
时间:2023-02-03 03:52:47

I need to implement a links-click counter, that will count the number of clicks on the link...


Right now what i am doing is, i am linking the href to redir.php, which will increase the counter in DB and then using header('Location:'); I am redirecting it to the correct URL.


This works but it is certainly not the best approach. In an effort to make my code efficient, how can I make this link counter better? AJAX?

这有效,但肯定不是最好的方法。为了使我的代码高效,我怎样才能使这个链接计数器变得更好? AJAX?

Not much exp with ajax so I wondering how to do in ajax or is there any other better method...


I do not want someone to write a bot script that would make multiple requests to the redir.php and mess up the stats.


5 个解决方案



You can use


  1. Javascript to make a Ajax call to your "counter.php"
  2. Javascript对您的“counter.php”进行Ajax调用

  3. Add a Javascript code (like Google Analytic) on each page to post on the database
  4. 在每个页面上添加Javascript代码(如Google Analytic)以在数据库上发布

  5. Create a "cron job" to analyse the "access_log" (if you count the link in the same domain, server)
  6. 创建一个“cron作业”来分析“access_log”(如果计算同一域中的链接,服务器)

  7. Add a PHP code to update the database when each page is generate.
  8. 添加PHP代码以在生成每个页面时更新数据库。

But I think the first javascript method is the best one.


  1. Add a class on the link to spy
  2. 在链接上添加一个类给间谍

  3. Add a "Event handler" to create a AJAX post
  4. 添加“事件处理程序”以创建AJAX帖子

  5. Create a simple PHP script to update the database.
  6. 创建一个简单的PHP脚本来更新数据库。




If you links are generated from a source like a CMS instead of by hand, you could pass the link ID to your URL and on the loading of the next page count increment that the link has been clicked. Going this way would require that you reload (without the link ID) the page after that step to make sure that someone copying the link would not make the counter increment needlessly.


This method is bulletproof if your user has javascript enabled, but if your user does have javascript enabled, you could still do the method stated above and through a client side layer, bypass the whole thing and send it through AJAX.


This might seems like redundancy, but this way, you accelerate your process for most of your visitors (without the redirect since you do it through AJAX) and in the case that the javascript doesn't work or is disabled, you have a fail proof system that would avoid missing any click




Building off of @Akarun's answer, here is sample code (in jQuery) for adding a "listener" onto link clicks with "spy" class. Note that I load an image instead of attempting a $.post or other AJAX event -- this is because those won't complete by the time the person navigates away from the page (which clicking on a link is bound to do in most cases), whereas the browser will get off a request for the image in time. It's still a normal PHP script, the browser just thinks it's loading an image.

基于@Akarun的答案,这里是一个示例代码(在jQuery中),用于在“spy”类的链接点击上添加“监听器”。请注意,我加载了一个图像,而不是尝试$ .post或其他AJAX事件 - 这是因为当用户离开页面时,这些事件将无法完成(在大多数情况下,点击某个链接必然会这样做),而浏览器将及时得到图像的请求。它仍然是一个普通的PHP脚本,浏览器只是认为它正在加载一个图像。

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('a.spy').mousedown(function(event) {
        var page_url = "<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>";
        var target_url = $(this).attr('href');
        if(target_url != "#" && target_url != "javascript:void(0);")
            new Image().src= "/welcome/track_link/?page_url=" + escape(page_url) + "&target_url=" + escape(target_url);
        return true;



Have you thought of mobile users and other devices? I believe your first implementation is completely adequate and secure. You completely control the counting and there is no issue of user manipulation. It works predictably also.


After all, the ajax will just do the samething in counter.php; Read and update the database. Stay with your present implementation.




Do it the way Google does it:


<a href="http://www.vacationhomes.com/" onmousedown="return clk(this.href,'','','','2','','0CE4Q0gIoAzAB')">Waterfront Rentals</a>

A javascript function. The passed code aids security.


