Django模型ForeignKey on_delete属性:full meaning?

时间:2022-07-23 03:38:06

Here some models:


class UserProfile(models.Model):  
    name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
    email = models.EmailField(unique=True, db_index=True) 
    birthday = models.DateField()

class Photo(models.Model):
    user = models.ForeignKey(UserProfile)
    description = models.TextField(blank=True)
    photo = models.ImageField(upload_to='img/photo')

Let's say a user has 10 photos (10 objects of Photo model). When user deletes himself will all those 10 Photo database rows delete themselves automatically? (I've read docs, but English is not my native language, so I didn't understand everything about the on_delete attribute.)


2 个解决方案



that's the default behaviour, yes. you can change this behaviour with on_delete


to get an illustration of this, try deleting a userprofile in the admin. it first shows a warning page, listing all related objects that will also get deleted




I'll go through the values for on_delete as they apply to this case. As it notes in the docs, these are all in that models module, so you'd use it as models.ForeignKey(UserProfile, on_delete=models.CASCADE), etc.

我将检查on_delete的值,因为它们适用于本例。正如它在文档中所指出的,这些都在模型模块中,所以您可以将其用作模型。ForeignKey(UserProfile on_delete = models.CASCADE),等等。

These rules apply however you delete an object, whether you do it in the admin panel or working directly with the Model instance. (But it won't take effect if you work directly with the underlying database in SQL.)


  • CASCADE: when you delete the UserProfile, all related Photos will be deleted too. This is the default. (So in answer to that aspect of your question, yes, if you delete your user account the photos will be deleted automatically.)


  • PROTECT: this will stop you from deleting a UserProfile with related Photos, raising a django.db.models.ProtectedError if you try. The idea would be that the user would need to disassociate or delete all Photos before they could delete their profile.


  • SET_NULL: when you delete the UserProfile, all associated Photos will still exist but will no longer be associated with any UserProfile. This would require null=True in the ForeignKey definition.


  • SET_DEFAULT: when you delete the UserProfile, all associated Photos will be changed to point to their default UserProfile as specified by the default attribute in the ForeignKey definition (you could use this to pass "orphaned" photos off to a certain user - but this isn't going to be common, SET_NULL or SET() will be much more common)

    SET_DEFAULT:当你删除UserProfile,所有相关的照片会被修改指向他们的默认UserProfile ForeignKey定义中指定的默认属性(你可以使用这种通过“孤儿”照片一个特定的用户——但这并不常见,SET_NULL或一组()将更为常见)

  • SET(): when you delete the UserProfile, the target of the Photos' ForeignKey will be set to the value passed in to the SET function, or what it returns if it is a callable. (Sorry, I haven't explained that well, but the docs have an example which explains better.)

    SET():当您删除UserProfile时,Photos' ForeignKey的目标将被设置为传递给SET函数的值,如果是可调用的,则返回的值。(对不起,我没解释清楚,但文档中有一个例子可以更好地解释。)

  • DO_NOTHING: when you delete the UserProfile, all related Photos will remain unaltered, thus having a broken reference, unless you have used some other SQL to take care of it.


(Also, on_delete isn't a method. It's an attribute of the ForeignKey field.)




that's the default behaviour, yes. you can change this behaviour with on_delete


to get an illustration of this, try deleting a userprofile in the admin. it first shows a warning page, listing all related objects that will also get deleted




I'll go through the values for on_delete as they apply to this case. As it notes in the docs, these are all in that models module, so you'd use it as models.ForeignKey(UserProfile, on_delete=models.CASCADE), etc.

我将检查on_delete的值,因为它们适用于本例。正如它在文档中所指出的,这些都在模型模块中,所以您可以将其用作模型。ForeignKey(UserProfile on_delete = models.CASCADE),等等。

These rules apply however you delete an object, whether you do it in the admin panel or working directly with the Model instance. (But it won't take effect if you work directly with the underlying database in SQL.)


  • CASCADE: when you delete the UserProfile, all related Photos will be deleted too. This is the default. (So in answer to that aspect of your question, yes, if you delete your user account the photos will be deleted automatically.)


  • PROTECT: this will stop you from deleting a UserProfile with related Photos, raising a django.db.models.ProtectedError if you try. The idea would be that the user would need to disassociate or delete all Photos before they could delete their profile.


  • SET_NULL: when you delete the UserProfile, all associated Photos will still exist but will no longer be associated with any UserProfile. This would require null=True in the ForeignKey definition.


  • SET_DEFAULT: when you delete the UserProfile, all associated Photos will be changed to point to their default UserProfile as specified by the default attribute in the ForeignKey definition (you could use this to pass "orphaned" photos off to a certain user - but this isn't going to be common, SET_NULL or SET() will be much more common)

    SET_DEFAULT:当你删除UserProfile,所有相关的照片会被修改指向他们的默认UserProfile ForeignKey定义中指定的默认属性(你可以使用这种通过“孤儿”照片一个特定的用户——但这并不常见,SET_NULL或一组()将更为常见)

  • SET(): when you delete the UserProfile, the target of the Photos' ForeignKey will be set to the value passed in to the SET function, or what it returns if it is a callable. (Sorry, I haven't explained that well, but the docs have an example which explains better.)

    SET():当您删除UserProfile时,Photos' ForeignKey的目标将被设置为传递给SET函数的值,如果是可调用的,则返回的值。(对不起,我没解释清楚,但文档中有一个例子可以更好地解释。)

  • DO_NOTHING: when you delete the UserProfile, all related Photos will remain unaltered, thus having a broken reference, unless you have used some other SQL to take care of it.


(Also, on_delete isn't a method. It's an attribute of the ForeignKey field.)
