
时间:2022-07-17 03:46:23

Using Blend.

I am trying to bind either a GridView or TextBlock to an Observable collection. The observable collection gets its data from an XML file. My test program runs, but no data appears in the GridView or the TextBlock when I press the 'Show Sentence' button.


My XML file:


(Simlpified from a large and complex file which works OK in a Visual Studio console project)

(从一个在Visual Studio控制台项目中正常运行的大而复杂的文件中模拟)

<Book ISBN ="9144252184178">
    <TitleLine>Title First Line</TitleLine>
    <TitleLine>Title Second Line</TitleLine>
    <Author>Some Body</Author>
    <Author>No Body</Author>
    <Page PageNumber ="1">
        <Sentence SentenceID = "1">
          <SentenceText>Once there was a giant </SentenceText>
            <SentenceWord Start = "" Part = "">once</SentenceWord>
            <SentenceWord Start = "" Part = "">there</SentenceWord>
            <SentenceWord Start = "" Part = "">was</SentenceWord>
            <SentenceWord Start = "" Part = "">a</SentenceWord>
            <SentenceWord Start = "" Part = "">giant</SentenceWord>
        <Sentence SentenceID = "2">
          <SentenceText>Every day, etc</SentenceText>
            <SentenceWord Start = "" Part = "">every</SentenceWord>
            <SentenceWord Start = "" Part = "">day</SentenceWord>
            <SentenceWord Start = "" Part = "">etc</SentenceWord>


(Showing a couple of the many ways I have unsuccessfully tried to bind to the ObservableCollection)


<Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
    <Button x:Name="button" Content="Show Sentence" Click="button_Click"/>
    <GridView Background="Bisque" ItemsSource="{x:Bind ThisSentence}">
        <DataTemplate x:DataType="data:Sentences">
          <StackPanel Background="AliceBlue">
            <TextBlock Text="Sentence"/>
            <TextBlock Text="{x:Bind SentenceID}"/>
            <TextBlock Text="{x:Bind SentenceText}"/>
    <Border Background="LightBlue">
      <TextBlock Text="{Binding ThisSentence.SentenceID, Mode=OneWay}"/>


namespace ImportFromXML
    public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
        private ObservableCollection<Book> thisSentence_;
        public ObservableCollection<Book> ThisSentence
            get { return thisSentence_; }
            set { thisSentence_ = value; }

        public MainPage()

        private void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
           var newTask = Task.Run(() => thisSentence_ = SentenceManager.GetSentence("0","0")) ;
           DataContext = ThisSentence;


(Here are my classes and my SentenceManager. The SentenceManager Linq code works against my XML when run in a VS Console project.)

(这是我的类和我的SentenceManager。当在VS Console项目中运行时,SentenceManager Linq代码对我的XML起作用。)

public class Book
    public string ISBN { get; set; }
    public IList<Title> title = new List<Title>();
    public IList<Authors> authors = new List<Authors>();
    public IList<Pages> pages = new List<Pages>();

public class Title
    public string TitleLine { get; set; }

public class Authors
    public string AuthorName { get; set; }

public class Pages
    public string PageNumber { get; set; }
    public IList<Sentences> sentences = new List<Sentences>();
    public IList<Contents> contents = new List<Contents>();

public class Sentences
    public string SentenceID { get; set; }
    public string SentenceText { get; set; }
    public string SentenceFileName { get; set; }
    public IList<SentenceWords> sentenceWords = new List SentenceWords>();

public class SentenceWords
    public string SentenceWord { get; set; }
    public string Ending { get; set; }
    public string Parent { get; set; }

public class SentenceManager
    public static ObservableCollection<Book> GetSentence(string pageNumber, string sentenceID)

        XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(@"C:\Users\Richard\Documents\ImportFromXML\book.xml");
        List<Book> sentence = (from bk in xdoc.Elements("Book")
                               select new Book
                                 pages = (from pag in bk.Element("Pages").Elements("Page")
                                          where (string)pag.Attribute("PageNumber") == pageNumber
                                          select new Pages
                                             sentences = (from sen in pag.Element("Sentences").Elements("Sentence")
                                                          where (string)sen.Attribute("SentenceID") == sentenceID
                                                          select new Sentences
                                                            SentenceID = sen.Attribute("SentenceID").Value,
                                                            SentenceText = sen.Element("SentenceText").Value,
                                                            SentenceFileName = sen.Element("SentenceFileName").Value,

        ObservableCollection <Book> Sentence = new ObservableCollection<Book>(sentence);
        return Sentence;

In my program I have to bind a number of controls to various parts of my xml data, so this is just one example.


I am a bit of a novice, so please don't make your advice too cryptic or I may not understand! Thanks for any help you can give me.


1 个解决方案



First of all, when you bind to the ThisSentence property by x:Bind like

首先,当你通过x绑定到ThisSentence属性时:Bind like

ItemsSource="{x:Bind ThisSentence}"

it is not necessary to set the DataContext at all.


However, the binding mode has to be set to OneWay, because the default is OneTime:


ItemsSource="{x:Bind ThisSentence, Mode=OneWay}"

In addition, the property has to notify about value changes. In a class derived from DependencyObject, this is usually done by making it a dependency property:


public static readonly DependencyProperty ThisSentenceProperty =
        new PropertyMetadata(null));

public ObservableCollection<Book> ThisSentence
    get { return (ObservableCollection<Book>)GetValue(ThisSentenceProperty); }
    set { SetValue(ThisSentenceProperty, value); }

You should also await the Task in the Click handler.


private async void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    ThisSentence = await Task.Run(() => SentenceManager.GetSentence("0", "0"));

Note that event handlers are the exception to the rule that there shouldn't be any async void methods.


In case you want to use Binding instead of x:Bind, you should set the DataContext once in the Page's constructor, like


public MainPage()
    DataContext = this;

Now you could also write


ItemsSource="{Binding ThisSentence}"



First of all, when you bind to the ThisSentence property by x:Bind like

首先,当你通过x绑定到ThisSentence属性时:Bind like

ItemsSource="{x:Bind ThisSentence}"

it is not necessary to set the DataContext at all.


However, the binding mode has to be set to OneWay, because the default is OneTime:


ItemsSource="{x:Bind ThisSentence, Mode=OneWay}"

In addition, the property has to notify about value changes. In a class derived from DependencyObject, this is usually done by making it a dependency property:


public static readonly DependencyProperty ThisSentenceProperty =
        new PropertyMetadata(null));

public ObservableCollection<Book> ThisSentence
    get { return (ObservableCollection<Book>)GetValue(ThisSentenceProperty); }
    set { SetValue(ThisSentenceProperty, value); }

You should also await the Task in the Click handler.


private async void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    ThisSentence = await Task.Run(() => SentenceManager.GetSentence("0", "0"));

Note that event handlers are the exception to the rule that there shouldn't be any async void methods.


In case you want to use Binding instead of x:Bind, you should set the DataContext once in the Page's constructor, like


public MainPage()
    DataContext = this;

Now you could also write


ItemsSource="{Binding ThisSentence}"