Actually looking at the Google source they load an image with the URL as a parameter


    if(document.images) {
        b=encodeURIComponent||escape;a=new Image;var f=window.google.cri++;window.google.crm[f]=a;a.onerror=a.onload=a.onabort=function() {
            delete window.google.crm[f]
        var d,g,h;if(google.v6) {
            d=google.v6.src;g=google.v6.complete||google.v6s?2:1;h=(new Date).getTime()-google.v6t;delete google.v6
    return true



You can use


  1. Javascript to make a Ajax call to your "counter.php"
  2. Javascript对您的“counter.php”进行Ajax调用

  3. Add a Javascript code (like Google Analytic) on each page to post on the database
  4. 在每个页面上添加Javascript代码(如Google Analytic)以在数据库上发布

  5. Create a "cron job" to analyse the "access_log" (if you count the link in the same domain, server)
  6. 创建一个“cron作业”来分析“access_log”(如果计算同一域中的链接,服务器)

  7. Add a PHP code to update the database when each page is generate.
  8. 添加PHP代码以在生成每个页面时更新数据库。

But I think the first javascript method is the best one.


  1. Add a class on the link to spy
  2. 在链接上添加一个类给间谍

  3. Add a "Event handler" to create a AJAX post
  4. 添加“事件处理程序”以创建AJAX帖子

  5. Create a simple PHP script to update the database.
  6. 创建一个简单的PHP脚本来更新数据库。




If you links are generated from a source like a CMS instead of by hand, you could pass the link ID to your URL and on the loading of the next page count increment that the link has been clicked. Going this way would require that you reload (without the link ID) the page after that step to make sure that someone copying the link would not make the counter increment needlessly.


This method is bulletproof if your user has javascript enabled, but if your user does have javascript enabled, you could still do the method stated above and through a client side layer, bypass the whole thing and send it through AJAX.


This might seems like redundancy, but this way, you accelerate your process for most of your visitors (without the redirect since you do it through AJAX) and in the case that the javascript doesn't work or is disabled, you have a fail proof system that would avoid missing any click




Building off of @Akarun's answer, here is sample code (in jQuery) for adding a "listener" onto link clicks with "spy" class. Note that I load an image instead of attempting a $.post or other AJAX event -- this is because those won't complete by the time the person navigates away from the page (which clicking on a link is bound to do in most cases), whereas the browser will get off a request for the image in time. It's still a normal PHP script, the browser just thinks it's loading an image.

基于@Akarun的答案,这里是一个示例代码(在jQuery中),用于在“spy”类的链接点击上添加“监听器”。请注意,我加载了一个图像,而不是尝试$ .post或其他AJAX事件 - 这是因为当用户离开页面时,这些事件将无法完成(在大多数情况下,点击某个链接必然会这样做),而浏览器将及时得到图像的请求。它仍然是一个普通的PHP脚本,浏览器只是认为它正在加载一个图像。

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('a.spy').mousedown(function(event) {
        var page_url = "<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>";
        var target_url = $(this).attr('href');
        if(target_url != "#" && target_url != "javascript:void(0);")
            new Image().src= "/welcome/track_link/?page_url=" + escape(page_url) + "&target_url=" + escape(target_url);
        return true;



Have you thought of mobile users and other devices? I believe your first implementation is completely adequate and secure. You completely control the counting and there is no issue of user manipulation. It works predictably also.


After all, the ajax will just do the samething in counter.php; Read and update the database. Stay with your present implementation.




Do it the way Google does it:


<a href="http://www.vacationhomes.com/" onmousedown="return clk(this.href,'','','','2','','0CE4Q0gIoAzAB')">Waterfront Rentals</a>

A javascript function. The passed code aids security.


Actually looking at the Google source they load an image with the URL as a parameter


    if(document.images) {
        b=encodeURIComponent||escape;a=new Image;var f=window.google.cri++;window.google.crm[f]=a;a.onerror=a.onload=a.onabort=function() {
            delete window.google.crm[f]
        var d,g,h;if(google.v6) {
            d=google.v6.src;g=google.v6.complete||google.v6s?2:1;h=(new Date).getTime()-google.v6t;delete google.v6
    return true