:

当:在CSS中引入了访问时,W3C CSS1规范说:

In CSS1, anchor pseudo-classes have no effect on elements other than 'a'. Therefore, the element type can be omitted from the selector: a:link { color: red } == :link { color: red }

在CSS1中,锚伪类对“a”以外的元素没有影响。因此,可以从选择器中省略元素类型:a:link {color:red} ==:link {color:red}

HOWEVER, in the CSS2 spec, the behavior of the :visited pseudo-class was not restricted to just a tags:


The document language determines which elements are hyperlink source anchors. For example, in HTML4, the link pseudo-classes apply to a elements with an "href" attribute.


This means that it is up to the document language and browser to determine which elements are compatible with :visited. While the current industry standard states that for HTML, only a elements with an href attribute qualify, this may well change later down the line.


EDIT, August 2016: Looks like the CSS4 Working Draft has confirmed my suspicion; in the new spec, :visited can be used for other "link-like" elements, namely <area> and <link>. The spec says:


The :any-link pseudo-class represents an element that acts as the source anchor of a hyperlink. For example, in [HTML5], any <a>, <area>, or <link> elements with an href attribute are hyperlinks.


So <a>, <area>, and <link> are all treated as hyperlinks, and the spec says that :visited applies to all hyperlinks. So as of CSS4, you'll be better off including the a in a:visited.




According to Selectors Level 4 :visited applies to any hyperlink, which in HTML is the <a>, <area> and <link> elements when they have an href attribute.

根据Selectors Level 4:visited适用于任何超链接,当它们具有href属性时,HTML中的元素。

A quick test for the link element shows that Firefox at least partially respects this:


Try http://jsfiddle.net/rfdzpjLo/4/ in FF or see below


link:before { content:attr(href); }
link { display:block; }
:visited { color: red; }
:link { color:green; }
<link href="http://*.com/questions/27263128/why-not-visited-instead-of-avisited-for-links" />
<link href="example.net/lsjhuehbsi00ejjdus" />



Yes, but it won't be future compatible if a new tag is introduced that may be styled with :visited.


Closest proof I can find:




The document language determines which elements are hyperlink source anchors. For example, in HTML4, the link pseudo-classes apply to A elements with an "href" attribute. Thus, the following two CSS 2.1 declarations have similar effect:

文档语言确定哪些元素是超链接源锚点。例如,在HTML4中,链接伪类适用于具有“href”属性的A元素。因此,以下两个CSS 2.1声明具有类似的效果:

a:link { color: red }
:link  { color: red }



In theory it's the same for reasons already mentioned. On paper, a:visited vs :visited makes it explicit that the style only applies to anchors, and may potentially be faster: think of it as the browser needing to iterate through all a tags in the one hand side, and checking if :visited applies, vs doing the same for all tags in the DOM.

理论上,由于已经提到的原因,它是相同的。在纸面上,a:visited vs:visited明确表示该样式仅适用于锚点,并且可能更快:将其视为浏览器需要迭代单手中的所有标记,并检查是否:已访问适用于对DOM中的所有标记执行相同操作。

Imho though, the more important reason is that styles related to a tag, a pseudo-selector, a class and an identifier aren't necessarily applied in a consistent and predictable order from a browser to the next.


Suppose, for instance, this visited link:


<a id="foo" class="bar" href="...">visited link</a>

Then consider the following CSS:


#foo {
  color: red;

.bar {
  color: green;

:visited {
  color: purple

There used to be a time where the link would appear red, green or purple depending on the browser. (Perhaps it's still the case; I haven't tested.) Because, some would treat #foo as more important than .bar (it's an ID vs a class) and both of these as more important than :visited for similar reasons. Some would treat #foo, .bar and :visited as if they had the same importance, as a property of the tag itself. Some might have treated #foo and .bar as equals but more important than :visited on grounds the latter is a mere pseudo class. And so forth.

