将数据从文本表传输到普通表hsqldb java

时间:2022-02-08 03:45:32

I am trying to transfer data from a text table to a normal table, where the data is taken originally from a txt file.


I am using hsqldb


This is what I did. I have no error or exception , but both the tables are empty.


String sqlkeywordcreate=new String ("CREATE TABLE keywordsTable " + " (k_id INTEGER IDENTITY not NULL PRIMARY KEY,  keywords varchar(20))");
        String sqlkeywordcreate1=new String ("CREATE TEXT TABLE tempKeywordsTable " + " (key varchar(20))");
        int numOfFields=di.getAllTerms();
String setTempKeywordsTable= new String ("set table "+"tempKeywordsTable"+ " source 'keywords.txt'");
        stmt1.executeUpdate( setTempKeywordsTable);
        String insertkey=  new String("INSERT INTO keywordsTable "+"(keywords)"+ " select key from tempKeywordsTable");
        String dropTempKey= new String("drop table tempKeywordsTable");
        String sqlcreate=new String("CREATE TABLE "+ tableName +" (id INTEGER IDENTITY not NULL PRIMARY KEY)");
        String sqlselect=new String("select k_id from keywordsTable");

Please guide me and give me ideas to solve this issue. Thanks


1 个解决方案



The code looks correct. You should add a test count after the line with "set table tempKeywordsTable source " to make sure the data is linked properly to the TEXT table. If there is data, the rest will work.

代码看起来正确。您应该在“set table tempKeywordsTable source”行后面添加一个测试计数,以确保数据正确链接到TEXT表。如果有数据,其余的都可以使用。

A possible cause of your code not working is the path of the keywords.txt file. This file should be in the same directory as the rest of the database files.




The code looks correct. You should add a test count after the line with "set table tempKeywordsTable source " to make sure the data is linked properly to the TEXT table. If there is data, the rest will work.

代码看起来正确。您应该在“set table tempKeywordsTable source”行后面添加一个测试计数,以确保数据正确链接到TEXT表。如果有数据,其余的都可以使用。

A possible cause of your code not working is the path of the keywords.txt file. This file should be in the same directory as the rest of the database files.
