按SQL Server中的count()子句分组

时间:2022-10-18 03:39:48

I'm trying to write a SQL query that will return a list of aggregated values; however, I want to group the query by one of the aggregated values (a count):


select t.Field1, count(distinct(t.Field2), SUM(t.Value1)
from MyTable t
group by t.Field1, count(t.Field2)

I've tried putting the count into a subquery, and putting the whole query into a subquery and grouping there. Is there an way to do this that doesn't involve creating a temporary table (I don't have anything against temporary tables per se).


The desired outcome would look like this:


Field1    Count      Sum
CAT1      3          19.5
CAT1      2          100
CAT2      2          62

The data that I'm working with looks like this:


Field1    Field2    Field3    Value1
CAT1      1         1         5
CAT1      2         1         2.5
CAT1      3         1         12
CAT1      4         2         50
CAT1      5         2         50
CAT2      6         3         50
CAT2      7         3         12

So, I want a grouping by the number of distinct Field2 values per Field3


1 个解决方案



If I understand you correctly, then the follow should work.


select Field1 , Count , Sum(Value1)
    select t.Field1, count(*) as Count, SUM(t.Value1) as Value1
    from MyTable t
    group by t.Field1, t.Field3

as t2 
group by Field1, Count



If I understand you correctly, then the follow should work.


select Field1 , Count , Sum(Value1)
    select t.Field1, count(*) as Count, SUM(t.Value1) as Value1
    from MyTable t
    group by t.Field1, t.Field3

as t2 
group by Field1, Count