曾经有一段时间,链接会显示为红色,绿色或紫色,具体取决于浏览器。 (也许情况仍然如此;我还没有测试过。)因为,有些人会认为#foo比.bar更重要(它是一个ID与一个类),而且这两个都比以下更重要:访问因为类似的原因。有些人会将#foo,.bar和:visit视为具有相同的重要性,作为标签本身的属性。有些人可能已经将#foo和.bar视为平等,但更重要的是:访问理由后者仅仅是伪类。等等。

Now, consider this CSS, which is the kind of stuff you might encounter in a stylesheet today:


a.bar {
  color: green;

:visited {
  color: purple

Even assuming that tags, ID, classes and pseudo classes are all treated equal, we still have a potential problem, in that a.bar can also be considered more specific than plain :visited by some browsers.


Ergo, you end up needing to specify a:visited in the declaration to ensure the behavior is consistent in all browsers -- and chances are there are still a few bad apples around that'll make you want to write a:visited, a.bar:visited just to be sure.

因此,你最终需要在声明中指定一个:访问以确保所有浏览器中的行为都是一致的 - 并且可能还有一些不好的苹果,这会让你想写一个:visited,a。吧:拜访只是为了确定。

Once you've run into the problem a few times, force of habit kicks in and you'll end up always writing a:hover or a:visited.




:visited is a pseudo class selector used only for anchor link elements that matches when the href attribute of that anchor link has been visited in the past by this browser. It is meant to be useful feedback for a user, so they can tell the difference between links they have been to and links they have not.




The syntax of a pseudo class is as follows


selector:pseudo-class {

So you have to use a selector when using a pseudo class and since it supports only links, in this case, the selector would be a.




TL;DR: At the time of writing, you are completely correct; there is no difference between a:visited and :visited. However, using a:visited is best practice for future-proofing your code.

TL; DR:在撰写本文时,您完全正确; a:visited和:visited之间没有区别。但是,使用a:visited是将来验证代码的最佳实践。

TL;DR EDIT: As of August 2016, the CSS4 Working Draft allows other tags to use :visited. There is now a functional difference between a:visited and :visited! Beware.

TL; DR EDIT:截至2016年8月,CSS4工作草案允许使用其他标签:已访问。现在有一个功能区别:访问和访问!谨防。

For web development languages today, specifically HTML5 and CSS3, you are right: there is functionally no difference between a:visited and :visited. Now, please take this with caution: web standards, elements, and user interface protocols are ever-evolving, meaning that in the future, it is possible that a new tag compatible with :visited may be introduced.


When :visited was introduced in CSS, the W3C CSS1 spec said:

当:在CSS中引入了访问时,W3C CSS1规范说:

In CSS1, anchor pseudo-classes have no effect on elements other than 'a'. Therefore, the element type can be omitted from the selector: a:link { color: red } == :link { color: red }

在CSS1中,锚伪类对“a”以外的元素没有影响。因此,可以从选择器中省略元素类型:a:link {color:red} ==:link {color:red}

HOWEVER, in the CSS2 spec, the behavior of the :visited pseudo-class was not restricted to just a tags:


The document language determines which elements are hyperlink source anchors. For example, in HTML4, the link pseudo-classes apply to a elements with an "href" attribute.


This means that it is up to the document language and browser to determine which elements are compatible with :visited. While the current industry standard states that for HTML, only a elements with an href attribute qualify, this may well change later down the line.


EDIT, August 2016: Looks like the CSS4 Working Draft has confirmed my suspicion; in the new spec, :visited can be used for other "link-like" elements, namely <area> and <link>. The spec says:


The :any-link pseudo-class represents an element that acts as the source anchor of a hyperlink. For example, in [HTML5], any <a>, <area>, or <link> elements with an href attribute are hyperlinks.


So <a>, <area>, and <link> are all treated as hyperlinks, and the spec says that :visited applies to all hyperlinks. So as of CSS4, you'll be better off including the a in a:visited.




According to Selectors Level 4 :visited applies to any hyperlink, which in HTML is the <a>, <area> and <link> elements when they have an href attribute.

