I am using $stateProvider
, so I have lots of states.
我使用$ stateProvider,所以我有很多状态。
considering below scenario: user is already logout, and he types url in the browser directly, like www.example.com/home
, I should redirect it to the login page, which is www.example.com/login
how to implement this? one of the methods is to check if the session is active in run block. is it a good practice to call backend API in the run block?
UPDATE: According to Ryan's suggestion, it calls backend api to check if user is logged in
$transitions.onBefore({to: 'home'}, function(transition) {
var $state = transition.router.stateService;
let promise = jsonService.heartBeat()
promise.then(data => {
if(!data.hasOwnProperty('data')) {
}, () => {
2 个解决方案
Levi's answer is correct for UI-Router pre-version 1.0. For UI-Router 1.0, the state change events such as $stateChangeStart
are deprecated and this will no longer work. You can use the $transitions
service instead.
Levi的答案对于UI-Router 1.0版本是正确的。对于UI-Router 1.0,不推荐使用状态更改事件,例如$ stateChangeStart,这将不再起作用。您可以使用$ transitions服务。
function run ($transitions, Auth) {
// 'to' param is the state name; 'main.**' will match 'main' and all sub-states
$transitions.onBefore({to: 'main.**'}, function (transition) {
var $state = transition.router.stateService;
if (!Auth.isAuthenticated()) {
run.$inject = ['$transitions', 'Auth'];
I ran into same problem months ago. Instead of using resolve, I check if the user is logged when state changes, defining run module and listening $stateChangeStart
event, then check if the current state required authentication. If so, check if the user is logged in.
几个月前我遇到了同样的问题。而不是使用resolve,我检查用户是否在状态更改时记录,定义运行模块和监听$ stateChangeStart事件,然后检查当前状态是否需要身份验证。如果是,请检查用户是否已登录。
angular.module('portfolio.manager').config(function ($logProvider, $stateProvider) {
'use strict';
.state('portfolio.manager', {
url: '/manager',
resolve: {
portfolioAuthService: 'portfolioAuthService',
User: function(portfolioAuthService){
return portfolioAuthService.getUser();
Portfolios: function (User, portfolioManagerService) {
return portfolioManagerService.getPortfolios();
data: {
requiredAuthentication: true
views: {
'main@': {
templateUrl: 'app/portfolio/manager/portfolio-manager.html',
controller: 'PortfolioManagerCtrl'
'no-portfolios@portfolio.manager': {
templateUrl: 'app/portfolio/manager/partials/no-portfolios.html'
'create@portfolio.manager': {
templateUrl: 'app/portfolio/manager/partials/create.html'
run.$inject = ['$rootScope','$state','loggedIn'];
function run($rootScope,$state,loggedIn){
if ( !(toState.data) ) return;
if ( !(toState.data.requiredAuthentication) ) return;
var _requiredAuthentication = toState.data.requiredAuthentication;
if (_requiredAuthentication && !loggedIn.checkUser() ){
$state.go('portfolio.login', { notify: false });
console.log('not authorized');
Levi's answer is correct for UI-Router pre-version 1.0. For UI-Router 1.0, the state change events such as $stateChangeStart
are deprecated and this will no longer work. You can use the $transitions
service instead.
Levi的答案对于UI-Router 1.0版本是正确的。对于UI-Router 1.0,不推荐使用状态更改事件,例如$ stateChangeStart,这将不再起作用。您可以使用$ transitions服务。
function run ($transitions, Auth) {
// 'to' param is the state name; 'main.**' will match 'main' and all sub-states
$transitions.onBefore({to: 'main.**'}, function (transition) {
var $state = transition.router.stateService;
if (!Auth.isAuthenticated()) {
run.$inject = ['$transitions', 'Auth'];
I ran into same problem months ago. Instead of using resolve, I check if the user is logged when state changes, defining run module and listening $stateChangeStart
event, then check if the current state required authentication. If so, check if the user is logged in.
几个月前我遇到了同样的问题。而不是使用resolve,我检查用户是否在状态更改时记录,定义运行模块和监听$ stateChangeStart事件,然后检查当前状态是否需要身份验证。如果是,请检查用户是否已登录。
angular.module('portfolio.manager').config(function ($logProvider, $stateProvider) {
'use strict';
.state('portfolio.manager', {
url: '/manager',
resolve: {
portfolioAuthService: 'portfolioAuthService',
User: function(portfolioAuthService){
return portfolioAuthService.getUser();
Portfolios: function (User, portfolioManagerService) {
return portfolioManagerService.getPortfolios();
data: {
requiredAuthentication: true
views: {
'main@': {
templateUrl: 'app/portfolio/manager/portfolio-manager.html',
controller: 'PortfolioManagerCtrl'
'no-portfolios@portfolio.manager': {
templateUrl: 'app/portfolio/manager/partials/no-portfolios.html'
'create@portfolio.manager': {
templateUrl: 'app/portfolio/manager/partials/create.html'
run.$inject = ['$rootScope','$state','loggedIn'];
function run($rootScope,$state,loggedIn){
if ( !(toState.data) ) return;
if ( !(toState.data.requiredAuthentication) ) return;
var _requiredAuthentication = toState.data.requiredAuthentication;
if (_requiredAuthentication && !loggedIn.checkUser() ){
$state.go('portfolio.login', { notify: false });
console.log('not authorized');