
时间:2021-11-29 02:17:47

I have a database table like this:


ID        int      PK
ParentID  int      FK
Code      varchar
Text      text

The ParentID field is a foreign key with another record in the same table (recursive). So the structure represents a Tree.


I'm trying to write a method to query this table and get 1 specific Entity based on a path. A path would be a string representing the Code properties of the Entity and the parent Entities. So an example path would be "foo/bar/baz" which means the one specific Entity of which the Code == "baz", the parent's Code == "bar" and the parent of the parent's Code == "foo".

我尝试编写一个方法来查询这个表,并根据路径获得一个特定的实体。路径将是表示实体和父实体的代码属性的字符串。因此,一个示例路径是“foo/bar/baz”,意思是代码== "baz"的特定实体,父代码== "bar",父代码的父代码== "foo"。

My attempt:


public Entity Single(string path)
 string[] pathParts = path.Split('/');
 string code = pathParts[pathParts.Length -1];

 if (pathParts.Length == 1)
  return dataContext.Entities.Single(e => e.Code == code && e.ParentID == 0);

 IQueryable<Entity> entities = dataContext.Entities.Where(e => e.Code == code);
 for (int i = pathParts.Length - 2; i >= 0; i--)
  string parentCode = pathParts[i];
  entities = entities.Where(e => e.Entity1.Code == parentCode); // incorrect

 return entities.Single();

I know this isn't correct because the Where inside the forloop just adds more conditions to the current Entity instead of the parent Entity, but how do I correct this? In words I would like the for-loop to say "and the parent's code must be x and the parent of that parent's code must be y, and the parent of that parent of that parent's code must be z .... etc". Besides that, for performance reasons I'd like it to be one IQueryable so there will be just 1 query going to the database.

我知道这是不正确的,因为forloop中的Where只给当前实体添加了更多的条件而不是父实体,但是我该如何更正呢?的话我希望循环说”和父母的代码必须在父母的父母的x和y代码必须,和父母的,父母的父母的代码必须z ....等”。除此之外,出于性能原因,我希望它是一个可查询的,这样就会有一个查询到数据库。

3 个解决方案



How to formulate an IQueryable to query a recursive database table? I'd like it to be one IQueryable so there will be just 1 query going to the database.


I don't think traversing an hierarchical table using a single translated query is currently possible with Entity Framework. The reason is you'll need to implement either a loop or recursion and to my best knowledge neither can be translated into an EF object store query.




@Bazzz and @Steven got me thinking and I have to admit I was completely wrong: it is possible and quite easy to construct an IQueryable for these requirements dynamically.


The following function can be called recursively to build up the query:


public static IQueryable<TestTree> Traverse(this IQueryable<TestTree> source, IQueryable<TestTree> table, LinkedList<string> parts)
    var code = parts.First.Value;
    var query = source.SelectMany(r1 => table.Where(r2 => r2.Code == code && r2.ParentID == r1.ID), (r1, r2) => r2);
    if (parts.Count == 1)
        return query;
    return query.Traverse(table, parts);

The root query is a special case; here's a working example of calling Traverse:


using (var context = new TestDBEntities())
    var path = "foo/bar/baz";
    var parts = new LinkedList<string>(path.Split('/'));
    var table = context.TestTrees;

    var code = parts.First.Value;
    var root = table.Where(r1 => r1.Code == code && !r1.ParentID.HasValue);

    foreach (var q in root.Traverse(table, parts))
        Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", q.ID, q.ParentID, q.Code);

The DB is queried only once with this generated code:


exec sp_executesql N'SELECT 
[Extent3].[ID] AS [ID], 
[Extent3].[ParentID] AS [ParentID], 
[Extent3].[Code] AS [Code]
FROM   [dbo].[TestTree] AS [Extent1]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[TestTree] AS [Extent2] ON ([Extent2].[Code] = @p__linq__1) AND ([Extent2].[ParentID] = [Extent1].[ID])
INNER JOIN [dbo].[TestTree] AS [Extent3] ON ([Extent3].[Code] = @p__linq__2) AND ([Extent3].[ParentID] = [Extent2].[ID])
WHERE ([Extent1].[Code] = @p__linq__0) AND ([Extent1].[ParentID] IS NULL)',N'@p__linq__1 nvarchar(4000),@p__linq__2 nvarchar(4000),@p__linq__0 nvarchar(4000)',@p__linq__1=N'bar',@p__linq__2=N'baz',@p__linq__0=N'foo'

And while I like the execution plan of the raw query (see below) a bit better, the approach is valid and perhaps useful.




