oData v4(6.1.0)在$expand中嵌套了$filter

时间:2022-12-27 02:13:50

I have an asp.net 4.5 Web Api oData v4 service that is working really well but I have encountered a problem today with nested $filters in $expand.

我有一个asp.net 4.5 Web Api oData v4服务,它运行得非常好,但是我今天遇到了$expand中嵌套的$filter的问题。

It says here


that OData V4 supports nested filters in $expand. The request below return People and all their trips with Name "Trip in US".

OData V4支持$expand中的嵌套过滤器。下面的请求返回了人们和他们的所有旅行,名字为“我们在美国旅行”。

GET serviceRoot/People?$expand=Trips($filter=Name eq 'Trip in US')

得到serviceRoot /人?$expand=Trips($filter=Name eq 'Trip in US')

and it shows a nice example of data that does just that.


There is also a coded example in the Web API for oData v4 Docs here

这里还有一个oData v4文档的Web API编码示例

I have an HTTP call like this:



which returns a list of Languages with their expanded translations and I can filter that top-level list down with this:


serviceRoot/Languages?$expand=translations&$filter=isoLanguageShortName eq 'en'

However, I can't filter the expanded translations with this:


serviceRoot/Languages?$expand=translations($filter=languageName eq 'English')

That call seems to be the same as the one in the quote above and the effect should be same on my data as theirs.


Does anyone know where am I going wrong? Do I need to set something in my ASP.NET code for this to work (like we need to add MaxExpansionDepth to EnableQueryAttribute for querying deeper than two levels)?


1 个解决方案



It is a versioning problem. The support for has been added with version 5.5. I tested the sample with v5.5.1 and it is actually working.


As @lukkea confirmed he was using 5.4.0.


(Version 6.1.0 indicated in the title corresponds to odata core libraries which is a dependency of odata web api library Microsoft.AspNet.OData)

(标题中显示的版本6.1.0对应于odata core库,它是odata web api库Microsoft.AspNet.OData的一个依赖项)



It is a versioning problem. The support for has been added with version 5.5. I tested the sample with v5.5.1 and it is actually working.


As @lukkea confirmed he was using 5.4.0.


(Version 6.1.0 indicated in the title corresponds to odata core libraries which is a dependency of odata web api library Microsoft.AspNet.OData)

(标题中显示的版本6.1.0对应于odata core库,它是odata web api库Microsoft.AspNet.OData的一个依赖项)