根据Selectors Level 4:visited适用于任何超链接,当它们具有href属性时,HTML中的元素。

A quick test for the link element shows that Firefox at least partially respects this:


Try http://jsfiddle.net/rfdzpjLo/4/ in FF or see below


link:before { content:attr(href); }
link { display:block; }
:visited { color: red; }
:link { color:green; }
<link href="http://*.com/questions/27263128/why-not-visited-instead-of-avisited-for-links" />
<link href="example.net/lsjhuehbsi00ejjdus" />



Yes, but it won't be future compatible if a new tag is introduced that may be styled with :visited.


Closest proof I can find:




The document language determines which elements are hyperlink source anchors. For example, in HTML4, the link pseudo-classes apply to A elements with an "href" attribute. Thus, the following two CSS 2.1 declarations have similar effect:

文档语言确定哪些元素是超链接源锚点。例如,在HTML4中,链接伪类适用于具有“href”属性的A元素。因此,以下两个CSS 2.1声明具有类似的效果:

a:link { color: red }
:link  { color: red }



In theory it's the same for reasons already mentioned. On paper, a:visited vs :visited makes it explicit that the style only applies to anchors, and may potentially be faster: think of it as the browser needing to iterate through all a tags in the one hand side, and checking if :visited applies, vs doing the same for all tags in the DOM.

理论上,由于已经提到的原因,它是相同的。在纸面上,a:visited vs:visited明确表示该样式仅适用于锚点,并且可能更快:将其视为浏览器需要迭代单手中的所有标记,并检查是否:已访问适用于对DOM中的所有标记执行相同操作。

Imho though, the more important reason is that styles related to a tag, a pseudo-selector, a class and an identifier aren't necessarily applied in a consistent and predictable order from a browser to the next.


Suppose, for instance, this visited link:


<a id="foo" class="bar" href="...">visited link</a>

Then consider the following CSS:


#foo {
  color: red;

.bar {
  color: green;

:visited {
  color: purple

There used to be a time where the link would appear red, green or purple depending on the browser. (Perhaps it's still the case; I haven't tested.) Because, some would treat #foo as more important than .bar (it's an ID vs a class) and both of these as more important than :visited for similar reasons. Some would treat #foo, .bar and :visited as if they had the same importance, as a property of the tag itself. Some might have treated #foo and .bar as equals but more important than :visited on grounds the latter is a mere pseudo class. And so forth.

曾经有一段时间,链接会显示为红色,绿色或紫色,具体取决于浏览器。 (也许情况仍然如此;我还没有测试过。)因为,有些人会认为#foo比.bar更重要(它是一个ID与一个类),而且这两个都比以下更重要:访问因为类似的原因。有些人会将#foo,.bar和:visit视为具有相同的重要性,作为标签本身的属性。有些人可能已经将#foo和.bar视为平等,但更重要的是:访问理由后者仅仅是伪类。等等。

Now, consider this CSS, which is the kind of stuff you might encounter in a stylesheet today:


a.bar {
  color: green;

:visited {
  color: purple

Even assuming that tags, ID, classes and pseudo classes are all treated equal, we still have a potential problem, in that a.bar can also be considered more specific than plain :visited by some browsers.


Ergo, you end up needing to specify a:visited in the declaration to ensure the behavior is consistent in all browsers -- and chances are there are still a few bad apples around that'll make you want to write a:visited, a.bar:visited just to be sure.

因此,你最终需要在声明中指定一个:访问以确保所有浏览器中的行为都是一致的 - 并且可能还有一些不好的苹果,这会让你想写一个:visited,a。吧:拜访只是为了确定。

Once you've run into the problem a few times, force of habit kicks in and you'll end up always writing a:hover or a:visited.




:visited is a pseudo class selector used only for anchor link elements that matches when the href attribute of that anchor link has been visited in the past by this browser. It is meant to be useful feedback for a user, so they can tell the difference between links they have been to and links they have not.




The syntax of a pseudo class is as follows


selector:pseudo-class {

So you have to use a selector when using a pseudo class and since it supports only links, in this case, the selector would be a.