Using IEnumerable


The idea is to grab the relevant data from the table in one go and then do the traversing in the application using LINQ to Objects.


Here's a recursive function that will get a node from a sequence:


static TestTree GetNode(this IEnumerable<TestTree> table, string[] parts, int index, int? parentID)
    var q = table
        .Where(r => 
             r.Code == parts[index] && 
             (r.ParentID.HasValue ? r.ParentID == parentID : parentID == null))
    return index < parts.Length - 1 ? table.GetNode(parts, index + 1, q.ID) : q;

You can use like this:


using (var context = new TestDBEntities())
    var path = "foo/bar/baz";
    var q = context.TestTrees.GetNode(path.Split('/'), 0, null);
    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", q.ID, q.ParentID, q.Code);

This will execute one DB query for each path part, so if you want the DB to only be queried once, use this instead:


using (var context = new TestDBEntities())
    var path = "foo/bar/baz";
    var q = context.TestTrees
        .GetNode(path.Split('/'), 0, null);
    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", q.ID, q.ParentID, q.Code);

An obvious optimization is to exclude the codes not present in our path before traversing:


using (var context = new TestDBEntities())
    var path = "foo/bar/baz";
    var parts = path.Split('/');
    var q = context
        .Where(r => parts.Any(p => p == r.Code))
        .GetNode(parts, 0, null);
    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", q.ID, q.ParentID, q.Code);

This query should be fast enough unless most of your entities have similar codes. However, if you absolutely need top performance, you could use raw queries.


SQL Server Raw Query

SQL Server原始查询

For SQL Server a CTE-based query would probably be best:

对于SQL Server,基于cte的查询可能是最好的:

using (var context = new TestDBEntities())
    var path = "foo/bar/baz";
    var q = context.Database.SqlQuery<TestTree>(@"
        WITH Tree(ID, ParentID, Code, TreePath) AS
            SELECT ID, ParentID, Code, CAST(Code AS nvarchar(512)) AS TreePath
            FROM dbo.TestTree
            WHERE ParentID IS NULL

            UNION ALL

            SELECT TestTree.ID, TestTree.ParentID, TestTree.Code, CAST(TreePath + '/' + TestTree.Code AS nvarchar(512))
            FROM dbo.TestTree
            INNER JOIN Tree ON Tree.ID = TestTree.ParentID
        SELECT * FROM Tree WHERE TreePath = @path", new SqlParameter("path", path)).Single();
    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", q.ID, q.ParentID, q.Code);

Limiting data by the root node is easy and might be quite useful performance-wise:


using (var context = new TestDBEntities())
    var path = "foo/bar/baz";
    var q = context.Database.SqlQuery<TestTree>(@"
        WITH Tree(ID, ParentID, Code, TreePath) AS
            SELECT ID, ParentID, Code, CAST(Code AS nvarchar(512)) AS TreePath
            FROM dbo.TestTree
            WHERE ParentID IS NULL AND Code = @parentCode

            UNION ALL

            SELECT TestTree.ID, TestTree.ParentID, TestTree.Code, CAST(TreePath + '/' + TestTree.Code AS nvarchar(512))
            FROM dbo.TestTree
            INNER JOIN Tree ON Tree.ID = TestTree.ParentID
        SELECT * FROM Tree WHERE TreePath = @path", 
            new SqlParameter("path", path),
            new SqlParameter("parentCode", path.Split('/')[0]))
    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", q.ID, q.ParentID, q.Code);



All of this was tested with .NET 4.5, EF 5, SQL Server 2012. Data setup script:

所有这些都测试了。net 4.5, EF 5, SQL Server 2012。数据设置脚本:

    ID int not null IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY,
    ParentID int null REFERENCES dbo.TestTree (ID),
    Code nvarchar(100)

INSERT dbo.TestTree (ParentID, Code) VALUES (null, 'foo')
INSERT dbo.TestTree (ParentID, Code) VALUES (1, 'bar')
INSERT dbo.TestTree (ParentID, Code) VALUES (2, 'baz')
INSERT dbo.TestTree (ParentID, Code) VALUES (null, 'bla')
INSERT dbo.TestTree (ParentID, Code) VALUES (1, 'blu')
INSERT dbo.TestTree (ParentID, Code) VALUES (2, 'blo')
INSERT dbo.TestTree (ParentID, Code) VALUES (null, 'baz')
INSERT dbo.TestTree (ParentID, Code) VALUES (1, 'foo')
INSERT dbo.TestTree (ParentID, Code) VALUES (2, 'bar')

All examples in my test returned the 'baz' entity with ID 3. It's assumed that the entity actually exists. Error handling is out of scope of this post.




To address @Bazzz's comment, the data with paths is shown below. Code is unique by level, not globally.


ID   ParentID    Code      TreePath
---- ----------- --------- -------------------
1    NULL        foo       foo
4    NULL        bla       bla
7    NULL        baz       baz
2    1           bar       foo/bar
5    1           blu       foo/blu
8    1           foo       foo/foo
3    2           baz       foo/bar/baz
6    2           blo       foo/bar/blo
9    2           bar       foo/bar/bar



The trick is to do it the other way around, and build up the following query:


from entity in dataContext.Entities
where entity.Code == "baz"
where entity.Parent.Code == "bar"
where entity.Parent.Parent.Code == "foo"
where entity.Parent.Parent.ParentID == 0
select entity;

A bit naive (hard coded) solution would be like this:


var pathParts = path.Split('/').ToList();

var entities = 
    from entity in dataContext.Entities 
    select entity;


for (int index = 0; index < pathParts.Count+ index++)
    string pathPart = pathParts[index];

    switch (index)
        case 0:
            entities = entities.Where(
                entity.Code == pathPart);
        case 1:
            entities = entities.Where(
                entity.Parent.Code == pathPart);
        case 2:
            entities = entities.Where(entity.Parent.Parent.Code == pathPart);
        case 3:
            entities = entities.Where(
                entity.Parent.Parent.Parent.Code == pathPart);
            throw new NotSupportedException();

Doing this dynamically by building expression trees isn't trivial, but can be done by looking closely at what the C# compiler generates (using ILDasm or Reflector for instance). Here is an example:


private static Entity GetEntityByPath(DataContext dataContext, string path)
    List<string> pathParts = path.Split(new char[] { '/' }).ToList<string>();

    var entities =
        from entity in dataContext.Entities
        select entity;

    // Build up a template expression that will be used to create the real expressions with.
    Expression<Func<Entity, bool>> templateExpression = entity => entity.Code == "dummy";
    var equals = (BinaryExpression)templateExpression.Body;
    var property = (MemberExpression)equals.Left;

    ParameterExpression entityParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Entity), "entity");

    for (int index = 0; index < pathParts.Count; index++)
        string pathPart = pathParts[index];

        var entityFilterExpression =
            Expression.Lambda<Func<Entity, bool>>(
                        BuildParentPropertiesExpression(index, entityParameter),

        entities = entities.Where<Entity>(entityFilterExpression);

        // TODO: The entity.Parent.Parent.ParentID == 0 part is missing here.

    return entities.Single<Entity>();

private static Expression BuildParentPropertiesExpression(int numberOfParents, ParameterExpression entityParameter)
    if (numberOfParents == 0)
        return entityParameter;

    var getParentMethod = typeof(Entity).GetProperty("Parent").GetGetMethod();

    var property = Expression.Property(entityParameter, getParentMethod);

    for (int count = 2; count <= numberOfParents; count++)
        property = Expression.Property(property, getParentMethod);

    return property;



You need a recursive function instead of your loop. Something like this should do the job:


public EntityTable Single(string path)
    List<string> pathParts = path.Split('/').ToList();
    string code = pathParts.Last();

    var entities = dataContext.EntityTables.Where(e => e.Code == code);

    pathParts.RemoveAt(pathParts.Count - 1);
    return GetRecursively(entities, pathParts);

private EntityTable GetRecursively(IQueryable<EntityTable> entity, List<string> pathParts)
    if (!(entity == null || pathParts.Count == 0))
        string code = pathParts.Last();

        if (pathParts.Count == 1)
            return entity.Where(x => x.EntityTable1.Code == code && x.ParentId == x.Id).FirstOrDefault();
            pathParts.RemoveAt(pathParts.Count - 1);

            return this.GetRecursively(entity.Where(x => x.EntityTable1.Code == code), pathParts);
        return null;

As you see, I am just returning the ultimate parent node. If you wanted to get a list of all EntityTable objects then I would make the recursive method to return a List of Ids of found nodes, and at the end - in the Single(...) method - run a simple LINQ query to get your IQueryable object using this list of IDs.


Edit: I tried to do your task but I think that there is a fundamental problem: there are cases when you are not able to identify a single path. For example, you have two pathes "foo/bar/baz" and "foo/bar/baz/bak" where "baz" entities are different. If you'll be seeking path "foo/bar/baz" then you'll always find two matching pathes (one would be partial of the four-entity path). Although you can get your "baz" entity correctly, but this is too confusing and I would just redesign this: either put a unique constraint so that each entity can only be used once, or store full path in the "Code" column.




How to formulate an IQueryable to query a recursive database table? I'd like it to be one IQueryable so there will be just 1 query going to the database.


I don't think traversing an hierarchical table using a single translated query is currently possible with Entity Framework. The reason is you'll need to implement either a loop or recursion and to my best knowledge neither can be translated into an EF object store query.




@Bazzz and @Steven got me thinking and I have to admit I was completely wrong: it is possible and quite easy to construct an IQueryable for these requirements dynamically.


The following function can be called recursively to build up the query:


public static IQueryable<TestTree> Traverse(this IQueryable<TestTree> source, IQueryable<TestTree> table, LinkedList<string> parts)
    var code = parts.First.Value;
    var query = source.SelectMany(r1 => table.Where(r2 => r2.Code == code && r2.ParentID == r1.ID), (r1, r2) => r2);
    if (parts.Count == 1)
        return query;
    return query.Traverse(table, parts);

The root query is a special case; here's a working example of calling Traverse:


using (var context = new TestDBEntities())
    var path = "foo/bar/baz";
    var parts = new LinkedList<string>(path.Split('/'));
    var table = context.TestTrees;

    var code = parts.First.Value;
    var root = table.Where(r1 => r1.Code == code && !r1.ParentID.HasValue);

    foreach (var q in root.Traverse(table, parts))
        Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", q.ID, q.ParentID, q.Code);

The DB is queried only once with this generated code:


exec sp_executesql N'SELECT 
[Extent3].[ID] AS [ID], 
[Extent3].[ParentID] AS [ParentID], 
[Extent3].[Code] AS [Code]
FROM   [dbo].[TestTree] AS [Extent1]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[TestTree] AS [Extent2] ON ([Extent2].[Code] = @p__linq__1) AND ([Extent2].[ParentID] = [Extent1].[ID])
INNER JOIN [dbo].[TestTree] AS [Extent3] ON ([Extent3].[Code] = @p__linq__2) AND ([Extent3].[ParentID] = [Extent2].[ID])
WHERE ([Extent1].[Code] = @p__linq__0) AND ([Extent1].[ParentID] IS NULL)',N'@p__linq__1 nvarchar(4000),@p__linq__2 nvarchar(4000),@p__linq__0 nvarchar(4000)',@p__linq__1=N'bar',@p__linq__2=N'baz',@p__linq__0=N'foo'

And while I like the execution plan of the raw query (see below) a bit better, the approach is valid and perhaps useful.




Using IEnumerable


The idea is to grab the relevant data from the table in one go and then do the traversing in the application using LINQ to Objects.


Here's a recursive function that will get a node from a sequence:


static TestTree GetNode(this IEnumerable<TestTree> table, string[] parts, int index, int? parentID)
    var q = table
        .Where(r => 
             r.Code == parts[index] && 
             (r.ParentID.HasValue ? r.ParentID == parentID : parentID == null))
    return index < parts.Length - 1 ? table.GetNode(parts, index + 1, q.ID) : q;

You can use like this:


using (var context = new TestDBEntities())
    var path = "foo/bar/baz";
    var q = context.TestTrees.GetNode(path.Split('/'), 0, null);
    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", q.ID, q.ParentID, q.Code);

This will execute one DB query for each path part, so if you want the DB to only be queried once, use this instead:


using (var context = new TestDBEntities())
    var path = "foo/bar/baz";
    var q = context.TestTrees
        .GetNode(path.Split('/'), 0, null);
    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", q.ID, q.ParentID, q.Code);

An obvious optimization is to exclude the codes not present in our path before traversing:


using (var context = new TestDBEntities())
    var path = "foo/bar/baz";
    var parts = path.Split('/');
    var q = context
        .Where(r => parts.Any(p => p == r.Code))
        .GetNode(parts, 0, null);
    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", q.ID, q.ParentID, q.Code);

This query should be fast enough unless most of your entities have similar codes. However, if you absolutely need top performance, you could use raw queries.


SQL Server Raw Query

SQL Server原始查询

For SQL Server a CTE-based query would probably be best:

对于SQL Server,基于cte的查询可能是最好的:

using (var context = new TestDBEntities())
    var path = "foo/bar/baz";
    var q = context.Database.SqlQuery<TestTree>(@"
        WITH Tree(ID, ParentID, Code, TreePath) AS
            SELECT ID, ParentID, Code, CAST(Code AS nvarchar(512)) AS TreePath
            FROM dbo.TestTree
            WHERE ParentID IS NULL

            UNION ALL

            SELECT TestTree.ID, TestTree.ParentID, TestTree.Code, CAST(TreePath + '/' + TestTree.Code AS nvarchar(512))
            FROM dbo.TestTree
            INNER JOIN Tree ON Tree.ID = TestTree.ParentID
        SELECT * FROM Tree WHERE TreePath = @path", new SqlParameter("path", path)).Single();
    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", q.ID, q.ParentID, q.Code);

Limiting data by the root node is easy and might be quite useful performance-wise:


using (var context = new TestDBEntities())
    var path = "foo/bar/baz";
    var q = context.Database.SqlQuery<TestTree>(@"
        WITH Tree(ID, ParentID, Code, TreePath) AS
            SELECT ID, ParentID, Code, CAST(Code AS nvarchar(512)) AS TreePath
            FROM dbo.TestTree
            WHERE ParentID IS NULL AND Code = @parentCode

            UNION ALL

            SELECT TestTree.ID, TestTree.ParentID, TestTree.Code, CAST(TreePath + '/' + TestTree.Code AS nvarchar(512))
            FROM dbo.TestTree
            INNER JOIN Tree ON Tree.ID = TestTree.ParentID
        SELECT * FROM Tree WHERE TreePath = @path", 
            new SqlParameter("path", path),
            new SqlParameter("parentCode", path.Split('/')[0]))
    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", q.ID, q.ParentID, q.Code);



All of this was tested with .NET 4.5, EF 5, SQL Server 2012. Data setup script:

所有这些都测试了。net 4.5, EF 5, SQL Server 2012。数据设置脚本:

    ID int not null IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY,
    ParentID int null REFERENCES dbo.TestTree (ID),
    Code nvarchar(100)

INSERT dbo.TestTree (ParentID, Code) VALUES (null, 'foo')
INSERT dbo.TestTree (ParentID, Code) VALUES (1, 'bar')
INSERT dbo.TestTree (ParentID, Code) VALUES (2, 'baz')
INSERT dbo.TestTree (ParentID, Code) VALUES (null, 'bla')
INSERT dbo.TestTree (ParentID, Code) VALUES (1, 'blu')
INSERT dbo.TestTree (ParentID, Code) VALUES (2, 'blo')
INSERT dbo.TestTree (ParentID, Code) VALUES (null, 'baz')
INSERT dbo.TestTree (ParentID, Code) VALUES (1, 'foo')
INSERT dbo.TestTree (ParentID, Code) VALUES (2, 'bar')

All examples in my test returned the 'baz' entity with ID 3. It's assumed that the entity actually exists. Error handling is out of scope of this post.




To address @Bazzz's comment, the data with paths is shown below. Code is unique by level, not globally.


ID   ParentID    Code      TreePath
---- ----------- --------- -------------------
1    NULL        foo       foo
4    NULL        bla       bla
7    NULL        baz       baz
2    1           bar       foo/bar
5    1           blu       foo/blu
8    1           foo       foo/foo
3    2           baz       foo/bar/baz
6    2           blo       foo/bar/blo
9    2           bar       foo/bar/bar



The trick is to do it the other way around, and build up the following query:


from entity in dataContext.Entities
where entity.Code == "baz"
where entity.Parent.Code == "bar"
where entity.Parent.Parent.Code == "foo"
where entity.Parent.Parent.ParentID == 0
select entity;

A bit naive (hard coded) solution would be like this:


var pathParts = path.Split('/').ToList();

var entities = 
    from entity in dataContext.Entities 
    select entity;


for (int index = 0; index < pathParts.Count+ index++)
    string pathPart = pathParts[index];

    switch (index)
        case 0:
            entities = entities.Where(
                entity.Code == pathPart);
        case 1:
            entities = entities.Where(
                entity.Parent.Code == pathPart);
        case 2:
            entities = entities.Where(entity.Parent.Parent.Code == pathPart);
        case 3:
            entities = entities.Where(
                entity.Parent.Parent.Parent.Code == pathPart);
            throw new NotSupportedException();

Doing this dynamically by building expression trees isn't trivial, but can be done by looking closely at what the C# compiler generates (using ILDasm or Reflector for instance). Here is an example:


private static Entity GetEntityByPath(DataContext dataContext, string path)
    List<string> pathParts = path.Split(new char[] { '/' }).ToList<string>();

    var entities =
        from entity in dataContext.Entities
        select entity;

    // Build up a template expression that will be used to create the real expressions with.
    Expression<Func<Entity, bool>> templateExpression = entity => entity.Code == "dummy";
    var equals = (BinaryExpression)templateExpression.Body;
    var property = (MemberExpression)equals.Left;

    ParameterExpression entityParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Entity), "entity");

    for (int index = 0; index < pathParts.Count; index++)
        string pathPart = pathParts[index];

        var entityFilterExpression =
            Expression.Lambda<Func<Entity, bool>>(
                        BuildParentPropertiesExpression(index, entityParameter),

        entities = entities.Where<Entity>(entityFilterExpression);

        // TODO: The entity.Parent.Parent.ParentID == 0 part is missing here.

    return entities.Single<Entity>();

private static Expression BuildParentPropertiesExpression(int numberOfParents, ParameterExpression entityParameter)
    if (numberOfParents == 0)
        return entityParameter;

    var getParentMethod = typeof(Entity).GetProperty("Parent").GetGetMethod();

    var property = Expression.Property(entityParameter, getParentMethod);

    for (int count = 2; count <= numberOfParents; count++)
        property = Expression.Property(property, getParentMethod);

    return property;



You need a recursive function instead of your loop. Something like this should do the job:


public EntityTable Single(string path)
    List<string> pathParts = path.Split('/').ToList();
    string code = pathParts.Last();

    var entities = dataContext.EntityTables.Where(e => e.Code == code);

    pathParts.RemoveAt(pathParts.Count - 1);
    return GetRecursively(entities, pathParts);

private EntityTable GetRecursively(IQueryable<EntityTable> entity, List<string> pathParts)
    if (!(entity == null || pathParts.Count == 0))
        string code = pathParts.Last();

        if (pathParts.Count == 1)
            return entity.Where(x => x.EntityTable1.Code == code && x.ParentId == x.Id).FirstOrDefault();
            pathParts.RemoveAt(pathParts.Count - 1);

            return this.GetRecursively(entity.Where(x => x.EntityTable1.Code == code), pathParts);
        return null;

As you see, I am just returning the ultimate parent node. If you wanted to get a list of all EntityTable objects then I would make the recursive method to return a List of Ids of found nodes, and at the end - in the Single(...) method - run a simple LINQ query to get your IQueryable object using this list of IDs.


Edit: I tried to do your task but I think that there is a fundamental problem: there are cases when you are not able to identify a single path. For example, you have two pathes "foo/bar/baz" and "foo/bar/baz/bak" where "baz" entities are different. If you'll be seeking path "foo/bar/baz" then you'll always find two matching pathes (one would be partial of the four-entity path). Although you can get your "baz" entity correctly, but this is too confusing and I would just redesign this: either put a unique constraint so that each entity can only be used once, or store full path in the "Code" column.
